SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Am I the only one who doesn’t care what goes on in Infilltration’s life and would just love to see him play at tourneys?

They’re coming along with those Falke buffs baby. I don’t mind Menat so you can get all Menat buffs you need. If VT1 goes to 3 bars I know you’ll get other good shit just like Cammy does.

If you don’t count him getting clapped by the Capcop’s, this means literally nothing for Infil in Korea. He’s a smart guy and prob had a back up plan in case shit didn’t pan out as an Eatsportz icon anyway. He’ll get a slap on the wrist and go back to training mode till 2020.

That being said his triumphant return will be based on him being a lady hitter so… uh… I got nothing left to say.

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Rose is coming, so Menat will get massive nerfs.
Play Falke.

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Unfortunately it’s 2018 so when he agrees to pay for charges we’re not allowed to see him fight. Someone who came on to the scene in 2015 with a very unique approach to SF in general being lost sucks. Just another typical scenario. Doesn’t even really fight his charges because he knows he did something and for that we lose talent.

he’s already made enough money to not need to compete for like 10 years

couple that with most likely hiring an investor to make more money for you and he doesn’t ever need to work again

Sure I guess. I don’t how long his Evo and tourney money is.

With Infiltration out of the way, and Tokido crushed, none shall stand in the way of Psycho Power this CPT finals! Evil will reign supreme and the entire world will drown in the shadow of THAT MAN! <3


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Panda put up a detailed result of their investigation, with all substantiated facts, right here

From what I can see, Infil is honestly the loser in this situation. Him and his wife had an argument once, it got heated, he grabbed her wrist with a grip (only medical record is of wrist injury and no photos, if she got it any worse I have no idea why she wouldnt post it up) and then they seperated. Infil had no legal help right off the bat so instead of fighting the charge when he did indeed put a hand on her, he decided to pay what he could. That and everything afterward really looks like he was trying to put it behind him and recover the money he put down on the home he had bought.

Based on what Panda put out, all I can say is that that’s fucked up.


I would agree with this for the most part until I saw MenaRD still reeling over losses after becoming rich beyond belief in his own country and Tiger Woods.

It’s easy to just turn your brain off from competition once you win enough money, but I can feel that Mena has that fire still and knows that being the better man in a battle of competition is something that having a bunch of money doesn’t offer you.

Tiger Woods same deal. He obviously still had a bunch of money to just go get more hookers and strippers for the rest of his life, but he wanted to go back out there and win and prove he can swing and make better puts than the competition still. Him winning again proved that and it’s something that just a lot of money can’t ever give you spiritually.


that has no bearing on Infil requiring financial aide due to time off of competitive play which was what my point was based on.

Ah ok. If it’s just purely about financial positioning then yeah, he’ll live financially alright.

Last time I checked Falke didn’t have a cat holiday outfit, nor did she have a Felicia one

So no

So you did approve of the Felicia outfit. I knew it.


Oh so when I call you Will you wanna shit on me but when Ben does it you give him the peace sign.

Well fuck you to nigga


Not that hard of a guess really

He left out the “lord” part


step off you wack ass mf’er Will is and always will be my little ball of internet purity

step the fuck off

Quicy’s these days I swear…

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Best case scenario he screwed up getting married without proper legal backing. Even if it’s harder to do in his country, you just can’t get into stuff like marriages without ducks in row.

Some people bruise easily, but it sounds like he had to get pretty riled up to grab at her wrist hard enough to bruise with no first physical contact from her. It’s basically the beginnings of being physically aggressive towards a spouse and if you don’t have any legal representation then it only gets worse for you.

Hopefully he uses that money to get whatever legal stuff he needs together in the event he should marry ever again. Doesn’t really show a ton of responsibility to get married and supposedly have money from some of the biggest winnings in FGC history and can’t get an adequate lawyer for something that he physically started.

Especially with no report of her attacking first there’s no self defense he can sit behind in the public eye.
