SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

EX DF sweep nerf would only help bad players (good ones CC it).
Does not affect matchups anyway. So yeah, why not.
I also don’t mind the corner throw nerf, if they do the same for Ibuki and Cammy.

Once you get good you’ll realize you get a lot of time to tech throws. Comparatively any way.


Based on my experiences, it just takes a lot of trial and error. You just start to see things that you were unable to see beforehand. It also comes down to reading your opponent’s patterns. Teching can be pretty tricky at times. There were times when I’d be trying too hard to tech everything and then I realized that this wasn’t always necessary. It’s always going to have a risk attached to it.

Like, thinking about teching as I’m typing this seems hella difficult, but in-game, I feel a lot more comfortable defending against throws. I had to change my entire approach to throws after playing yrs of SF4. I did the same when I started playing Third Strike yrs back.

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Falke can EX PP demon flip sweep on reaction pretty easily so not much of an issue for her unless she’s out of meter.

People usually CC me out of it, so it would be a buff for me, as I would not use it that much.
If you nerf Akuma’s health, it would be even riskier to EX DP as it can be baited by a jump and punished by neutral jump combo. Risk/reward is just not there (unless you have VT).

I guess you’re right. I just watched my replay of a match where I was sure I teched a bunch of throws and I either teched them when I was still in block stun from the tick before, or like 16 frames after the opponent’s throw command, lol.

Wasn’t Akuma’s health 875 initially? When did it got buffed?

S2.5 If I recall correctly

Nerf akumas fireball into “i dont need to be held accountable at all for this decision that you cant play around and now i win neutral” v trigger


I know I’m new to sfv and vtriggers etc. but I have to ask, I’ve seen many people say stuff like “his/her vtrigger is too strong” etc. But I still don’t understand this clearly, for example akumas vtrigger, isn’t that just like a combo extender or to make something safe on block? What way does vtriggers change a match if all characters have this?

Throws are easier to tech or atleast defend against in this game than any other SF game… for a myriad of reasons.

First thing you need to learn to do is delay tech.

Go into training mode and record zeku doing dash up cr.lp>throw.
Then record on the next slot, him doing dash up, cr.lp>st.mp.

Now practice seeing the dash, then knowing the cr.lp will come and teching late enough that you tech the throw, but also block the st.mp. That’s a delayed tech. Once you learn it, defense in sf5 becomes much easier and you will start to force people to shimmy you and use staggers to open you up.

But basically at a lower level where no one shimmies, you should be delay teching everytime because they don’t know how to stop it and there frame traps will be too fast.


When people thought he sucked.

I agree with Vesper about the health nerf. It’s thematically appropriate too.

-Boot Up Rank after work
-Just wanna get some games and get some wins
-First match is a master Abigail

Hahahahaha I love SFV for PS4 by Capcom. Ono thank you gonna buy season pass 4 and 5!


I cant play sf after work, all my mental energy is too drained by then. Food for thought


I love the taste of Ono’s abusive peepee I can’t stop my guy.

Welp, ive experienced losing streaks against a slew of morans i shouldnt have been losing to. Other day i lost almost 2k points trying to play through my derped out exhaustion. Yes, your ability to think clearly and concisely gets fucked that hard

Maybe your dilemna is an easy fix. Know when youre fit to play and when youre not. Imma huge believer in the importance of good breakfast, exercise, and a 30-40 min warmup before tournament. Same applies to when youre just trying to up your game too


@Akhos GGs man. I have a long way to go. :smile:

Your movement and corner pressure with Ken are really nasty. Pretty much every time I ended up in the corner I died. Unless you get a raging Ed boner in S4 I’d stick with Ken; the mobility and counter poking seems to suit you well.


See Will is good, don’t believe his lies.


I can still call myself the worst player here after that right

Yeah I just like Ken’s reward better. All his normals cover pretty much the exact same space and exact same range as Ed, just Ken can convert almost everything into a knockdown into some kind of pressure even midscreen. Ed can fight in neutral but doesn’t really get anything for his trouble unless the opponent jumps or he gets a random crush counter. Plus Ken’s better at punishing (though, my muscle memory is still wack in that regard right now)

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Will confirmed to be the best worst player.

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