SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains


Ok so I watched a few of your matches.

Main thing that stuck out specifically when you were playing Zeku is that you play O.Zeku way too long. O.Zeku is only really useful for stealing the life lead then go into Y.Zeku and hit buttenz until you win.

Your Nash has basics in neutral down and such, but youā€™d lose matches because you donā€™t know how to punish stuff. All of Chunā€™s regular legs are minus at least 8 on block but you punish with jabs. Blocked Karin tenko is like minus 10 but you punish with jabs. You need to study up block frames and be more confident in using mediums and heavies to punish when possible. That way you can get the damage you deserve for blocking unsafe shit and not be put in scrambles giving them fake advantage and scrambles through jab/missed punishes. You screwed up a lot of oki meaties also so need to clean that up too.

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When you like something, you just gotta keep at it no matter how many setbacks you have!

OMGItzAndre back at it again! Just one sweet taste of that credit card fraud wasnā€™t enough!

He also got banned from multiple events earlier this year for sexual harrassment, what a guy.

Thanks for checking out some of my matches. Anybody else that would like too would be appreciated my CFN being RyanRAW, I am up for hearing as many opinions as possible. I would like to improve and get better at the game.

I see what you mean when you mention that stuff so will keep that in mind to try to press my advantages more with Young Zeku instead of staying in Old form so much. I have a problem not getting as big as punishes as I deserve and my oki needs to be better too often find myself getting hit out of things on my opponentā€™s wake up.

I am kind of stuck in a character crisis between Nash and Zeku that I find it hard to focus on just one of them for long. Who do you think would benefit me more focus using to work on my general problems?

Of all the zeku I played they all like old guy, then theyā€™ll say something like ā€œIā€™m working on my footsies or Iā€™m training old guy todayā€

My theory is that old guy is just easier because heā€™s got that long ass kick, a DP and rando flips if they start to lose it. They donā€™t actually wanna use young guy that much.

Thats not just mid range players, theres a dude I play whoā€™s Diamond level , full time zeku main gets super frustrated at my play style , but be wonā€™t take my advice to play more stance switch and more young zeku.

Iā€™ll take a look at a couple matches tonight if Iā€™m just chilling at work.


If you read my post itā€™s about the ugly atmosphere in these games, nothing about the player playing their best. If i didnt want to improve, i wouldnt almost exclusively play this and bother enough to spend 10,000 matches on it.
I dont know if itā€™s the community or the nature of the game but this game sometimes brings out the worst in people.
Did you ex dp twice in a row? people will see that as an insult and not give you a runback or start teabagging. Even though itā€™s just a normal part of the game.


I can understand why they would feel that way personally but there is only a few match ups I feel more comfortable as Old Man than Young Man.

I like to use Young Man and prefer it though I find myself auto piloting and getting stuck in Old form since you have to switch form during the match instead of having a choice to start rounds as either. I pull ahead as Old Man then it feels safer to keep walking with the limp than switching.

Thanks if you have any time to spare would be appreciated though the matches wonā€™t be anything amazing.

Old Zeku is supplmentary to Y.Zeku, but I consider Y.Zeku ā€œbase stanceā€

O.Zeku brings nothing to the table in a lot of scenarios other than using koku in neutral a little, and some alright corner meaties


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s true, just an observation. Most zeku matches seem to run in a familiar pattern - use old guy for most of the round then switch to young guy later.

The one good zeku I played only a handful of times had stance switcg shit going on constantly, it was a mix up in itself since the longer you spend in each stance the more I can remember your frame data.

When this dude was switching up I felt like I was genuinely playing two characters. But most people play zeku like one characterā€¦ Old for a bit ā€¦young for a bit ā€¦etc


The reason is because young dude is very much ā€œfigured outā€ and boring, people like myself that are interested in a character like zeku, are interested in him primarily because heā€™s fun. Old guy not being ā€œfigured outā€ as far as his tricks and other BS makes him fun. With young dude we ALL know itā€™s just frame traps, meaties, throws, slide into v trigger, yawn, repeat, yawn.

My thing is if I wanted to play a character like the youngin, there are already characters like him in the game that do basically what he does (which can also be said for old) but old isnā€™t figured out as much as young.

The true mastery everyone wants to get to imho, is mastery at switching between both on the fly multiple times a round at multiple spacings, but in order to do thatā€¦ you have ā€œfigure outā€ old man first.

Or you know just cop out and use youngin most of the time.

capcom should ban his ass too, cant let someone drag the sf and cpt ip down with such a bad behavior (penalty is up to 5 years in japan!) :coffee:

But youā€™re still on wifi

From an alternate perspective I want to tell you that itā€™s the opposite as the opponent. We know what the old man is Gona do, some long ass kicks, some flip shit , maybe a few cr.mp.

When you put the young guy on is when we feel threatened , low ? High? Get grabbed? Or eat a st
Fierce CC? Shoulder to beat a fireballā€¦maybe?

Feels like the zeku players got it backwards. Old guy feels exactly likeā€¦playing an old guy.


I donā€™t understand the argument. Itā€™s obvious that young is better than the old guyā€¦ no one is disputing that.

The fun is trying to figure out new ways to use old guy. New ways of using young never happen because everything is obviousā€¦ thatā€™s why itā€™s either old guy or try to become tight like that dude you talked about that constantly switched.

I like when Zekus stay as the old man. Means I get to whoop his ass, block a rando dp and make him eat shit. That young dude though? One mistake I lose 40% hp and got 50-60% stun. Slide into vt. Guess wrong again? Dead or stunned then dead.


I just wish sheā€™d play another character. Watching a girl like Mahreen play a rage-inducing piece of shit like Laura makes my inner Yin & Yang go wild.

Thatā€™s the most accurate post about how using Zeku.
Going Yung Zeku asap is the best way to push the opponent into the corner, Old Zeku canā€™t do that consistently. You can wait for the opponent jump in while in old form before switching form, after that you have to apply your pressure. Since 3.5 Zeku can switch form mid-combos, you have to take full advantage of it. Sounds hard and difficult at first, but with time everything will become second nature for you. You can check my CFN also if you want, NCK_Kakarot, I donā€™t play many Ranked anymore, but my recent replays are all on Casuals and Lounges.

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Guile is one of Juriā€™s worst mu, heā€™s the fireball character against wich her anti fireball tools are the least effective and has way better buttons and walkspeed

I still donā€™t understand the confusion, people play old man because they want to, not because heā€™s good. Young is obviously better, but if zeku players wanted to play a strong characterā€¦ they wouldnā€™t be playing zekuā€¦ young or old, theyā€™d be playing Cammy or menat or necalli. I donā€™t see what anyone would play either zeku stance over necalli if they were just looking for a strong character. With necalli you get most of the young guys strengths, plus a command grab and fabulous AA and a reversal, and lose a shitty re offense tool. Versus old you lose a shitty demonflip, gain a slightly worse ranged move in necalli v skill as compared to the old guys slightly better koku.

But I mean, zeku p,ayes arenā€™t using him to tier whore so I donā€™t see why one would start with YZ unles sthey just like the YZ style better, in which case, have at it.