SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Yes, the Panda Global timeline makes things look pretty darn questionable. More than anything, it paints the ex-wife as the guilty party.

Everything seems to stem from Infiltration wanting to leave her but her wanting him to stay, and from Infiltration filing a property suit to get back the $100,000 down payment he’d made on their residence (which she’d locked him out of.)

Infiltration wanted to leave her, and just needed to get his stuff from their home. She allegedly refused to let him in (even after the restraining order expired) unless he agreed to continue the relationship and continue to live there. He had to get a locksmith to break him into his own home to get his stuff (to leave her) because she’d locked him out (again after the restraining order had expired).

Infiltration filed a property suit to get back the $100,000 down payment. It is only after this (which is three weeks after the original restraining order was issued) that the ex-wife now files criminal charges against Infiltration. Infiltration is ordered to pay $630.

Months later, Infiltration wins the property suit. The ex-wife responds by filing an appeal, and by suing him for the damage that had been done to the condo’s lock. (Assuming this is the damage done to the lock when Infiltration had a locksmith break him in, then this suit is being filed over three months after the incidence.) Infiltration loses the lock damage suit, and pays $300.

In September, the ex-wife files the medical report and audio transcript for the property suit appeal, which started later that month.

So yeah, it doesn’t really seem to be about the domestic abuse. Instead she seems to be using that to fight the property dispute (and to punish Infiltration for leaving?)


The tatsu currently while not great is all she has to open people up. Making all the normal tatsus more unsafe and making EX tatsu the only one at -2 would require a complete overhaul for her not to be trash.

I don’t see what makes Tatsu currently retarded when she is not great at capatilizing off of it and Guiles booms are all more plus on block for pressure upclose with more versatile uses.

Frost covered a lot of this stuff in another post, but the one that springs to mind is Seong Mina 1B, a reasonably fast (unreactable) low that pretty much reaches fullscreen and, if it hits on the tip range, knocks down, is completely safe at -8, does solid damage and can ring out. It also becomes a plus on block break move in soul charge. It makes it completely impossible to stand still against Mina at far range because of that, forcing you to run into Minas other keepout-moves.

Oh, and Raphael has…

this dumb shit which means trying to challenge his turn is really fucking scary. If nothing else, that last thing should fit your criteria.

Well, his VS SRK hits you like it’s flash kick, so … it’s not that bad.
How would you improve it? I hope that answer is not - more damage.
It’s great playing Sagat as Akuma. You have options, he has options…I really like this matchup.

Mizoteru is back playing SFV. Using the same color also.


Guile has oki after FK. It seems Sagat doesn’t get anything outside the damage.

Yeah Kolin is definitely one of the better characters vs Menat. She has actual tools that can fight her disjointed orb buttons. Her counter can grab all of her orbed disjointed buttons (why I dunno, but Kolin is OP is a good answer). @akhos could probably explain.

Twinblades just doesn’t like zoning.

So… this happened again. :unamused:

But I finally got to it after getting it against that Bison, losing it to him, getting it against a Nash, losing it to the Nash and finally getting a buffer I consider comfortable enough to start my next ranked run against a Karin.

I had to stop now because I am a bit tilted. I will aim for SG on my PS4 account Sunday.


Yeah I figured in SFV c.HP would be like easy button to make good, but it’s the worst it’s ever been and extremely situational. s.HP is balls unless he has v trigger or super. s.HK is good for what it does, but doesn’t hit crouchers unless real close. He just doesn’t have a real good power heavy button in a game where it’s pretty necessary and he was known for having in other games.

Her buttons are a bit too honest vs the high tier, but I think the tatsus are about fine where they are. With the way the tatsus are now you just need to take one walk up c.MK for her to start a game that pushes you to the corner pretty fast. Basically the tatsus work where they pressure you on hit more in this game instead of block like the older games, but similar shenanigans can start once she hits you with the first tatsu. Or can just spend the meter on EX tatsu and then you’re in the corner becuase she spent an EX.

Her conversions and block pressure still need work for her to be higher tier, but once she hits you she’s a problem. Her yolo j.HK can always works with her walk speed as well.


Improve the rest then, making her tatsus +oB would make her more retarded, not good. The move isn’t there to be just tossed out in neutral hoping to catch the opponent sleeping, because that’s what low level Sakuras are always trying to do forcing the EX dp Yoko mix-up if the Tatsu got blocked. Making everything plus or minus 2 at least looks like a gentlemen way to allow people to play random in neutral like Rashid already does.

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You are not looking at the bigger picture here.
Fast forward to 3:50 and compare the distance.

Because counters don’t work based on proximity, they only care if a physical attack came in contact or not then it goes into the animation automatically

Except Ryu’s 'cause Ryu has to suck

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Ah ok I figured Menat’s no hurtbox stuff could circumvent that, but I guess not. I think in CVS2 Geese could counter like projectile supers and stuff so that makes sense.

The Ultimate Ryu has returned to the group after being banished for about a yr. Now he’s Mario.


The mandatory breaks idea is hard to maintain. Again, last night I went from ultra bronze to base bronze and lost half my LP.

I am god damn terrible at this game. No one look at my replays, lol, the Bronze Cammy I lost to last night was such an ugly loss. They were doing the most random unsafe normal spiral arrows in neutral and they kept smacking me because I was so tilted and stubborn.

My AA reaction is definitely one of my biggest flaws last night. I let way too many people jump in for free, which is basically the worst flaw to have with Sagat.

I remember watching the Evo 2017 after party and infiltration’s wife was drunk and behaving in a rather crazy manner and he was trying nicely to get her to calm down and finally leave the place together.

I don’t know if that’s her regular behavior, but what I saw made me think that she has some screws loose up there.

I might be judgemental for saying this but I think people who get drunk have a lack of self awareness and control.

I don’t think I’m the only one who watched the evo 2017 after party.

And the fact that their fight was secretly recorded by his wife makes it sound really fishy.


I thought you were talking about the regular FK, not ex. EX doesn’t grant oki anymore due to pushback.

However, I do think Sagat players would appreciate having pressure after TU like Guile has after FK.

I never suggested to change her Tatsu frame data on block either. I do agree it being plus in this game would be fucking brutal. She needs to be a bit more impactful on hit her conversations need help. I hate her st.mp hitbox slightly to inconsistent still even after that last patch.

Personally would like them to fix VT2 tatsus though let her use multiple strengths for different angles on approach since its -10000006 on block.

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Still Infiltration fault since we’re living in the real world here and these things sadly happen. Then nobody forced him to marry that woman, I mean, before making that step I will think twice on who’s going to be the mother of my sons. He clearly didn’t.

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I thought it was common sense to live together for at least an year or two before marrying someone to see if it will work or not.
Doesn’t seem they have done that.

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