SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Yeah, you guys can’t silently bash my posts for no reason anymore


Also too late Capcom

Now that’s that spirit we were talking about

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yeah…things change, what can you do then to go with time… :coffee:

ed-shakingfistdevilisthatyou? let it stay :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I think the Jill Cammy costume is the laziest. Unless the costume code changes her hairstyle.

Hmmmm…Abigail=Nemesis, Birkin=Cody (Pipe connection and all) are my guesses.

It’s 34% off (In Canada) from the base game, and 25% off the deluxe edition

@GetTheTables Where you at

Gimmie like 15 mins to grub on dinner then I’ll be ready to roll :+1:

“(Cammy’s) outfit is inspired by Jill’s appearance in the original Resident Evil, but using the alternate code will dress Cammy in Jill’s outfit from Resident Evil 3.”

“Kolin’s costume is inspired by Ada’s appearance in Resident Evil 6 with the alternate costume coming from Resident Evil 2.”


hehehehehehe fuck this place

I love SFV



@TWINBLADES I saw that shit. No amount of blurring can hide your shame.

@Akhos I am now full of chicken. Invite away.

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What’s your CFN again

Same as forum handle.

I’ve tried to unify my online brand over time. :sunglasses:


Vesper’s video on Akuma is stupid.
He said that Capcom should lower his health to 875 so that more people pick Ryu and Ken instead.
That other guy said that EX DF sweep is unseeable mixup and should be nerfed because of that.

i play winner

Vespser is usually decent at analyzing MU stuff but he can still be a scrub about hot button issues.

I swear this Weeken I’m gonna get to 21000 this weekend than shelf the game and hop back on the Cali. Pray for me.

He said EX Demon Flip sweep should be -2 on block.

Why the fuck are throws so hard to tech? It’s like you have to press the throw command at the exact same time. There’s barely any leniancy