SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Gotta admit, considering how much I liked SC6 (I even found a character that clicked instantly. Yay me) I’m surprised by how fast I darted back to T7. Wasn’t even a conscious decision, I just realized yesterday I hadn’t touched SC6 for almost two weeks at that point.

The community for that game is scrubby AF though, and 80% of the people who signed up for the tournament we’ll be holding are smash players and/or thirsty casuals who are mostly concerned about playing dress-up with their waifu.

Poor SC lol. People seemed really hype for that game

I am disappointed to hear about Soul Calibur losing steam. It has too many problems came out too early and its light on content.

I never found the appeal with non-Tag Tekken games.

That’s because SC is easy as fuck to get into. Most people look at SC like casual Tekken because people can just slap buttons and get wins. “Yeah brah I was god like at SC2 the Nightmare AI was getting bodied”. Someone made a rant tweet about this saying people be thinking they’re gawd like at the Cali and then get pissed when they get bodied by people that actually know how to sidestep.

You aren’t playing SC till you’re at least D rank. Everything underneath is just people doing shit (myself included)

Mohca getting uploaded by the Nippon upload god. He’s Hollywood now.


I’m just surprised at how bad the online is. I just don’t understand how it could be so bad.

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Come back to Papa Capcom. It’s safe (on block) here.

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What are you trying to say huh

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SC majority are really low level, people were calling me best EU Maxi xd

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That they’re not gonna win the tournament. :>

Guys thanks for all the advice everyone has given me, y’all rock. I have another question, you guys talk about delaying wake up is important, to my understanding there’s three types of wake ups after knockdown correct? Normal wake up,fast wake up, and delayed? How do you do each? Also on sweep crush counter you can’t choose correct?

Sc’s online was what did it for me, plus I just don’t have time. Too bad, it seemed like a decent game, but I couldn’t take the lag plus the sidestep is still bad… better than the other SC’s but way worse than sc2 and sc1… and sc just isn’t SC without a broken sidestep.

I’m finding that I prefer games that have ultra powerful tools that I can use psychologically. I’m not a fan of overly balanced tools that cause imbalances with respect to defensive and offensive play.

Bout to take my ass outside and shovel. Had no idea this much snows was going to arrive so quickly. Jeez.

Anyway, ready for the weekly challenges tonight.

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Just copied this for you from the SRK Wiki:


Wake Up Options

After you are knocked to the ground, in most cases there are 3 ways you can get back up. Quick, Back, or Delay Rise. Each of these have different timings for getting up, which can help avoid different setups from the opponent. Note that not all options are available after every move. After a crush counter sweep, the only option is delay rise. After a throw or wall bounce, you cannot back rise. Certain moves such as Abigal’s CA you can only quick rise. Other moves may have other restrictions, off of most options however you will be able to choose which you want to do.

Quick Rise

Quick Rise is the fastest way to get off the ground. Performed with 2P or pressing Down after hitting the ground, the player will quickly get back on their feet.

Back Rise

Back Rise is more of a defensive option, and the more common one seen. Performed by hitting 2K or Back as you hit the ground, the character will slide backwards before getting on their feet. Back Rise is always 5f slower than Quick Rise. In addition to being slower, back rise causes you to move away from the opponent creating distance, however moving yourself closer to the corner. Because of the speed difference, it can be useful even in the corner to throw off the opponent’s setups.

Despite the different animations, all back rises move the character the same set distance.

Delay Rise

Delay Rise is done by not inputted anything, and is the slowest option. In many instances this allows the opponent to activate moves such as Alex’s V-Skill Overhaul or Ibuki to stock up on Kunai. The advantage however is it messes with the opponent’s timing, making it much more difficult to time meaties or setups than a quick or back rise.


Delay teching is a bit of a different manner than delay wake ups.

What a delay tech is, is that after you wake up, you’ll block and while holding block you press the throw command a few frames later.

If you time it right and the opponent does a meaty attack, your initial block will hold and will block the attack and your throw will be nullified.

If you time it right and the opponent tries to throw you, your throw command will tech their throw attempt, effectively covering both options with one command.

To try this, record a dummy sweeping you and then throwing out a meaty on your wake up, then another recording with a sweep and a throw. Turn on both recordings to randomize it and figure out the timing of block and the delayed throw tech so that it works in both scenarios.

Unfortunately though, if the opponent doesn’t do anything, you will try to throw, and if they shimmy you, or bait it, they will likely punish you hard.

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Where you at?

We have snow up here north of Toronto, but I just figured it was a normal Canadian thing. Though it definitely is earlier than usual.

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I was watching that match after he landed the super going “don’t get hit by the Ultimate Grand Master perfectly timed wake up double kick” and then he gets hit by that exactly and loses the set lol. It was obvious he was desperate and going to bust that out as his last defensive option, but nerves make you wanna go in early. If he had found a meaty to force there could have at least kept himself in frame advantage. That’s the thing about blowing supers when they won’t kill. The oki after is a who gets the right decision thing.

I like the block strings Mocha was using to set up whiff punishes. He’s definitely an honest man playing a character you should be a bit more dishonest with.

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Well, I have untilted myself and devised a plan to force myself to stop playing and go punch some stuff when I start to tilt again.
Time to hit ranked and regain the points I lost with the pew pew lady.


And I started with a wifi Blanka…
Match making is trying me really hard today, but I managed to keep my cool and my focus.

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Here’s my hot take.

I think the reason why SC has a smaller pool of competitive high level players is because Namco stopped giving fuck after SC2. That game is basically the Melee of SC and many people (Pros/Casuals) hold it in high regard because of everything it did right. It also helped that it was on damn near everything. SC2 was fucking special… and a damn fine game. But ever since then the comp side of SC has been nothing short of a cluster fuck built around retarded balance and a lack of respect for what SC2 set. Meanwhile Harada was like “oh shit I can make movement fucking hard as shit, we eatin’ tonight fam” and now Tekken can’t be stopped.

Plus with SC being one of the easiest fighters to get into this means there’s gonna be allot more scrubs shitting up all facets of the scene. Tekken and other fighters like GG have a strong barrier to entry level that filters out plebs really fucking fast. It doesn’t matter how casual they make anime, it’s still anime and it still sucks getting bodied in anime.

Also I know everyone is joking about SC6 being a dead game but I’ve been playing it more than SFV and I really like it. I don’t want the game to fizzle out but more people would rather make waifu’s using Yoshimitsu’s play style than actually play the game. Oh and one more thing.

Any fighting game that releases after this year that doesn’t have a system as comprehensive as CFN gets 5 points deducted from it. I don’t give a shit if the game play is 10/10, if I can’t look at my replays, slow them down to analyze them or watch top players and their matches you will not get a pass. It’s the current fucking year and this the standard.


I’m in Philly. We were told snowflakes is all we should expect, but that somehow exploded into 3-5 inches. Now it’s kinda turned into sleet.