SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Good guy Punk.


The ground game on display there was top end sf4 level at the least. Really good set


My shitty analysis of the set was. Nephew had better command of kolins normals and general gameplay, ranges and timings. Punk had better everything else ESPECIALLY offensive decision making.

Looking at offensive decision making, nephew seemed to get more throws but fewer shimmies and frame traps, punk had fewer throws but more frame traps.

Punk had the higher damage output and better decision making gameplay. Nephew had the more consistent style.

Damage and decision making won the day, and this s why punk can consistently beat high level players with their own mains, heā€™s simply out decision making them, which is ridiculous when you also consider the fact that his reactions tend to also be way better than them.


Nephew won Winter Brawl last year IIRC. Basically the best Kolin in the US

TLDR Punk is Da Alpha :wink:


Is it uploaded somewhere? :slight_smile:

That grandfinal was interesting af, and punk choosing his opponents main? Crazy.

Regional Finals are starting

Friend of mine got pissed at me 'cause I keep saying how garbage I am at fighting games despite him not being able to beat me, said it was ā€œinsultingā€

Donā€™t see why itā€™s so hard to understand that just 'cause you lose to someone it doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re good at the game

But youā€™re better than him, so when you say youā€™re trash, then heā€™s beyond trash.


personally I think itā€™s a bit narcissistic to be obsessed with ones own self loathingā€¦ but meh.


Had to get a new stick

Bought the obsidian

Stick feels laggy, dropping inputs like a mo fucker. This can of spam is giving me problems, anyone else have a similar experience with the obshittyan?

Watched the Punk vs Samurai match. Commentators pretty hard to listen to ( who are they?) Saying Sagat loses the FB war to Akumaā€¦ Right.

Punk just playing impatient. Start of the second match he has it , then he loses it again by doing jump ins.

Weā€™ve already seen Bonchan make samurai look like a Super Gold, so I donā€™t think this is a good example of the match.

Sagat doesnā€™t seem like a good fit for Punk, Punk seems like a reactionary footsie type guy, not a control type player.

When I watch punk matches (when he plays Sagat) I mostly use him to see what heā€™s punishing, heā€™s particularly good at that side of the game.


That was the next stick I was looking at getting now that Madcatz is out of business. I heard it was the next best thing because of the sanwa parts.

Surprised itā€™s giving you problems because itā€™s supposed to be a high quality stick.

I have an Obsidian. No issues at all here. Much better than my Hori RAP

Iā€™m having a really hard time hit confirming consistently on the obsidian, iā€™m also missing diagonal inputs randomly. I canā€™t consistently shoryu from the right side of the screen :confused:
Switched out all the buttons and even the joystick multiple times to make sure it wasnā€™t just some weird placebo.

It also just feels latent in general, like iā€™m playing underwater and struggling to move fluently.

Probably just got really unlucky with a defective unit

I replied to your YT post. The commentators are vicious and some other guy. Iā€™ve played vicious back in the day a decent amount of times. I considered him to be pretty damn good, one of the top guys that was just under the best players in so cal.

I donā€™t know if he was the one that said that about akuma, but if the sagat allows the akuma the space to get off red fireballs like punk did then itā€™s a tough match for gat. Of course a good gat that knows how to pressure Akumas neutral will not allow akuma that spacing. Basically punk needed his st.mk. Had he known about how to use that button, the match may have been very different. That and not throwing out random ex fireballs for little reason.

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Akuma wins the fireball war against Guile and Sagatā€¦if Akuma has the lead and the match stays at full screen. But yeah, any decent Sagat or Guile player should know that their most advantageous position is at mid range.

FWIW I havenā€™t had any issues with my Obsidian. I switched to it from a frankenstick and it felt solid right out of the gate. Not sure if that means the Obsidian felt right or that the frankenstick was so wrong.

Sorry to hear about your stick woes.

Red fireball start up and recovery are too long to ā€œwinā€ the fireball war imo. Unless you count winning as just which plasma stays on a screen.

Akuma is immobile so even if you red fireball and I fireball, Iā€™m going to be moving before you are.

Itā€™s sort of actually the opposite imo. Red fireball is probably better at the mid range to blow up a single fireball and knock Sagat down.

If you are backing into the corner and throwing reds you are not winning the FB war, you are just turtling a life lead like you said.