SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

He gotta man up and do it. If he doesn’t have the guts to do that, then he is a worthless wimp.

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I’m gettin’ some funny mental images of Infiltration workin’ 9 to 5 every day for that cash money and his wife repeatedly complaining about his video-game obsession…

It’s a shame to hear this story. I have no idea what actually went on. He’s a cool guy on TV and a very smart player.

Well, you did stupid shit, you gotta pay the time for it.
No other way around.


My good friend at the time, semi, using astaroth at evo finals for sc2. He uses PT as the first move in the first round and keeps doing it. The move was pretty busted. Though semi loses this finals it should be noted that this was basically a tokido versus punk situation. Semi destroyed basically everyone on his way to the finals and barely even dropped any rounds. DTN struggled with getting past floes taki though and had some other troubles with other players.

Semi after the game congratulated DTN on his win and went on to say that there were specific anti astaroth things DTN was doing that no one else knew about or had the skill to do. Specifically picking on astaroths wide body that could make it hard for him to sidestep some moves (though it should be noted that astaroth supposedly had one of the best sidesteps to specifically make up for it)

This was the primary astaroth I had to play against. It was a nightmare, literally.

There’s some good cheap shit going on in here. Probably the most distinguishable thing about DTN is his abuse of nightmare 3[B]
and the fact that he doesn’t seem to use 66B much at all.


I mean yes/no

This is contextually based man. There isn’t some ambiguous middle ground. Infil beat a woman half to death and that’s just not a good look no matter how you try to spin it. Look at Hollywood man after Harvey you really think people are gonna just side abuse towards women like it’s nothing? If I was on the other end (Infil) I would be livid that my career was getting put on ice because of some non FGC shit but what could I even do or say to make up for that in the public eye? Just keep quite and pretend my actions don’t have consequences?

I totally understand where you are coming from so I’m not trying to be this higher ground moral super nice guy but this is the time we live in. Only thing I can say is don’t hit women shrug


Yeah these days you better have nothing to lose if you hit a woman because whatever you have you will lose.

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People still say 7K when Flash shows up on stream. And he paid that guy like last year.

The FGC don’t forget shit lol


Yeah unfortunately whenever shit comes out in the FGC it’s true to a good degree most of the time so people are always ready to jump on the new shit. You’re gonna be guilty in the public eye and the fact that most of the time people are actually guilty just makes people even hungrier on social media. It’s like telling 2nd graders the bad things Infiltration did. You’re gonna get the “awwwwwwwww he diiiiid it” until otherwise.

He beat her “half to death”? where’s the reporting on this? I still haven’t seen or heard about what actually went on and I’d like to do that before I judge him (or anyone else for that matter)

Panda Global’s youtube statement didn’t describe what he did as far as the “truths” that they found. Only thing they described was what he was charged for and that he agreed to pay the fine associated with it. Basically meaning he did something and something is all I really care to know at this point.

because 3 characters in top 5 are S tier due to bugs rn and Azwel is already placing 4 spots in top 8s, Ivy has been nerfed 5 times since initial beta release and is still S tier - portal is still catching steps lol. Talim got access to combos from her AA that hit for a metric fuckton because of a bug, Geralt has a non-LH’able aGI move that gives him insane bully potential from safe oB strings to retake turn. Voldo has an unblockable bug where if he lands BT 66b+k you can’t block the 66 from MC so he gets a free lethal hit into mantis crawl blender.

Don’t really need to go on, aside from it being riddled with bugs that affect tier placement the balancing isn’t very good. It’s fun, but I’m not gonna say the balancing is good.

Balancing is pretty wack, don’t mind it because having everyone be fucking insane makes a game way more fun than SFV where 80% have been neutered.

Matchmaking is what’s ruining the game entirely for me, I don’t always want to play sets vs. people, I want to jump into queue and get some quick ft2s going. I literally can’t do that rn. I contemplated resetting my points to get games faster, but that would just cycle me through shit F rank players again and I don’t like stomping people.

Nowadays “something” could be Jim Acosta slapping an interns hand away from a mic. I need the facts not someone’s opinion.

I’m not trying to start a dialogue on Jim Acosta one way or another, but there needs to be actual reporting on this to know what infil did, and also to let others know what standard is being set here as a precedent. If a female hits me with a frying pan and I physically block it, then push her away, and my pushing her away gets construed as DV because woman, then I need to know those are the standards I am being held to.

There was a transcript made based off the audio the woman recorded that breaks down the stuff Infil said as well as did to her. He was choking her, stepping on her pinning her arms down and calling her a bunch of shit. The woman actually posted this stuff on Reddit so the american FGC could understand why she was doing what she was doing so that way It didn’t come off like some woman accusing a high status man of “thing”.

Frosty knows more about the fightan games than me so I’ll take his word on it.

Also Ivy is fair and balanced get gud cuck boi

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Panda Global uploaded their investigation. It had me a little pissed, to be honest. It goes to show how people twist things. The rumor said he owed his wife $20,000, but it was only $630.

That transcript that they showed had things omitted and out of order.

The beating and “choking her to death” is about a wrist injury. “The medical note is short, with limited information and no description of injuries or locations other than wrist. No photographic evidence of the injury was ever submitted to court”

She kept contacting him, and wanted to stay married.


True, but luckily Jim Acosta has people backing him as he mistakenly did something “bad” in order to do something good for the country.

Paying money without much of a fight to deal with a case you were put under, you definitely did something you weren’t supposed to do. For some people I guess knowing exactly why helps, but I don’t believe you’re going to just cough up money to court unless you know you did to a solid degree what they are accusing you of. Not doing much to fight for your reputation if you just cough over cash and accept a charge

your ivy is fair and balanced c;

Ring’s, not so much

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For me, it’s a pretty low thing to put your hands on someone whom you have a big power leverage over, but you know, if he was truly sorry and was doing everything he could to ensure that something like that wouldn’t happen again, then you probably should give a guy room to grow (Even though he’s 30).

That said, it’s pretty clear from Infil’s statements that he doesn’t think he did anything wrong, it’s all bullshit, and he’s innocent. If that’s the case, I’m pretty content with telling him to fuck off. Never say never, but for now, fuck off.


Well, still don’t know what a transcript does, but if he was choking her without any provocation like you know… like she kicked his dog and broke its ribs or bla bla bla.

Then tbh he should be banned for life. But I’m not one to go jumping the gun on this sort of thing, proof is needed…,and audio of someone saying “stop choking me” isn’t much proof. I can record myself asking DJ why I just perfected him 10 times in a row. That doesn’t mean that I actually perfected him 10 times in a row. And if I actually had something recording audio then I could definitely play it up for the audio. Etc etc. need actual evidence.

But it looks like actual evidence won’t be had so wil, just have to take it at its word, I guess. Pretty shitty situation.

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So how about those S4 Menat buffs guys

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hi Will!!!

adding more letters for SRK overlord!!!