SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Except Rose didn’t beat Sagat. Supersantarou even thought Sagat beat Rose. As evidence by Luffys reluctantly to accept any kind of match off him.

SF4 had nothing like Menat BS.

Rose definitely did not beat Sagat. MAYBE 5-5 if generous, but fuck no she didn’t beat him. The closest was during Super SF4.

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Well TBF reading the transcript I can’t see exactly where it says he grabbed her and the bruising occurred, but shahenzan already posted that it was confirmed he did put hands on her enough to have a medical record. Wrist injury is hard to fake or have outside of someone grabbing you. Especially coincidentally right after the argument.

If there is no medical record and it clearly is just words (which you or @shahenzan) would have to “confirm” then sure, he then was in a relationship with the wrong person and got the worst of the issue. From what I’m seeing so far and terminations from 2 organizations, don’t see how light evidence would lead to 2 companies that are outside of Korea getting rid of him otherwise. If a company just wants to get rid of you because they scared of scandal they dont do a months long, repeatedly delayed deal to get rid of you. I feel Panda Global did their best to confirm that they cared about making sure he wasn’t the clear sole victim and didn’t actually hurt her in any physical way if even others didn’t believe that. This type of investigation shows they cared to see if they could keep him around.

Panda nicely spent more time dealing with Infiltration than i believe CBS usually does with people who have more money. Which I respect them for taking that time any way because people with more money get less time spent on their case.

ALTHOUGH after watching the video again though, I will give you that in Panda’s video they state that they only got rid of him because he was charged and accepted the charge. They didn’t state that they clearly believed and could confirm he did anything, just that they don’t want to continue working with someone that has a convicted charge of domestic abuse by a foreign legal system.

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I said Bonchan is willing to feed someone meter when he plays

I didn’t comment on the MU being favourable in IV xd

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I interrupt the debate to bring shitty Ken gameplay

would you like general advice or did you just wanna flex

outside of things that I’d call reactive - blocking Laura overhead, whiff punishing, anti-air options that are down to player to improve upon, probably a lot of knowledge to be applied that can help save a life

Laura post command grab isn’t + enough to dash in, can’t remember how negative she is after doing it, but her only options are LP.Elbow and st.hk, and EX command grab but I think it can be jabbed I’ve forgotten. If you ever get grabbed by a Laura don’t sweat the grab, just have your hand ready on jab and your stick ready to jump, they are the only two options you’ll need to cover her offensive plan from there, obviously overhead is a big mindfuck, but again - reactive tools are something you can’t really advise on.

In regard to Ken play, it’s your general passive style, which I think is fine. I actually really think your general approach to spacing is strong, you know where to stand and when to press. But I don’t think you optimise properly, combos and punishes are lacking, and your oki is weak. Ken is an oki monster, even if you’re passive as a player, not taking the momentum from a combo is one of the poorest decisions any kind of player can make, like being able to meaty from a stray sweep for instance, or having an optimal punish for a blocked sweep.

I’d watch the other matches but I’m about to play a little, I love your style though. Your spacing has improved heavily due to your passive play.

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Wait no what are you doing

How am I supposed to get better if you’re giving positive feedback

You’re supposed to make me feel like shit like I do to myself

What happened to the snarky asshole I usually see in here

(Akhos.exe encountered a problem and needs to sleep, will reboot in the morning when further responses have been made)


Well thats like saying water is wet. In a match up like Zangief or Abi you’re not really concerned about feeding them meter, since the benifit of the shots outweighs the strength they gain.

With Menat the shots aren’t doing anything. It’s just a way to not get bodied at mid range.Theres barely an end product ( because she doesn’t have to jump). So it’s questionable if feeding her strength for more power with little result is a valid stratagie.

Sagat is very naunced ( despite what a scrubs will say). Some matches you need lots of shots,some matches you don’t.

Besides this game doesn’t let you pick how you wanna play like SF4. You are a slave to the match up.

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I think sagat mains are definitely gonna need a secondary for menat, that MU sounds like a nightmare. I’m already considering a secondary just for Menat, maybe if G ends up a solid pick against menat (and guile) i’ll explore him more.

If I were a gat player, I would totally be taking up G as a secondary since he does have a solid zoning game and it isn’t too far deviated from what sagat players wanna do.

I’m told that Necalli and Laura are Menat’s toughest matchups, but I hate those characters.

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I’ve said it once I’ll say it again - Menat forces the opposing player to play like a moron. She controls so much of the screen against most of the cast and can sit back chill and do her thing against the other zoners. As a Karin player I have legit no idea how to approach her.


Normals that you can’t whiff punish, preeeeetty fuckin bad character design if ya ask me.


Im not gonna call the guy a wife beater but you can’t grip your womans wrist for any reason. Im married. I get how arguments work. Shit escalates quickly but if the cops come, they aren’t taking your side. That has to be the mindset. It sucks. You might be in the right. But they’re gonna side with the woman.

If it seems like either of you is going to get physical or provoke physicality its always better to just walk away. Leave the house. In the event that you are attacked you leave the house while you cover up your vitals. Thems the rules.

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This is honestly why I hate the MU. I have to throw all my shit out the window. Fuck Menat!

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Not exactly what you were hoping for, he’s in his prime.


your gouken looks like rashid…


Haha,nice. But he does indeed look like a Gouken and Rashid combo.

Had to improvise. There are no receding hair line long hair options.

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I love Juri but you have no clue how much I want Gouken back.

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Probably one of the few people here that do.