SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

To be honest I’m doing like three things at once fam, so I didn’t give it deep thought.

Posting like how Twin plays? :3


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I’m not a huge fan of the guy, but this does suck for him.


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Yes, he peaked in S2 but there was more bullshit all around then, but in S3 he’s just solid and more well rounded. In S4, we will campaign for continued plus+on block pain. For everyone! SUPPORT SHADALOO NOW!

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The point of battle lounge is to improve on match up knowledge and try new things… Players like that online are a waste of time. Both yall are not improving on anything. Anti airing random Ken scrub for the 100 time because playing stubborn is the easiest thing to do in the game.

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I hadn’t really paid attention to the spoiler tag that forum uses, but from what what I’ve experienced on other forums it may enable a basic link click-through exploit.

EDIT: Okay, it doesn’t seem to have it here. (On some forums, if you spoiler an html link, clicking to reveal the spoiler would also click through to trigger the link.)

FT100 the weekend

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Hey guys can anyone try something for me when they get a chance? Can you guys who have akuma do st.mp into tatsu then st.mk into tatsu and see if both are equal in consistency for you? I swear the timing for st.mk into tatsu has to be done perfectly because I can do any other normal into tatsu 100% of the times. But something about st.mk is off for me. Thanks in advanced if anyone can.

I’m unsure what you mean by that

I have TORNA|Akhos over WiFI|Twinblades 100-39, what about the rest of you guys?

Nah I have it roughly even til 10-10 when Twin teabags Akhos who then melts into a useless puddle of self-loathing goo.

He’s a bum who smokes the devils lettuce thank GOD they dropped his ass.

He’s also a giant fucking shill bitch who got mad at people complaining about Canada cup cause he got so fucking wowed that Lapchi gave him a limo ride so he would die on a hill for canada cup mismanagement.

also all around chump bitch


Yeah, Cy Games is a Japanese company, and Japan’s views on weed aint the same as Stonerfornia’s. Can’t have stuff on social media that might ruffle your employers feathers. Rookie mistake.

If you just stay off social media to begin with, less problems. You not the only person that smokes, keep it low key.

Japan is kinda ass backwards about the whole thing because they still let people menthol up indoor establishments but weed so so bad. Daigo’s Daigasm meme is him being shitfaced and he’s all good.


True. Even when i was in college, the employment services and advisers would tell us to stay away from social media, or at least be very mindful of your online presence.

The only social media I have is twitter, and I only use it for streams, tech, and sports.


Yup. I had a friend who got blasted by his job for dressing up as Magneto at a con. Probably don’t have to worry about that with every job, but it shows how anal some jobs are about your casual life being on the interwebz. You’re better off being on the dark web tbh.


Title should be “The Will To Keep Blazing”


Give me salt throwing E Honda plz Ono


Honda isn’t troll enough for Ono

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