SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I know very well better than to believe any of you self depricating motherfuckers. :wink:

One of the things I love about FGs is that it is all on a sliding scale. Like before I had a forced break I was playing Gold players and I felt like a wizard with how badly I was beating them.

Then I play Will tonight and he beats me like Shannon Larkinā€™s drum set.

And there are people that would make him a catcher, and so on and so on until you get to the tippity top and then itā€™s just a rodeo of everyone kicking each otherā€™s asses. Always something new to improve on and learn from.

Now Iā€™m gonna sleep and hope the few sort of lessons I started to put together congeal in my head. Or Iā€™ll have nightmares about getting Thunder Kicked forever and never blocking it.

Oh god wait that wasnā€™t a dream :scream:


Oh yeah

SFV is a thing

keep forgetting

You blocked it twice tho

And CH me out of it even more than that

I wasnā€™t getting away with it completely freely XP

Thanks Dime. Iā€™ll work on that.

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Tokido even said during early S2 that he preferred if Akuma got stronger tools instead of getting a health buff. Instead they kept his tools mostly the same (which was good on Capcomā€™s part, he didnā€™t need BETTER tools) while giving him slightly better health. Which with this gameā€™s guts scaling for his archetype the 25 actually was pretty important.

I agree with shinbojan in that I donā€™t think it makes sense to attack his health as he isnā€™t by and far way better than any of the other top 5 and he has some struggle vs characters that are low and even mid tier. I donā€™t personally have any real balance suggestions for S4 as Iā€™m hearing too many rumors about wild game changes for me to say. Do I think those rumors will lead to a ton of truth? Not necessarily but thereā€™s clues that kinda point to the fact that the game could change big enough that any general suggestions would just be kinda out there. Sure itā€™s obvious that Sagat needs faster buttons with better hit boxes, but past other than super obvious stuff like that for lower tier characters Iā€™m not ready to call stuff on a game that might change.

Rather just see what Iā€™m looking at for a few months after S4 to make a better judgement.

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What do you do for warm up, you mean just play casuals?

15-20 minutes in training mode, hit confirms mostly. Then casuals for at least half hour when I arrive

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Akumaā€™s health was reduced to 875 probably in response to that twitter meme where everyone had to figure out how to kill akuma in a single reset.

That rumor of every character getting an attack and evade v reversal may just really hurt fireball characters in general.

And as usual it will not affect the only real fireball character, Guile.

I saw tokido do a blocked sweep into raging demon on cj truth, is that inescapable?

It was technically blocked sweep, VTC into dash demon. So really what CJ got hit by was dash up demon. Which is like a frame one command grab and inescapable if you donā€™t jump before the screen freezes.

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Iā€™m going to my first tourney in years this Saturday, old man coming out of retirement for one last shot. The Expendables.

I have PC though, itā€™s prolly gona fuck me for PS set ups. Might have to Nick the PS back off the boy.


To think that when I complained about Akuma getting Zangiefā€™s CA during VT1 people were like ā€œitā€™s fine, I rarely get hit by itā€. As if thereā€™s nothing wrong with him turning into a grappler

Iā€™m one of the few people that think Akuma is ok. I agree with mocha though, Iā€™d remove the check mate when he cancels a FB into v trigger.

Maybe nerf his meter build. Thats always a good nerf that doesnā€™t drastically change much.

I donā€™t care about FB into VT being nerfed. Better than health nerf for sure.
Not sure about the meter build nerf. Is there anything that builds too much meter for him? I play him, so I donā€™t notice it :slight_smile: .
As for the meter build, would it make more sense to increase fireball chip damage and meter build on block/hit universally? That would make fireballs a bit better.

Will it be streamed anywhere?
And are you playing Ryu or Sagat?

Sagat all the way, not touching Ryu again. If itā€™s streamed Iā€™ll let you guys know.


Iā€™m not in favour of universal buffs myself. The top tier undoubtedly get buffed which makes the buff usually irrelevant.

Case by case I think is the way to go.

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Thatā€™s what it does in every game so thatā€™s nothing new, just more of a problem since this is one of the games he is top tier in. Most Akuma players burn way too much meter to make it a real factor any ways. If youā€™re fighting Tokido he might whore his meter for it but generally Akumas want to burn yellow stuff first.