SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Holiday outfits are sick yet again. We gonna have some SRK holiday lobbies are what?

Everyone is invited of course.


Felicia is a nun, she canā€™t be a hoe

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I guess Capcom realized the advantage of finally letting Sakura grow up and graduate high shool; they can get away with selling skimpier DLC outfits.


I hope we donā€™t have a return to silhouettes.

I am honestly not looking forward to Rose being in this game. I feel like we have enough ā€œfuck you, fireballsā€ type characters in this game.

Itā€™s not even harmful to the game at this point just boring as shit.


If he ever does get in at least heā€™ll be Santa Claus everyday.

Sounds good.

Knowing these costumes the code probably gets rid of the hat any way. Theyā€™re always going to put shit on her head and Xmas is a loud holiday attire wise as it is.

I just want Falke for Xmas. Is that asking for too much?


Wise man right here :point_up:t5:

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Rose will instead of reflecting or absorbing fireballs, instead toss them into other players games at randoms so now fireballs become super strong as you always have to worry about random fireballs being teleported into your game.




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I wouldā€™ve agreed with this because of Menat already in, but if I get Makoto ASAP I wouldnā€™t care about the rest, Iā€™m honest. At the end of the day I care just for one character, I donā€™t put any roadblocks to others if people want them.

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I want Makoto to be a bad mathcup for all the current top tiers.

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I hope Rose kills Makoto with the shun goku satsu at the start of the season 4 trailer

except it will be the soul goku satsu cause she uses soul power and is nice


I imagined that and it was funny. Someone needs to do a Rose to Akuma body swap to see how it looks.

The ironic thing is that Guile does a pretty good job saying fuck you to all of the fuck you fireballl characters. Youā€™re gonna have to get in the caravan and sign a lot of papers to get around his wall no matter which character you are.

Menat already fits the mid range/zoner that anti zones things, but weā€™ll see what Rose does for it if she ever comes.


We need a sfv shill tier list for srk.

Youā€™re probably around mid boss level at best. DevilJin is the secret last boss that will appear only when u win perfect every round on 8 stars difficulty.


Darc is def the top shill but me and Jin close on his tail. Iā€™ve already bought SFV twice and bought Season Pass 1/2 both times plus outfits etc etc. I just know papa Capcom is collecting my rent money for that spiffy new netcode update :3

Also I hope Rose not only kills Makoto but kills the Twinz. I donā€™t wanna live in a SFV world with Genei Jin powr ups that clear 60% Keep SF honest

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But itā€™s okay if Kolinā€™s VT2 does it? :thinking:


Well, coaching went well and now I have to spend the week stopping being an idiot and playing at Falkeā€™s most optimal range, st lk and st mk range to frustrate and bore my opponents to death.
And to stop jumping like a completely idiot too.

I can do it. I hope.
And then stop being the worst SFV player here.