SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Well be happy then, 'cause I’m already the worst SFV player here!

…though in regards to that, I just realized that it’s almost the three year mark for SFV and I’ve played less than 6,500 matches total. Across all three modes (ranked/casual/lounge).

Sometimes I wonder where I’d be if I actually played consistently all that time and just stuck with Ken, or at worst stuck with Menat since her release

At least reboots are always successful, right?

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You are at platinum rank while I am a gold scrub.
There is no question on whom is the worst player between the two of us!

But I’ve been stuck at the line between Gold and Platinum for months while you’ve been quickly climbing!

I’d say that’s a fine question!

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Ain’t gonna happen baby

Quickly climbing?
It took me 4 months to get from gold scrub to super gold scrub!
And 2 months to go from ultra silver super scrub to gold scrub!

I mean that’s quicker than me being at platinum for over a year :stuck_out_tongue:

Because you don’t play ranked, most likely!
How can you rank up if you don’t play the very thing that gives you points to do it?
You’d be diamond by now!

See? You’re already destroying me with logic and facts!

How could I possibly stand up against you in a SF match!

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I just hope for a character that can murder Guile. Dude gives me so much problems. Sigh.

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We always have a few every season. Balrog and Juri can handle guile.
In season 2 you have menat, akuma and abigail are 50-50.
In season 3 blanka and G probably beat him. sakura does okay. With Cody it’s not too bad, the sagat guile matchup however is just painful.

I have 10,000 matches spread between 8-9 chars and i do best against guile with birdie and sakura. Ed matchup is terrible. Vega vs guile is just a shitshow. With Vega i just blacklist every guile player.

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I hate you so damn much. You’re fucking good and actually have a strong understanding of the numbers in this game and in fighting games in general. I play mostly on feel because I’m not a numbers guy which is one of the reasons I suck much peepee at the game.

I don’t understand why you bitch about muh rank when you don’t even play the game. I prob have like 3K hours in SFV and with my rank that’s fucking abysmal. You could be UD with Ken fucking easy. You were like 10x’s better than me back during season 1/2 fucking stomping my shit in with Ken and fucking Alex.

This is why I say I’m the worst player here. I have spent a fucking autism level time sink on this fucking game that basically only Ultra Grand Master players have. Relative to the amount of time I’ve put into this game I’m fucking trash. I literally, literally can’t get passed Super Diamond.


If you have less than 10K games in ranked and you’re bitching about your points being shit ban your fucking self instantly. Literally ban yourself form the game. Just don’t even play fighting games play fucking Call of Doodoo or Spiderman PS4 or Minecraft. Just gtfo of here holy shit!!!

Jin make a new scrub list and add me as King scrub with like 50 spaces between me and Will. These niggas think just because I shitted my way up the ladder with Fraulein that I’m better than them. I lose to fucking Cammy spammy, I don’t block shit, I run into Ryu F.HP… like who the fuck even does that? I can’t block fireballs and I lose to Fang. What’s Juri’s C.MP on block? Shit nigga I don’t know<------ LOOOK AT THIS SHIT NIGGA I DON’T KNOW OFF HAND WHAT HER C.MP IS!!! Mocha bodied me in rank easy peasy with fucking shitty low tier Ken. He bodied me and I didn’t even do anything!!!

I take the title I take the scrub title I wear that shit I have it on my wall it’s tattooed on my fucking back like a tramp stamp. I’m the worst player in the world!!!

Jin make the new list add it to the front or when we jump to a new thread add me. Don’t even include Will this nigga bodied me back in the day he’s still good. Jokee kill me with Alex sweep for fuck sakes only Twin would lose to that.

That’s right you say you did a Twinblades when you get bodied.

I’m the worst…




I wasn’t being serious in that exchange at all dude

Also I only have 610 ranked mat-


Y’know… I fucking suck at ranked. It’s like, whenever I play I always lose every point I’ve ever had.

I dislike playing battle lounge more. Every guy i play is a try hard. And matches get ugly real fast after i win a game or two. I get a lot of people leaving a set before i win it or ragequiting.
I specifically request sub yet when i play with my sub and win instead of practicing more people will pick their main and beat me and ofcourse leave after that.
Very salty experience.

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Thanks. I think I’ll pick up Juri as I only play waifus. And the mechanical juri costume that’s coming out looks fantastic.
And I won’t be surprised if she gets buffed in s4.


Do you just not like fighting games? I’m trash but I love fighting games. I love the abuse. I prep my ass with Ono scented Capcom lub. I pray Okubo hacks my game so I can only fight Nightmare and Sung Mina. When I play anime I ask Daisuke to only make me run into evo champs in lobbies so I can lose and lose and lose.

I literally play fighting games because I’m screwed up and want people to destroy me :3

Volt… you could be better than me if you even used half of 1 1/2 of you dick cells. You don’t even have to use you head you can literally channel you skill via your farts and you would be better than me. play more than once a year.

No stop this pussy ass shit you need to get gud. Everyone is a try hard. If I’m not facing some Daigo wannabe than whats the point? I want them to kick my ass so that I can be mad enough to want to be even a tiny bit better. I get my ass handed to me all the time by Pookie and guess what? I wanna fucking kill a tree but you know what else? I win 1 game like every 50.





I only do lounges with friends. Random lounge is too much of a shit show and I don’t like downtime waiting for people I don’t know.

Only one can be the 1st worst. Who that will be? Only the new thread decides.

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Traveling to Canada, buying arcade sticks, must be nice to be swimming in that Odebretch money

Me pls<3

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