SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

You can’t just shill yourself into being the worst. You have to earn it like Volt does.

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You heard the mod Twin. Besides, I’m busy being bad at SCVI now.

…btw, how do you even properly quote in this mess? Discourse is freaking terrible!


It seems weird at first but it’s intuitive enough once you figure it out (and aren’t on mobile any way). I use another forum that uses Xenforo with similar option.

Easiest way is just to left click and highlight what you want to quote. Quote icon will show up at the end of what you highlighted and you just click quote.

You can also hit reply on their post and then click the quote bubble next to the bold icon.


This forum also brings back OG spoilers where you can label the spoiler which Vanilla didn’t have. Pages thing was weird at first, but pages are useless for a shitpost/lounge thread any way. Just bookmark anything that was stupid enough to go back to again.

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Just found Mahreen’s stream. Had no idea she even streamed.

I’m loving how chill it is.

Sure thing buddy



I have 1,482 hours clocked

Most of that time was spent in training mode getting frame data and hitboxes for you people

That and I didn’t play much 'cause with my folks constantly hogging the internet to watch garbage I pretty much couldn’t

That’s no longer an issue though so I’ve been playing more…just not focusing on ranked yet

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Speaking of which, great job on the hitboxes, that was really cool.

Alright, alright.

Looking at her makes everything else better, too.


Yeah she listens to a lot of chill/house music which I like as well. Chill people listen to chill stuff.

She just beat Wolfkrone. Very good stream so far.

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Krone salty asf at that loss :joy::rofl:

Dude always talks about how he’s done with SFV and yet he keeps playing. He’s a huge sore loser.


His peanut butter mouf talking ass can hold it. Let that lady ass whooping salt you up.


I have hit 1,000 matches with Zeku now and I am still a Gold scrub.

Would anyone like to critque my play?

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I’ll check out your CFN. It’s the same as your profile?


Man Japanese silver players on some shit ;3

That’s some shit all right. F.HP into Cr. MP is a fucking -8 blockstring.
How the hell did he make this work against Tokido of all people?

He’s Ultra Diamond, that’s his smurf account.

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Thanks actually my CFN is RyanRAW if you wanna check it out.

Sigh Darc… did you think I didn’t know that before posting?