SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Wouldn’t say that’s a problem in SC6, the characters have vastly different gameplans and tools and you can completely take matches over with some of them.

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Well all of ken’s dishonest tools got nerfed, and rightfully so. Get in free with jump tatsu was kinda bullshit. I do want my damn throw loops back, considering I have to work harder in neutral than just about everyone else in the game.

Anyways, notice how I have to play about 20 seconds in to the first match just because he has v trigger. After tossing this dude around for half his health, I have to give up the corner pressure and just take the bullshit, there is no playing around it… V trigger needs to get toned down

And I figured he would reversal, I was just thrown off by the late startup. Matchup inexperience got me kicked in the face there lol

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I’m an hour out and literally 3-5 inches has been on the forecast since Tuesday.

So there is some truth on the allegations against Infiltration.
He is out of this year’s CPT and from the next one it seems.

bullshit decision.
capcom doing now a background check on every participant and punish people for things they do outside of the cpt after they got punished by law? gillty punched someone on stream but due to the people liking him he gets in the fucking sfv reality tv show…fuck you capcom!

as if they care what people do outside of the cpt with their live as long as it doesnt get blown up in the media.


This is the main point. His shit got public, and you got to do stuff to protect your brand name in this case.
The punishment was a pretty level one, not too overblown, not too light.

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When I was watching SC6 matches before the game came out I was like most people “boy that sure looks like button mashing”. I didn’t get it because like you said it’s easy for a character to dominate a match with how offensive play works in this game.

But man when you actually have an idea of what the fuck is going… SC6 has sexy ass neutral. High level SC is pretty damn high because most of the gimmicks are stomped out easy. And you have to watch out for way more shit than in a 2D game. Watching people dance around like they’re going for a mid than go for a high, watching people cancel a move to fake out a low then go for a lethal hit or GI. Like when you start to see this shit its like:

This is also the annoying part because by the time you get to F rank you’re getting matched up with fucking SC war vets that have been master rank since Soul Edge so it’s fucking brutal. I play Ivy though so I can spam low grab and win sometimes.


God damn the CapCops said no way son you done.

Once it gets to Papa Capcom it’s beyond “some truth”. Infiltration luckily had a bit more time to hide his foul doing than Noel who got caught on the cameras. FGC baby. Guilty until innocent because we’re just that wild.


It is a shame he was one of my favorite players. Shines a whole new light on how quick his marriage dissolved. E-Sports is in its infancy. No way would they let this slide.


Official statement from Panda Global.


I’m not sure if banning someone for two years for a crime that dates back 12 months is the right thing to do but then again I can already see the ‘Capcom lets wifebeater compete in eSports tournament’ headlines on Kotaku so it was probably the right choice.

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Yeah Papa Capcom is a company/sponsor not the law. They just don’t want the drama brushing off on their floor.

They can decide what they wanna do with any player. Law already did their thing, now they can throw down their own hammer on their terms.

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Given how close the end of the season is, it is essentially a one year ban.


thats actually something which i wonder if they really can do as they like…legally spoken.
i am not even sure which laws apply here, us or japan. there are cpt rules and he actually did not broke them.

Problem with big companies is they can basically make up their own rules and you trying to prove you didn’t do anything wrong under their rules involves money and time that you probably don’t have.

Just like how on the Uber forum I go on, everyone bitches and complains about this that and the other thing that Uber is doing to them that they should not be allowed to do by law or is not in their ToS and so on. It’s just Uber is a big bad company and you’re just a little tiny Uber driver so good luck.


I better get my Juri costume before next week.

I really don’t give a shit about competitive community, I don’t think it’s a good competitive game in all honesty because the balancing is outta wack, it’s fun though and that’s all I cared about

my only issue is an absolutely dogshit matchmaker which is either feeding me terrible games or no games whatsoever, I’m top 20 in the world and it’s matching me into G ranks and sproutlings? Fuck off man, it’s a joke.

I almost agree with Appo… almost but honestly, I feel like Capcom is doing the right thing here. They can’t afford to let a waifu beater be the face of their brand. If Capcom didn’t do anything they’d be setting a precedent that counters what other FGC community leaders have been enforcing for a while now. You could argue that because he didn’t hit a female competitor that he shouldn’t be held to the same standard but I think the alternative is a slippery one. If Capcom said “we looked at the facts but due to them being non FGC related we are gonna let Infil finish his CPT run” I can see Capcom getting shit canned be everyone SJW/Woman under the sun. With the FGC trying to be hyper inclusive with Trans/Gay/Women it stands to reason they’d want to snipe this as quickly as it starts. And showing favoritism because Infil is a god would make Capcom look weak.

I’d also like to add that in Korea, he’s probably not even worried since abuse accusation court stuff favors men way more than women because of that whole defamation thing. infil is prob just living another day only this time he’s gotta be 100YD away from his ex.


woooah my friend I don’t think you read my post. I;m not defending the MM I was just talking about some of the other issues regarding people’s feeling on the game. The MM is def doodoo but so was SFV’s on launch lol

Also how is the balance any more whack than BBCTB, SFV, IJ2 etc?