SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

That’s pretty much where I’m coming from. I feel like the best approach to any Capcom balance patch is to brace for impact and be happy if you didn’t get nerfed too much, ecstatic if you actually get buffs. Honestly I don’t expect much for Laura either way. I’m more overall interested in broad changes when S4 rolls around.


Tilting is my biggest factor to getting losses. A few days ago I went from almost hitting silver to down into the base bronze level.

I’ve decided after a loss that really makes me salty, I’m going to watch the replay and understand how I allowed the loss to happen. Watch my inputs and take notes, then lab whatever I need to.

That will calm me a down as well as build my confidence.

That’s a good point. They always seem to do something that changes the meta slightly, and that could be an indirect nerf/buff in itself.

I am curious what their thoughts are and where they’d like to take the game.

I’d really like to see VT’s toned down a bit. Daigo’s comeback against Problem X at Kumite was hype AF because he did it with just V-Reversals and playing with impeccable defence. It was an honest comeback and I don’t think we’ve seen that for a while.

Mandatory breaks. One of the best bits of advice I gleaned from I don’t remember where.

My best sessions are when I say to myself “I’m going to take a 3-5 min break every 3ish sets”. Get up, walk around, go to the bathroom, get some water/rum/whatever fuels you, pet a cat, play with the dog, do some push ups, etc, etc,.

In my experience it is a lot more valuable to allow yourself that chance to mentally reset periodically. Yeah, you may cool off a little bit if you are on a hot streak, but if you’re doing well you can probably come right back to that. Where building the breaking habit helps a lot is when you are starting to spiral out. Manually pulling the ripcord there is hard to do, but if the policy is “it is break time”, then you get the chance to shake shit off a bit.


It’s a good point and it’s also true that it’s hard to force.

Two nights ago when I got tilted and lost half my LP I didn’t want to quit until I started winning again.

Last night I went on a few winning streaks and always told myself I’d quit when it ended, but then of course I lose and want to end on a high note again.

It’s a vicious cycle. Mandatory breaks are probably the way to go.

Part of me wants to know how far I could climb if I took this game more seriously and played ranked matches.

The other part of me really doesn’t want to buy a new pad again.

I mean delay tech is just an all round good tactic to learn, but required? I don’t think so. Remember people have multiple smurfs now ( I do) and people also ghost their account to get games.

I know I Rashid player that’s existed at super plat since the beginning, but he’s easily upper Diamond level.

Reactions play a large part as well. You could pretty much do a reaction test and I bet the results would probably = the ranks. Bronze - poor reactions , Diamond - high end reactions.

Thats why it’s important imo when you’re at low levels to cut the fat out of your game. Have one jump in combo, one CC punish, one meaty/ throw set up, one AA etc.

Takes the decision part of the reaction out of the equation. Also low level players very rarely bait.

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Infiltration is no longer sponsored by Panda.

Also, fuck wifi warriors.
After that Bison I got several of them. Ended up losing all the ground and some more because of them.
Very fun to fight Birdie when you can’t see his start up frames.


I like this way of thinking. I didn’t necessarily agree with or understand the one jump-in combo, one CC punish, etc, but that makes a lot of sense. I think my reactions are okay, but probably pretty garbage in relation to high-end players. This will simplify things and allow me to think hopefully a little more clearly and gain confidence by just hitting the same combo more consistently, even at the cost of lower damage, than dropping optimal combos.

It’s possible with some characters to make your combo also = your block string.

So say with Sagat you could do st.mp, cr.mp xx LTS or MK knee. It doubles up, you just do it, no thought required, safe on block. Then you’ll eventually start recognising hits and you can start changing mid combo.

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The other thing to bear in mind with some of this stuff is the “why” and to a lesser extent the “when”.

One of the things I see a lot of are players that are doing things because they are either “a good idea” or something they have learned works over time, but maybe isn’t the correct thing to do in that situation or against that opponent.

A prominent example for me are the people who try to throw bait 20 seconds into the first round of the first game. On one hand, I get it: especially in these ranks you’ll catch a lot of people mashing on delay tech so why not? But when you’re playing against someone who isn’t doing that and you haven’t even tried to establish a throw game against, it ends up just killing their momentum. And they’ll do it over and over.


gonna let you know he didn’t have a fucking clue what was going on



I really need to woman up and stop when I know I am tilted.
I could still be on the verge of super gold right now had I stopped once I knew I was tilted and no longer playing to even more than 50% of my capacity.
Before I tilted I was winning 4 out of 5 matches. After I lost 4 out of 5 matches.

Bloody stupid me being stupid as usual.

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alright boys

SC online populace is fucking dead already, man waited 2 hours for a match and got put into a G rank. Fuck it.

where’s that Juri mecha outfit at


SC has horrible matchmaking and a really wonky netcode. It’s hard to say if the game just fails to find matches or if people stopped bothering looking for matches because it doesn’t find any. Sounds confusing but the end result is the same either way.

In any case, they need to do something ASAP if they want to sell even a single piece of DLC in the future. Right now SCVI is the disappointment of the year for me.

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Its unfortunate but there isn’t much of a true competitive community for SCVI.

A lot of people saying they are good, and they are like bronze rank equivalents, but very few people who are truly interested in getting serious.

SCVI makes SFV online seem godlike. It’s near impossible to get matches. Lounges are buggy as fuck. I’ll just stick to character creation for now.

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Well that isn’t a good sign. If Capcom bans him that will damning and the final nail in his FGC Coffin.

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PG banning Infiltration? Wow huh

SCVI slowing down already? Wow huh

There’s always something with SC. Tekken 7 had about the best launch it could have despite its day one issues and at least in Japanese arcades it could still kick for a while. Though Namco could really give a shit at this point about the arcade sales and I’m sure they’re not planning anymore updates. SC always fizzles off real fast competitively especially outside of the hardcore offline base. Just history repeating itself again there. I thought about getting into it a bit, but figured there’s other games that I know will die competitively fast that I can wait for instead.

Holidays coming up soon so more time to grind to Master for Psycho Lady. Just in time for those Falken buffs with Arcade Arcade Edition.