SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Vesper said that VT1 is great cos Akuma gets access to Raging Demon.
I still don’t see how Demon is that much of a factor, cos you need meter for it (which means that you did not use EX DF for more than a round) and you also need VT which means that if the opponent does not get hit by it, you are dead and lost all your meter.
Risk/reward is completely fine.

This is the most fair raging demon he’s ever had. Need 2 separate resources active and CA full just to activate it. It’s just combined with his other tools it is technically a problem.

Hes had fireball vtc way too long for that to go anywhere so that’s probably staying also. Akuma is a necessary evil though as the other shotos are just too honest ATM

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We’re just theory talking about the balance changes we want

We already know it’s not what we’re gonna get

Some of the top tiers will get nerfed to the ground for sure, they’re gonna overdo it

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Yeah I generally find it a waste to talk about stuff that won’t happen. Unless you’re going to make a mod that no one will play any way it’s wasted effort.

Although I will theorize that top 5 will stay strong. Don’t see any of them going down more than to like top 10 to 13 at worst. Theyre just too versatile and have been given either solid buffs or the tiniest paper cut nerfs over the last 2 years. Probably not changing now. Laura is the last character I can remember that got legit overnerfed but nobody likes to fight her any way

I don’t see the top 5 getting big nerfs on S4.
If anything, Cammy will be getting buffed.

Maybe they will change a small thing here and there on Guile, Akuma, Ibuki and Menat, but I doubt that they will be getting hit hard.
Now, the bottom tiers will either get further nerfs or irrelevant, situational buffs.


Akuma’s VT1 is great due to his silly activations (whiffed fireball? Really?), the momentum it gaves him and the hard knock down from his dp. The fact that he can set you up with a better version of Gief’s CA is just a “bonus” although pretty silly.
@DevilJin_01 I haven’t played the other SFs as much as V, did he had 50/50 demon set ups in those games as well?

It is 50/50 (or less if you have a reversal), but he loses life and meter if you guess right.
I don’t see any issue with that. You worded it like Akuma is winning every 2nd or 3rd game with it and that is just not the case.

I mean, it’s basically the same as gief’CA except for:

  1. the fact that Akuma needs to be in VT
  2. the fact that he already has a CA
  3. Gief doesn’t have have nearly as half the tools to set up a 50/50 situation to land it while with Akuma even deciding to block his overhead might lead to eating a demon.
    People might not use it a lot (and why would they when the character is already really strong and with more reliable tools at his disposal?) but it’s still there reminding everyone that Akuma gets everything and most of the cast don’t get shit.

Got an online tournament tonight.
Maybe I will be able to apply and train the stuff I discussed on the last coaching session like the distance I must stay on and the type of lame pressure I should be applying… because my opponents will be less likely to keep jumping non-stop like the ones I fought on ranked yesterday night.

Akuma always had it. But ok, remove the Demon as well.
And it is not the same, Akuma cannot combo into his (he can only do it after CC).

remove akuma


I just finished playing Call of Cthulhu , and i’ve seen some pretty messed up stuff.

But this…nothing prepared me for this.


Interview with the SF2 devs.

At the end where they give a short CV for everyone they mention that one of them used to work on Monster Hunter and it now helping out with ‘motions’ in SFV Season 4.

Maybe some step up for the animation quality? Sagat was fine but every other S3 character has a lot of wonky looking stuff so it’d be cool to re-establish a decent standard again.


Or maybe they just got an expert to make Rose’s bosom move realistically.

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Yeah the s3 characters really took a dump in animation quality.

Like outside of the usual Abigail bias I have, compare Abigail to Falke. Abigail is just so alive in everything he does, in every little circumstance. And falke, well she’s falke.


There’s no issue with most of Season 3’s animations, aside from Sakura and Falke being purposefully stiff it’s still top quality.

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I’d rather give more shit to the other characters than remove tools from him , I never understanded why he’s supposed to have more than other characters

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u see he dies 1 jab faster therefore he must have the most tools and options

p;lease understand

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He is running on 90s Edgelord powah. Also why E. Ryu is so much better than Ryu.

And why Sunburned Sakura will be the scourge of S5.

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That is his archetype. A lot of tools, smaller stun/health than other characters.
On top of that, he has a reversal that is more punishable then regular EX DPs.
And 25 damage buff is effectively 26 damage difference, if I am not mistaken. Don’t forget that crucial 1%.