SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Next thread I’ll update the top 3 worst SRK CFN warriors. May have to bump it up to top 5. Only one can be the worst.

It will be a fierce competition for that title, I am sure.


I suggest a trial by battle to prove who is truly the worst SRK CFN warriors.

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All things considered I’m pretty certain that would be me, though I’m less “CFN Warrior” and more “dude that hangs on this thread in spite of not really playing SFV because sometimes my job is painfully slow” so I’m not sure I’d qualify.

I’m profoundly terrible at this game though, so I’d probably win if nominated. It’s my worst FG by a mile.

Sagat mains right now:



…not really, no


this is the only game where I can feel like crap even when I win


Equally great joy? Hmm, IDK about that one.
I don’t experience any significant amount of joy when winning in this game (especially not compared to other fighters). Trying to tame crazy 80-90% of the time with limited “anti-crazy” tools is not that enjoyable for me. I’m merely working on playing on point as much as possible.


Anybody else had trouble logging into the CFN website? I can’t log in with my Steam account in order to get that dojo stage :disappointed_relieved: Just gives “Error 30402” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, winning in sf5 is pretty meh for me. It’s like, hey I won more soft mixups than my opponent did. I don’t feel like there’s much to learn. The next game I might lose by an equally great margin as I just won by… the game feels random in its tactics, obvious in its strategies.

But you get to press a bunch of buttons so it still ends up being guilty fun somehow.


Data mining and leaks are different things, right? Then how some people can believe the latter without any proven source? We can leak ourselves the S4 lineup, outside Capcom nobody can’t contest our non-existent sources. With that in mind I can’t understand X-Kira believers, mama Capcom knows what to do exposing this guy.

I already said that i really want Gouken in the upcoming season however i would like to see Adon as well.

Sagat is way more popular and got added as the Muay Thai representative ,great for him and also great for the people who wanted him, no hate on the king.

However imo Adon is more original when it comes to gameplay and his style would fit SFV in my opinion.



If we don’t get Rose, I would very much like to see Hakan back to oil things up once more.
SFV needs more pure grapplers!

Yes, otherwise we’d be extinct. Women give a shit ton of misery.

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If Adon got in Jaguar Kicks would definitely be nerfed hard. Probably something like -8 so you have to commit to them. He’d probably lose IAJK too and that instant special cancel JHK(?). I also imagine he’d suffer the same rate as Necalli in terms of footsies. Unless Capcom buffs his Cr.Hp. What would his VS be? And how could Capcom differentiate him from Cammy?

I always thought a leak was true by definition but how do you handle information that can’t be proven? If Ono goes on reddit under his pseudonym “Ono” (a very clever palindrome) and posts the name of six characters that will be in S4, we won’t know if it’s a leak or a fake or just rumours.

Schroedinger’s leak.

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lol that’s my Adon from the HD Sprite thread. maybe i should reboot that thread


You made the sprite ?

If so good job,he looks good.

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I feel Adon would be pretty easy to implement in V. Nash’s plus on block, but slow start up moonsaults are kinda where they could take the jaguar kicks any way. I think Jaguar Tooth would be more different than the kicks are. Obviously with Makoto’s Tsurugi kicks we’ll see what they do with that first also.

In general Adon has always pretty much been a SFV character so overall he should be pretty easy to implement.

His Alpha version is very much to a SFV character.

  • No neutral jump specific normals. Just one normal for any jump. His SFIV NJ j.HP is his j.HP in Alpha. He didn’t get neutral jump HK or any of his other NJ normals until SFIV.

  • He only has one close/prox normal (close s.HK) that they could easily just turn into a command normal like in V ism

  • No early TK stuff. Couldn’t even really TK in Alpha AFAIK.

  • Mostly about hitting a couple buttons certain strong buttons in neutral. s.HK would be easy to make good again in V considering the priority and CC system.

  • No fireball stuff so he fits the original S1 vibe of not having ultra fireball spammy characters

  • Game is already filled with human projectile characters (Rashid, Blanka, G, Rog, Cammy etc.) so he fits right in

  • He’s generally basic AF so easy to give him Boxer/Birdie/Guile/Nash style shake up if they want to.


I never played Alpha Adon at all. Do you really think that incarnation of him would be interesting? I’d personally love to see Eagle, The Twins, Necro, Sean or Dudley ahead of him. As I feel they’d be far more interesting in the V system instead of Adon. Dudley for example would be a CH/shimmy monster.