SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

It’s never too soon on twitter.

For sure, I aint arguing he didn’t screw up or that him getting banned from the CPT was in any way less than justified. Just that the truth looks like the dude wasn’t a wife beating monster, but someone who got together with the wrong person, it didn’t work out, and the break was ugly and he handled it badly.

I served on a jury once where I made sure a dude got nailed for domestic abuse but it was real ambiguous till he testified that he did put a hand on her, and then it was a wrap for him because there was pictures and police testimony. Infil’s case has way less than that, and he still deserved the fine because he clearly did touch her, but it’s the degree of damage that he was accused of from the start that stuck and got on his reputation, and that’s honestly a shame. Death by internet memes.


Been waiting on this one popping up. Had Menat down as a hard counter to Sagat, looks fucked up. Basically you’ve got to feed her full trigger and full super, then hope you can avoid it.

I’ll laugh my ass off when that trigger doesn’t get changed.


Highland just learn how to play Menat it’s fucking easy.

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I hope you’re ready to laugh like the Joker in December. With V Ism combos to bring back those dark ages when you were getting pussy.


I had this conversation with a dude in our discord, he lost his shit lol.

It’s pretty obvious she’s a hard counter. If ya didn’t see that day 1 you’re older than I thought


Naw, after reading the transcript/findings by PG, you talking out yo ass.

I’m the first one to say that if someone was physically abusing someone then they should get hat coming to them.

But this situation basically in laymen’s terms seems to unfold like this:

Infil put 100k down on joint residence.
Infil decided that he wanted a divorce shortly thereafter (his bad)
This prompted an argument between him and his wife who, presumably, DIDNT want the divorce (otherwise why are they arguing) the argument gets heated and infil grabs her wrist. Either as a way to subdue her, or as way to defend himself (it doesn’t make this clear) they call the police and both are accusing each other of violence. Infil asks her… “but how can you say there was assault if there was no violence”

He then countersues for the deposit he made, and he wins. She then appeals that decision.

This basically looks like standard ass “I married a gold digging skeezer and am having to pay for it” situation. The “domestic violence” looks half baked and trumped up. She wants his money, doesn’t care if he’s there when she gets it.

As far as prenups go, yeah yo7 can go ahead and have her sign one, that doesn’t mean shit though as there are a billion reasons why a court will just toss it out and say a man has to pay, legal signature be damned.

All I could really see from this is infil losing his sponsorship. Being kicked off the cpt seems harsh from where I’m sanding just because he grabbed some crazy females wrist.

Yeah, I’m saying it here. PUSSY AINT THAT FUCKING SPECIAL, stop acting like that shit breeds unicorns and rainbows, women do fucked up shit too.


No i mean I know it’s obvious, I just wanted to see if Bonchan opted for the “fuck it have your meter I’ll deal with it” or the patient close down looking for chances.

Funnily enough with Ryu I also opted for the - “fuck it have your meter” option.

I figured I’m not giving up my best tool even though it makes her better in the process.

He’s using a lot more high tiger here, probably figures might as well pick the better recovery since I’m fucked either way.

Its literally impossible for either of them to function without throwing fireballs to end midrange pressure or contest space, even in IV I’d say it had to be that way

Neither can sustain something close and Sagat denying his own fireballs and gap closing Menat would be like trying to play snooker with a garden hose

If Bonchan has proved anything over his years its that he’s gonna feed you meter with fireballs

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Not really, that’s not his style at all, he likes poke fireballs and subtle movements. He’s never been a full fireball zoner, hes like a footsie zoner.

Just can’t do it against characters that have footsie 5000 for no risk.

Menat is also nearly Guile’s worst matchup for similar reasons. Any half assed Guile is also gonna get bodied by Menat because she doesn’t really give a shit about booms that aren’t perfectly placed, but Guile also has real buttons and pressure to throw at her. Even Falke has like 2 or 3 buttons she can somewhat challenge Menat with. Sagat from what I’m seeing literally has no real medium or heavy button worth throwing at her that makes things the worst over the shots even.

It’s not that he’s not got the buttons, he can’t get to the range to use them. St.hk and cr.fierce would prolly be quite handy.

I’m wondering though the merits of using HK knee to keep screen. Even at the expense of getting hit out.

I’d love to see a FT10 Bonchan. See what he tries.

If all he did is grab her wrist in argument. He did get fucked. If that is the case Guile gave him some bad advice.

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That’s the thing. If we go with this completely being grabbing a woman out of frustration then it doesn’t help you much in America, let alone another country where they probably will back you even less if they care for women’s rights. That’s my main thing. I see nothing in this transcript of self defense so all we have to go on is he aggressively grabbed her hand enough to cause bruising without any prior physical threat.

Let me see in the transcript that she went at him first punching his chest or slapping him or something and sure I’ll see where someone could defend him or he’d have something in court. With the transcript being he as the first and only real culprit of physical conduct that caused bruising, this is another situation where man lets his anger in something verbal get the best of him.

For me both calling for physical violence sounds a lot like one trying to get over on the other more than either trying to protect the other. Could call that she was doing the most as the victim to counter report his attempt to call police, but that’s grey area stuff.

Overall though dude has hands on woman first with nothing in wording of her touching him. I’m sure she could have been pulling some legal bending on him, but if you that mad at a girl that you have to strongarm her without her doing anything physical first, you should have been out of the relationship long before then and saved the trouble of putting hands on a woman getting you in trouble.

By transcript grabbing at her first with no attack from her before or after that is visual or documented and not having proper legal backing, just not a good look for him either way.


Grabbing your wife’s wrist during an argument sounds like either something you would do to protect yourself from being smacked upside the head by an angry woman, or a way of forcibly keeping her from walking away. If it were the former, then I would have some empathy for the guy, but if it’s the latter, then he’s probably an abusive dick.


Sagat vs Rose

2nd place

Luffy had super stocked 24/7

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Hmmm…I personally don’t see specifically in that match the not getting into range being an issue. The Menat player was actually rather jumpy and decided to move clearly within button range of Sagat multiple times, but Bonchan opted to just shoot shots most of the time she went in any way. A lot of the match the Menat player was actually trying to duck and walk in on high shots like a Chun would to get in on Sagat. The Menat player for whatever reason didn’t even throw many normals and usually just opted to creep in range to v skill a low shot (which he didn’t throw many of because that can get reflected/absorbed).

The Menat player was clearly giving him range to throw his buttons, but he basically didn’t try any way. When she puts herself into s.HK and c.HP range, he throws low shots. That’s Bonchan’s style, but yeah it’d be interesting to see what a more buttony Sagat would do. Funny enough most of the Menat player’s neutral was like Bonchan’s. Use special move (mostly orb release/return) or jump in with button instead of ground buttons. s.HK doesn’t hit crouchers and c.HP just sucks compared to anything Menat has minus it landing on CC which won’t happen much vs Menat.

The Menat player was specifically very scared to do button x 5,000 vs Bonchan and it’d be interesting to know why. Sagat’s j.HK does have an ok angle vs s.HP abuse so that could have played.

HK knee is slow and doesn’t do much damage so unless you have big life lead that sounds like it sucks too. Doesn’t do anything but promote pushing her away and by what you’re saying Sagat needs to do which is get in, doesn’t promote that.

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The “evidence” is that he claimed abuse from her. If her word is good enough to be taken at will, then so is his.

Where do you think the term “he said she said” came from? So yeah, there is evidence of her abuse if a simple accusation is all that one needs as evidence.