SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Where’s Ryu/Sagat/Akuma/Vega

You call this an open discussion when you can’t even list match-ups against the whole cast you scrub

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Confirms how I feel when I fight Cody with Sakura. Shit is awful.

I don’t play enough Vegas, Ryus, Sagat was new at the time of me making the notepad. G was easy to staple on because he’s most of the usual SFV bullshit to charter when thinking about the MU.

Akuma I’m still figuring out if it’s 5-5, 4-6 or 6-4. There’s a lot of shit that Cody can actually answer from Akuma VT1 with things like v-skill and more prevalent, VT1 knife.

Sagat feels 5-5, I don’t think Cody loses as he does to most zoner archetypes. Could be 6-4 Sagat if I got to fiddle with some really strong Sags.

Akuma I’ll say 5-5 for now. Think it’s Cody favour though you just need the correct counterplay.

Vega can eat a dick I have no idea I don’t play any Vegas. Same goes for Ryu, just throw them in 5-5 standing for nobody plays them anyway it doesn’t matter.

Then find them and play them!!!

Cody can play around old Zeku for free, O.Zeku grounded mobility is piss poor, koku is slow and can’t contest tornado shots without giving up space or frames, Cody can V-skill to auto-OS side switch gimmicks with O.Zeku flip. O.Zeku absolutely nothing to worry about. His st.hk is probably the only thing you’re worrying about but your st.hk takes a fat dump on his, you win the CC fish war if that’s what he decides to play.

Young Zeku only issue is walkspeed covering ground into st.hk control at Cody prime ranges, but Cody st.mk and st.hk control pace more than enough, you no longer need Tornado shot once he’s in young, just brawl him at midrange, you get more jumps in that way considering Young can’t AA for shit. When he’s young, brute force into corner and bully him at midrange with his weak buttons. Only thing I’m ever worried about from Young is slide xx VTC, which you cover for once he gets VTC.

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So I’m looking at the fat app for sfv, when a normal cancels into sp/su/vt/vs what does that mean?

special, super, v-trigger, v-skill


Sagat beats Cody imo. Even by your own list standards it should be a 6-4.

Cody can win with some trigger shenanigans obviously though.

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3-7 against Abigail is super ballsy. Is this event hubs.

don’t think it’s instantly bad. Cody loses to zoner archetype but Sagats normal arsenal can’t hold midrange without risking CCs all day, try and st.mk me once after a fireball to hold turn and st.hk CC is taking you to corner immediately.

Huge part of why I think it’s even is because as soon as Cody gets within EX Zonk or st.hk range, you’re now risking your life every time you contest me in any way shape or form. These ranges aren’t hard to close, n.jump one tiger shot at far range and have time to close the distance to start making you have to second guess each fireball when I block.

Cody dominates Abigail, any Cody player will tell you it’s his best MU.

Ex zonk I’m Gona v reversal you away to the other side of the screen, almost everytime.

Also I’ve got a DP, some of those zoners don’t.

sure but that’s the case for everyone, doesn’t change how prevalent it is to negating your ability to keep me out. The one time you don’t have the meter to VR me and I can force momentum is all I need to 100-0 you or put you on a deficit you can’t recover from, especially if you’re burning all V-Meter on keeping me out.

st.hk is also huge, your st.lk can’t contest it and st.mk is too slow to cover it too, midrange isn’t clean for him like it is with most because of the forward momentum st.hk introduces, idk how he fares vs. Rashid but I assume his st.hk has the same effect.


For instance Falke is a similar archetype but her f.hp, st.mk and st.hp shut down my midrange approaches and she has an added layer in her air fireball. I can’t gapclose vs. Falke as effectively when strong, faster normals that out prioritise my st.hk or st.mk get introduced.

It’s really been since Season 2 that I played him seriously so I don’t remember the frame data on s.MP and s.MK, but these two buttons will be different based on their active frames and their cancel window. For example, there may be a few extra frames to cancel into tatsu after s.MP than s.MK. Different buttons have different frame data and different cancel windows.

s.MK is the better button to use if you know s.MK will hit because s.MK forces the opponent to stand. s.MP does not, and LK Tatsu whiffs on crouching opponents, so if you do s.MP xx LK Tatsu on a crouching opponent, the Tatsu will whiff, but if you do s.MK xx Lk Tatsu on a crouching opponent, s.MK will force them to stand long enough for LK Tatsu to hit them.

Practice the timing of s.MK xx LK Tatsu until you have it down. You may have to cancel into LK Tatsu quicker.

Now, from what I understand, s.MK got nerfed to -4 on block so if an opponent blocks s.MK, they have 4 frames to attack you. Now in Rookie and Bronze, you probably won’t run into too many people that will capitalize on it, but it’s worth knowing. You don’t want to just keep doing s.MK on a blocking opponent.

Also, I believe I accepted your CFN Friend Request. Are you playing on PS4? I realized I don’t really check CFN but if I add you to my PSN network then it’ll be easier for me to see if you’re online. My PSN is WhoCares1984.

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I wish you could swap costumes


I’m not worried about old zeku at all, it’s young zeku that scares me and I don’t think Cody beats this form. What’s stopping Zeku players from just switching to Young right away? Most will know that’s the way to go against Cody and if not they’ll figure it out quickly. Young Zeku can bully Cody just as bad when he gets momentum and a knockdown. I don’t feel comfortable using rock toss in neutral at all when he can just ex. run on reaction.

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yeah Cody doesn’t need a projectile heavy gameplan when Young is out, but you beat the buttons Young brings to the table and your momentum into hits is a hell of a lot more painful than Y.Zeku for a lot less meter.

Outside of run gimmicks if he manages to mindfuck you, Y.Zeku does not beat Cody. Hell, Cody even wins via the air which is something that doesn’t happen often given his atrocious air hitboxes.

Sagats st.hk has half the start up time of your st.hk.

Also I’m Gona say it’s hard to believe Abigail “can kill you in two guesses” has a 7-3 against anyone that’s not the best zoner or best rush down in the game or has some fucked up move (like a blanka ball).

Could be wrong. Just doesn’t seem right though.

I could buy Cody-Sagat being even, personally I think he’s a bit overated. He’s got the spammy CC and trigger option select to make sure he’s not sucky.

your st.hk is a bad idea I’ve already looked over ranges for it. Where Cody wants to threaten his st.hk(non-punishable ranges or ranges where you get to smack a + button on me) your st.hk will whiff if I did nothing, so Sagat is free to whiff st.hk in my face, but I’m gonna knock you down into mix for it almost every time. At that point we’re playing a mindgame that’s in my favour. It’s similar to Ryu doing fireball > st.hk, you can do it but it’s only working vs. idiots.

Cody demolishes Abigail, his fireball is exactly what Abigail doesn’t want to play vs., it’s slow and let’s Cody come in from behind it, so Abigail can’t jump it, and because it’s slow, doing b.hp into run to bypass the plasma gives Cody ages to react and smack him for trying it. Same goes for flip, because of it’s slow travel time which is usually a huge negative in zoner match-ups, it forces Abigail to approach passively because his usual anti-projectile options get hit by it. Like Abigail flip for instance, even if Abigail predicts the fireball and does it early, he’ll get hit by the fireball because of how fucking slow it is, it hits his hurtbox after projectile invinc has ended. His VT1 is useless because of Cody’s v-skill, Cody can stop Abi’s jumps without breaking a sweat and never trade, Cody doesn’t have to worry about run gimmicks because of aforementioned v-skill. It’s 7-3, I can’t even begin to stress how free that MU is. Gief has better odds of being 6-4 than Abi.

should…probably elaborate on why his VT1 gets so bad.

Cody can delay block OS into vskill for any charged normal in VT1, because it doesn’t require an input like Ed, Cody can block for X frames to cover non-unblockable button and OS at certain frame period where he’d be blocking to do v-skill, bam. Abigail can’t threaten st.hp at all while in VT1, it alleviates a huge portion of Abigail’s threat. Only way he can do it is from frame 1 meaties, which are like…near impossible to perform without corner and optimal knockdown.

Remove invincibility from v-skill and the MU probably goes down a peg, but while I can v-skill to answer 70% of his shit, this MU ain’t hard at all. You can also block OS his run stuff lmfao.

In all the replays of top sagats and in my own experience, I maybe had that st.hk whiff punished a handful of times and even then it’s a wish punish. At 17 frames of recovery from long distance (I’m not trying to hit you, I’m trying hit your button) I think you are well into theory fighter territory there and not actual match up experience. Anything sub 20 frames you can whiff punish in the flow of a match with SF5 buttons I’d be getting on a plane to win Evo next year.

Also low tiger shot is good generally at mid range for pretty much any button if you are not too close. Cody easy to AA also.

The v skill stuff with Abi is legit, Im just not sold on you stopping everything ( EX run, CC, double hit fierce, command grabs).

Not saying Abigail is S1 Mika, but if the dude gets a run on you are toast no matter who you play.

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