SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Yeah Appo is very anti business minded, but business takes care of business.

If you put the suit and tie on you gotta protect yourself. eSports isn’t the NFL where Ray Rice can beat and drag his unconscious girl out of an elevator and still get a breath of air in the company because his 1337 NFL skillz (granted he did that a bit before MeToo). eSports is much more “anti toxic” and won’t be able to get that to slide without all the SJWs and twitter monsters shaming them to all hell. Gotta get the dirt off your back.

Gllty vs Kidgief was a very low key scenario at a local event that was only going to get so much press. Gllty punched kidgief like one real time on the camera and the rest was just verbal confrontation. Kidgief is clearly bigger than Gllty any way so wasn’t much actually going to happen to him. Plus don’t know what kidgief did to set Gllty off.

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CPT is Capcom’s private tournament series, they can essentially do what they want.


But you got the bestest anti airs. What you mean you working harder in neutral? Working hard in neutral is getting beat up with G’s rough anti air and slow moving neutral until you get V Trigger and then doing EX dash punch into good shit.

Ah ok I can see that you walked forward into the V Skill. Yeah it’s really slow start up so even as reversal it won’t come out on the screen until the timing that a delayed DP would hit you. The distance you were set after that run from the HKD was very iffy for any real meaty any way. Post super oki minus like Trigger Necalli super and a few others is real iffy. I just figured that V Skill was gonna pop you and bam unfortunately the exact way I figured you’d lose showed up lol. I’m sure you’ll get him next time.

Trigger stuff is trigger stuff. Honestly I’m not really that afraid of Cody’s trigger. He has slow buttons and even in trigger only certain buttons if hit really lead to anything scary. He doesn’t have a 3 frame so if you have offense like Ken you’re better off just keeping wailing on him him and getting him to burn a V Reversal. If you can get non EX DP characters like Cody to burn a V Reversal you’re already half way to winning. Giving Cody too much space is what he wants since he doesn’t have real quick stuff to press on in neutral and has to throw out things with 8 or more frame start up to get started otherwise. You were already doing good things post activate like sweep CCing his rock toss shit. His trigger is only dishonest if he hits you. Otherwise it’s manageable.


“I made this decision myself because I could not do any more damage to my team”
I can’t not imagine Infiltration saying that while facing the gun at the table.

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thats not how it works. do you believe they have the right to say we dont want black people and it would be legal for them to do so? there are rules and laws, such tournaments have to follow them too.

LMAO wew lad


It’s more about Capcom following the law of social media. Companies control players and the only thing that really has leverage on companies is social media outlook.

Social media will applaud you for getting rid of people who beat their wives and that’s good for PR and when you’re a business you do those things.

Saying black men aren’t allowed would be a social media shitstorm that would essentially bring the 60’s into the era of social media so that would of course never happen.


That is certainly, um, a take.


Here, would you like a shovel since you’re willing to die on that hill?


Poor analogy. People would be up in arms over racial discrimination. On the other hand people will be pissed in 2020 when he’s back because he was only suspended two years.

I’m being blunt here. No one gave a damn when Noel Brown got banned because of the offense. No one will give damn about Infiltration either. A publicly traded company isn’t going want to tie itself to domestic violence. Fame chasing lawyers are going to take on Infiltration and fight his suspension.

so to summ it up, they cant just do what they want. thats my whole point to his comment with the comparison.

No, but there’s no actual law that says you can’t ban specific people, unless you think they are discriminating against Infiltration, which I’m positive is not the case

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Lot of times companies have these clauses that state “you can be terminated for any fit seeing reason” and beating up your wife and getting charged for it probably files under that


Good point. There are laws against racial discrimination. There aren’t laws against suspending people for domestic violence. He was suspended for the single incident from October 2017 that he was convicted of. He admitted to that incident and denied all others to Panda Global and Capcom. If CPT is anything like any other Sports/E-Sports league. There is usually a morals clause.


Well that just goes without saying. Any time a person is going to be representing you and your brand, it’s probably best that said person isn’t guilty of a host of social ills like racism, sexism, etc. and I would hope that domestic violence of any sort would fall under that category.


If the dude has potentially DV issues there’s no way you can let him in. There’s no law saying he can’t drink coffee at Starbucks, but if I was the manager I’d tell him to fuck off and I don’t think anyone would disagree with me.


Well, I know SC pretty well. If you are going to make this argument, name the tool, it’s damage, it’s startup speed, it’s specific properties that make it busted and whether it is safe on block or not.


Sc2 astaroth Poseidon tide.

Startup, kinda slow.
Damage, high, attack throw, hits mid.
Properties, sidesteps AND crouches, making it a good move to just throw out when you want to beat other moves
Special features, on block or wiff it can be mashed for multiple hits and can be held to go forward or backward, making it hard to pressure even on block.

All things considered, DV is pretty ugly, but it wasn’t as ugly and bad as we were led to believe.
Given that the charges were much lighter than what was reported, once he does his time and sincerely apologizes publicly for this bad behaviour, I would have no qualms with him competing again in CPT from 2020 and on.
Unlike to root for him, but I would be okay with him being there, trying to make a living.


Given his statements, that ain’t happening lol

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End of 2019 would be plenty of time for something like that to blow over any way. Hope he comes back in the best possible way, but he’s gotta be effectively a dead man in the FGC until then.