SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I don’t know why with akuma I find it much easier to do st.mp into tatsu than st.mk into tatsu. Shouldn’t it be the same as it’s just pressing a button? Even in combos I can land st.mp into tatsu way more consistent than st.mk, any ideas why this would be? Also they both do the same amount of damage, but which is the better button to use?

Due to my wife’s culture, we couldn’t live with each other until we were married… yeah, the first year was very tough. We almost split up numerous ones.

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AAs are very key. The upside to that is that drilling can help a lot especially in those ranks.

For me a big part of playing the game has just been getting used to it enough to where things don’t bug me as much as they used to. A lot of things or situations in this game used to tilt or frazzle me, and while some things will drive me nuts forever, I’ve been able to get used to enough things that I can usually keep it together during the set.

I honestly think that is one of the most important things to learn as you climb up the lower ranks. The bullshit isn’t going anywhere (it can taper off but people will always pull shenanigans) so being able to handle it in the moment helps a lot long term.

Good luck man, keep at it! I should have internet again on Monday so I should be available for training sets starting then.

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Congrats B! Good luck repeating that on PS4 and I look forward to playing catch up when I get back online. :slight_smile:


Damn. I wanted Terrence to win.

I forgot the last chance qualifier is going to be in my backyard. I’ll be too busy to go but good luck everybody else local that’s going

Thanks @GetTheTables.

I do need to setup a dummy to just do scrambles and jump in randomly and try to nail those AAs perfectly.

Anyways, just one of many things to work on. Let me know where you’re up for games!

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I don’t think anti airing alone is your problem.

Tokido and Xian are not known for having good dps yet they are master pro players in the game.

Having good anti air reactions is just one aspect of getting good in the game.

I’m not too sure what your problem is, I’m guessing it’s auto piloting. If you’re getting hit multiple times by random spiral arrows, it means you aren’t aware of the available tools the opponent has/their options/what they can do at that particular distance/time.

Stop thinking only about what you can do. But think more about what the opponent can do. Look at his meter, where is he standing etc. This is very good advice given to me by one of my 09er friends.

I’m guilty of auto piloting myself and I have shit execution.

Someone with really good anti air reactions is Xiaohai.

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Why is Street Fighter in the headline? Those fucking bastards!!!

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FT5 this weekend.

Well, the hits from random spiral arrows were mostly that I was tilted and was focussing too much on trying to bully my way in and land the most powerful combo as fast as possible.

I’m normally a lot more patient in neutral, and I AA well when it’s a far jump in (for the most part) but when we’re up-close throwing out pokes and the opponent jumps closer like for a deep jump or especially a cross-up, I never seem to react in time.

But in general, I do agree that I don’t focus enough on what my opponent can do, and am mostly thinking about what I’m going to do. I’m working on that, but it will take time.

I also have pretty shitty execution which doesn’t help matters, so I just need to keep practicing combos and AAs over and over until they stick.

Blanka-chan only seems to appear when there’s some sort of an announcement.

Are we just expecting some teaser for who the first DLC may be?

It’ll probably be a very obvious teaser.
I’m hoping it’s rose, Makoto or c. Viper.


That muhfucker better have good news for me and Haitani.


Too bad that Infiltration got exiled from FGs. Looks like the meme of Infiltration Nash marrying a psycho bitch Juri with issues was more real than desired, and with the whole system rigged against him there’s little he could do, good luck on his future endeavors. Fuck PxG for dancing along that farse, hope they get the least views and most dislikes possible.

Anyway, when’s Oro or Necro?


EX Zonk are so annoying

I think just the former. People who are asking for him will drop Oro after 3 days

Well he ain’t a lowest common denominator character so people looking forward to him actually have standards:

  • Being unique enough, which he is provided Capcom doesn’t butcher his 3S concept with double jumps, tengu stone combos, juggles, level 2 supers and so on.
  • Not being a low tier punchbag like the whole season 3.
  • Having quality animations that are actually a treat to watch.

Wouldn’t blame anybody who drops him or doesn’t buy him if he doesn’t satisfy all three.

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Still expecting Makoto in the current year.


I’m a loyal nigga, don’t @me