SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I just use it as a way to send a message to my opponent. If I have the lead and they think they can get their damage by making me come to them then I have no issue throwing red fireballs from full screen all day.

Once that message is clear to my opponents then they know they have to stay at mid range unless they have the lead. Which I do feel is when Akuma is at a disadvantage. But at least he has some BS tools to deal with or get around those two characters AA’s.

Yeah I mean that’s a stratagie, where you give up space to protect lead, but lead doesn’t really mean what it used to mean in SF so it does carry some risk. It looked like Samurai had learned some things from last time and he probably knew Punk didn’t have the discipline to just walk him down.

The hardest thing with Akuma is just avoiding giving up a big swing from his v-trigger. I think Sagat goes good against all of the shotos, with probably Ken being the slightly harder one due to his explosive dash and generally better mobility.

Somebody tried to tell me Ryu did well because of his parry, but you can parry shit all day, what’s he Gona do come at me with V1…

because people are bitches who cant face facts. the majority of people who play fighting games are actually not good in them. but its easyer to say someone is good who beat you than to say that you suck and would you practice more you would beat that other sucker too…a lot of times these people then actually dont even try because “you are so good i will never beat you” confort zone is so cosy and warm and its a “good” excuse to not even try and put work in. :coffee:

Commentators calling Karin ‘Karen’ in 2018.

Where’s Ry-oo when you need him?




I agree with this. High shots come out too fast and usually hit Akuma during start up. Then if it does get out you got time to neutral jump and gain a little more ground.

Akuma cant really force Sagat to stop throwing fireballs. Punk just seemed like he didn’t really understand how that match works.

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I think Punk wanted to maybe zone Akuma, but that’s not really what the match up is, it’s just about shutting his options down at mid range so he can’t start a party.

Like I said I think it’s the second match, the start he plays absolutely perfect , Bonchan style almost, but then when samurai sits full screen he gets Impatient, if that was Bonchan he’d walk you all the way back to the corner.

Of course this shit is easier said than done samurai is a beast himself. I mean there’s a reason Punk picked Sagat there, he thought he could win. I don’t think you’d see him pick Sagat if that was maybe a harder character for him.

This new S4 character looks super strong!


Confirm into super in the corner is amazing.

Ryu always looks good when he’s facing a character that can’t just fly about the screen like a tard.

That ryu looked and played botlike at times. Then again I said the same thing about that one vega player as well.

Very solid, pretty much played perfect, good choices all round. A bot wouldn’t be that smart lol.

Maybe Daigo or some other Ryu Wizz kid.

Edit: Comments section is amazing. Dudes actually thinking it’s a silver that played well lol.

There should be a VOD on RedBull’s Twitch channel.

Should be this one, with all of the Top 8s for Guilty Gear, Tekken and SFV, in this order: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/337112618


You know thinking about bots. Do you think it’s conceivable that Capcom could run bot programs to balance? It’s something I never considered til now because if Ryu hits every counter hit , is clean with confirms, always techs then you end up with a match that runs like that up there.

It would certainly explain some of the bizarre balance patch’s. I mean probably not…but still.

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wouldn’t be the same for every character?

I dunno if its still on the leaderboard but there was a bot called trigger sfv that used ryu. You basically described how it played every match

There are bots though that play the game. And there I’m pretty sure are people that run scripts or atleast have… like basically humans but bots. As an example, a script that is run that confirms all your cr.mk for you… etc etc

There are or at least were bots that played the game for you, reacted to everything, punished all the time and almost never got hit.

I always thought narcissism was an issue with loving oneself too much, not the other way around, but you do have a point

It started out as a way to keep my ego in check (at least, that’s what I told myself), but it just spiraled all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum

My mentality when it comes to…well, myself in general is still really f**ked up, fixing it’s gonna take a bit 'cause I still default to loathing myself whenever anything happens

One thing that’s helped me is to just move on to the next match. Sometimes I have those mind boggling losses that make me facepalm, but it’s best to not let them linger on. Dumb shit will happen in your favor and there’ll be times when it won’t be in your favor. I’d rather just focus on enjoying myself.

Just wanted to thank you guys for your tips yesterday regarding pressure.

I set up a Ryu dummy to do five actions (dash in, EX DP/c.MK xx Hadoken/throw, then back dash; and jump in EX DP/throw, then back dash) and turned them all on. I could only spend about 20 mins trying to defend myself so far but I noticed a bit of an improvement. Even against the dummy, my instinct was to crouch-block the dashes, but now my reaction is to s.LK and buffer into HK Grand Tiger Shot.

I tend to panic a little and my LP Tiger Uppercut reactions are suffering from it, but I still have a long way to go and will get better the more I run this (I hope, lol).

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