SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Yeah but you can’t be telling us zeku sucks when you’re all playing old dude 70% of the round.

Sanford telling everyone he’s the best old zeku in the world meanwhile angry bird out there recking dudes with young zeku.


When I tell people zeku sucks it’s because of:

  1. Having to transition to young stance
  2. Based around the perceived strength of young zeku.
  3. Stance shift is way to slow

I don’t even count old guy in my estimates because if I did I’d have zeku at or near dead bottom. Young dude is what makes zeku mid imho. And that’s what makes the old man fun… trying to find out ways to make him more midtier of just better in general. But if I’m going to play a no range all in your face bruiser… I’d use Laura or someone with a command grab or reversal or armor move…

Y Zeku plays the meta

O Zeku not so much.

together though :brain:

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I’m not questioning anyones motivations. I played one of the worst characters in the game for 3 seasons.

I’m saying that most zeku players Ive played are not optimising the character anywhere near his potential ( which still might only be mid tier).

He’s a pretty complex character. Hopefully he gets better , cause I cbf putting up with Sanford’s bitching about Sagat for another season lol.

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Yeah, well I hear that. No one is playing him anywhere near what his upper limit potential is… and who knows if anyone ever will. He’s more complex than 4 characters put together because of all his various KD timings and weirdo meaty setups. I’m like, he’s perfectstrength and balancing IF his switch were the speed of gens. But with it being as slow as it is, his ranged stance is too weak and his close stance is as well.

But here’s a fresh off the presses look at how a REAL no fireball upclose character should play. Against the best online youngin in the world. The young ones weakness to pressure and the air shows pretty badly in this.

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Actually @TWINBLADES how about this

Friday 6pm est, you and me, FT10, so you can see that you actually are a good player and you need to stop attacking yourself. Didn’t help me and doesn’t help you

Maybe @Frost can stream it or something


^ True Power

Our first playground fight. Had to happen sooner or later.

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I would challenge the loser of that match to determine who is the worst SFV player here for real, but they would win and claim they only won because of lag.

I guess I will just get better than both of them for real instead.

We need western theme DLC costumes…

G would be the perfect bounty hunter

I’ve been playin too much RDR2

InB4 Will reaches Ultimate Grandmaster in less than 500 games.

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If you guys are serious about fighting to see who is actually the worst, you need to think if you actually want to be crowned as the worst here?

I wouldn’t, and not because of what of you guys think, but I see that title more as a de-motivator… I know I’m shit, and that alone is enough to push me to get better. I don’t need a title declaring I’m the worst. I honestly think that would make me content with my shittyness.

… But I’d still like to see an FT10 between Will and Twin.

Wait… wtf? Who did he work for? Professor X?


I feel like if old man ART really traveled and competed hardcore. He’d probably have people looking at sim a bit different.

SIM is such a weird case in SF5, depending on how things change next season he might end up much better.

Yeah your neutral isn’t bad just in a basic sense, but almost every match I watched you lose was you losing to the numbers. You gotta have basic familiarity with what you’re blocking and dealing with on oki or you’ll get the whole match turned around on you unnecessarily.

I would say Zeku is probably better to stick with since using him as 2 characters he does cover a lot of the tools and situations that you deal with in this game. Both forms are pretty oki based so you can learn a lot about successfully dealing with oki wake ups using them. Just gotta remember to switch to Young Zeku to actually win your matches and generally if you smell any blood about the opponent at all. He’s the guy you close the matches out with due to his better frame traps and Chun Li level walk speed.


As Highland said, if you want to use Old most of the time you don’t have to complain about his weaknesses, we all know them. Old Zeku can’t really zone you out in SFV, Grams have that silly recovery for a reason. He’s good at lock down the opponent into the corner, he’s better than Young at it. Necalli is similar to Young, they’re counterpoke characters. Zeku has fake pressure and an insane walkspeed, Necalli has better AAs and a command, but most players in general still don’t know how he can setup the latter, that’s why looks so threatening.

Because he’s dumb, you can’t use Old Zeku like a ninjitsu version of Sagat. Young isn’t a ninjitsu version of Yun either, so you can’t really destroy an opponent who knows what happens on the screen. Zoning/space control kind of players can’t really decide to go with Old for most of the time, the game itself and his weak zoning tools will force them to give Young more playing time. Add to that the fact that Young don’t have a dp without switching form and Sanford can’t really commit to Zeku.

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Except he has a command grab, a faster dash, a more ranged dash, a ranged move that knocks down and an ex reversal and a ranged CC

Yeah, pretty similar

??? I mean they ARE… but cmon. Comparing necalli to YZ for power level is like comparing A3 ryu to dan for power level.

Zeku aint THAT bad, but yeah.

I was referring to their gameplan, Necalli offense starts after countering the opponent through a seismo, a CH medium into Disc,a CC or AA-ing, only in VT he can go really ham.

Necalli f.dash is better only in VT btw, in speed and distance,before then he has to stick to his gameplan. Some of the areas where Young Zeku is lacking compared to Necalli are mostly covered in his Old form, it’s obvious that Necalli looks more refined since you have to control just one character.

Idk. Their gameplay is basically the same as any other sf5 character that isn’t a midrange monster… which is most characters:

  1. Dash in
  2. Jump in
  3. CC move
  4. Throw
  5. Frame trap/stagger/shimmy mixup
  6. Re offense or neutral bypass style move

Then add in cr.mk confirm and bla bla random activate. Bam sf5.

All 6 of those apply to zeku and necalli… and ken, and Cammy, and akuma, and Laura, and Alex

And even sim… it’s hard to find a character that that doesn’t apply for. Menat and guile maybe.

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That’s good advice, I know a few situations that commonly happen that I can get a switch off of in matches. I usually don’t for for them due to unfamiliarity.

I will check out some your replays later.

@Devil_Jin01. I will look up more about both forms Oki try to practice and implement them better.

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