SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I’m having a fun time with Sagat. I feel like I already notice a bit of an improvement in my neutral game.

I think part of my issues in the past was I was so focused on rushing in and bypassing neutral that I didn’t really learn how to play it. I’d just jump/dash/flip in and hope for the best, amd even if I wasn’t, I was just kind of looking for my turn to do so.

Now that I’m more on defence and poking and zoning, it seems easier to notice my opponent’s tendencies. A few matches today in Ranked, I got killed the first match but came came back to take set. I’d like to get a better grasp on things quicker (at least after the first round), but I have a long way to go. It’ll take me long time to get where I want to, but I’ve had more fun playing as Sagat than I have in SFV in a long time.

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I just started a new account a few days ago to fully learn Sagat. I got him to gold so far.

Anywhere under gold all you need to really be doing is knowing where to stand so you can anti air, and maybe having 1 jump in combo. Especially going through rookie and bronze. People are going to usually just jump and they arent going to stop you from jumping. They don’t have any combos. They won’t punish properly. Most of the time they cant do specials and they’re going to sweep like theres no tomorrow.

In silver and gold maybe you need to learn some punishes and have a small understanding of defense. People can perform specials and you start to see a semblance of a gameplan from your opponent even if its wacky. The difference in opponents stuck in this area is the amount of mistakes they make.


When I ran through my new account with Kolin it was crazy how easy it was to dismantle people. I’m like damn was I this bad when I started out too? Lol


But I thought you were the worst in this game Twin?

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I am greatly looking forward to getting internet hooked up so I can play again. I was going to use this month’s CFN challenge to see how far I can get into the Gold ranks but between moving and the holidays I’ll just be happy to bank the 20 wins before the month rolls over.

Want to try to get to Plat before S4 and either a new character tempts me or they whack Laura again. :wink: Might even be able to pull it off once I can get momentum going again.

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Up to Gold level you’re just playing against the character, not really the man. People are creatures of habit, they will go for the easy flowchart chart damage.

You could probably make a simple flow chart to beat Gold. They also panic like hell on a KD.


I’ve only been paying attention to SFV for the last month or whatever, but I haven’t heard too many people bitching about Laura, so I don’t necessarily think there’s a mob out to nerf her…

Then again, it is Capcom and they seemingly buff/nerf some people without reason, so, you never know.

I definitely panic on knockdown, which is one of my biggest flaws. I’ve been working on just blocking but it’s tempting to use it when my opponent has a ton of momentum and it seems like they’re going to throw out a meaty… i know it’s not a good habit though.

People start getting decent at the game around gold rank. There isn’t a big difference in quality between ultra gold up to atleast super platinum rank.

I went through the levels a few times making notes. I was going to make a video series in the levels up to Diamond. Never made, but still might.

Gold is basically the most hectic level, people have just enough knowledge to be dangerous, but not quite enough to cover their mistakes.

If you want outa bronze/silver, just block,take the throws and get good at AA. Thats about all you need. You pretty much shouldn’t tech at them low levels. Just block and back dash out.

Platinum is where the frame data kicks in to get you past gold.


I’m playing this now instead of fighting games. It made my life better.


You’re goin nowhere!


I’m the worst relative to the amount of time I’ve put in. I honestly believe if you had the time to grind out rank like I did you would be better than me lol

I’m fucking stupid

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Tyrant and Packz are making really good videos - they have Excellent adventures type of videos, videos for helping begginners, commenting on new characters…
I really like this one:


I disagree, delay tech and decent AAs will make your defense impenetrable at bronze and silver, it’s once you hit gold that people will start shimmying.
Also where are you guys playing? Here in EU even bronze players will have at least one optimal combo down ,they just don’t know how to confirm them and that’s why they do nothing but jumping in hope to land their big combos.
Heck yesterday I fought this UG Blanka that knew every single Juri’s VT1 frame trap and would ex reversal through them, most of the gold players here are smart enough to respect her vt1 pressure and eat a throw instead of opening themselves to her scary shimmy game


I can’t get to gold. I’ve actually fallen all the way to Super Silver on PC. Only Silver on PS4.

Thanks @Highlandfireball I’ll try that. I will tech throw though if I notice a pattern or they’re abusing it too much.

I rarely dash though. I need to work on doing that more.

Till you are at almost super gold, match making gives you a 7-3 MU against you and then you tilt and loses several of the nest games and are back to the 5200 lp range. :unamused:


Fair enough. I don’t say that agreeing your stupid or anything, lol, but when I got into SFV and here, you were already in the platinum leagues so I never saw your struggle in the lower leagues.

I also know that you played a shit load of Ranked matches, way more than I have, but it has paid off and you’re a great player now (in my eyes anyway). I’ve been completely free to you anytime we’ve played.

Don’t be so hard on yourself Twin. Your work has been paying off. I see new players fly by me as well while I’m still grinding my ass off in these low leagues, but I’m still having fun and looking to get better.

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Yeah, I do agree with a lot of your points. Bronze players will definitely throw often on wakeup and will mix-up their meaties and throws (which delay teaching would help with), and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a shimmy in these lower leagues. Though, I don’t think that delay-teching as an automatic wakeup strategy is necessarily a good habit to make, but that’s me. I tend to create bad habits and then have a terrible time breaking them.

Also, as you said, most people know a few decent combos and can seemingly pull them off fairly reliably. And yes, most start the combo with a jump in or a CC.

What I’ve been noticing more with Sagat since I’m more playing defensively and trying to play footsies more, is that most of these lower ranked players have a couple of strategies to come in (unless they’re an Akuma who will try nearly every flip and jump in option available) and once you break that, they don’t seem to know what to do next.

I definitely need to work on my AA reactions and reads though. I’m typically okay with obvious ones, but ones during up-close back and forth scrambles catch me by surprise.