SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Next weekend. FiOS left me hanging until Monday. After that I’ll theoretically have gigabit internet so maybe I can offset your 56k. :upside_down_face:

I’ll work on my Menat until then. :cat:


Fuck the haters, I’m still holding out hope for Q. Bad timing with Kuroda getting arrested again for scummy shit but uhhh jeah, I need to believe my cyborg boy has a chance at season 4.
Edit: ok ‘fuck the haters’ sounds too harsh. If you don’t like Q I respect your opinion but don’t expect any of this delicious McCain’s chocolate cake I just pulled out of the freezer

I’m so confused what event is going on right now? I thought the Red Bull Last Chance qualifier thing was tomorrow?

Over all sf5 is a bad street fighter game, I feel like this is the only street fighter where if you have any kind of legacy skills it lands you right in the middle to bottom of the game coming in, and god forbid you play defensively.

Even trying to get old friends back into it without much time they get blown up and its not even “fun” for them. They can understand quickly that “something is off” even if they can’t really put it into words.

That’s pretty sad, a lot of these old heads are still fairly strong in a variety of other sf games but a literally straight up bad in sf5. Even the one that put some time into it.

Personally I have to agree, but I’m just bad at the game. Ironically enough I do well enough at almost any other fighter I play outside of sf5.

So I can’t help but agree.

I just wish it was easier to react to stuff defensively, like cross-up attempts, dashes, and throws, but a lot of that is probably just my tired, and frustrated, old-man-reactions.

It’s actually pretty confusing. There’s three tournaments going on: The Red Bull Conquest, The Open Premier and the North American Regional Finals. Looks like The Red Bull Conquest has nothing to do with the CPT. The Open Premier is the big one … the top 8 is on Sunday and then afterwards is the North American Regional Finals top 8.

Is there a Karin or Juri in any of these events

Wait, how old are you?

Lol, I exagerate. I’m 34 which isn’t that old… I think.

It’s not. I’m 35. Honestly, you probably just don’t play the game enough. There are some people who have natural ability in fighting games, but for the rest of us you have to put in a lot of time before things start to make sense. If you maintain good habits you can make the journey a little shorter, but it takes a lot of experience to get good

Do yourself a favor and look at the match count for the players in super diamond and higher. If it’s not a Smurf most of those guys will have 10,000 matches played minimum at this point.


Akuma match up is very balanced, Ive toyed with the idea that Sagat might even beat Akuma.

As for the V skill, I’d like the juggle to be different or maybe even the range to be the same as EX dp , then it would open up your punishment scenarios.

Right now you’ll see it used 80% of the time in stun combos and maybe 20% when somebody is stupid enough to be sitting at full screen vs Sagat.

I dunno, it’s just lazy. Everyone and their gran predicted his V skill would be angry charge dp.

You could even not make it fly further but make it fly them higher. Oki only off of Angry scar Dp seems like a fair change considering the charge time. I’d keep the charge long if the reward was a mix up when charged.

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Delete Blanka

You must enter Zen in order to defeat Blanka…

He’d be less obnoxious if he didn’t yell and shout with every special move that he does. Nobody wants to hear that voice in their leisure time…

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I didn’t play for a couple months but feel free to open discussion these MU estimations I made before I stopped playing, just started playing again. They’re for Cody, obviously.

7-3(Unfavoured side)
Guile, Menat

Cammy, Blanka, Birdie, Karin, Dhalsim, Nash, Falke

Laura, Mika, Bison, Chun-Li, Necalli, F.A.N.G(?), Balrog, Ibuki, Urien, Rashid, Ken, G(?)

Juri, Kolin, Ed, Zeku, Sakura, Alex

3-7(Favoured side)
Zangief, Abigail

Oro, Q, Viper have been the meme leak picks for like fucking 3 years now. When will it end?!?!?

Nice dodge bro :3

What rank are you? Also get gud.

Yep can confirm. Most of the grand master guys are running on like 15K plus games. You guys gotta love the abuse. I see people saying shit like “I can’t even get to super bronze” I check their CFN and they got like 600 matches.


Explain why the Zeku my feels in Cody favor. It’s still a MU I’m trying to figure out, but I’m curious about how this felt from a Cody player.

Whoa, Bea hit the Gold ranks? Congratulations!!!

Really need to get back in SFV again man, Soul Caibur is rocking my socks right now, even with all the dongs.


I agree with most of that. Not sure about him beating Zeku and Abigail though.

When your man doesn’t even make the list.