SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Need this costume, soon.


Another week or so
I haven’t touched the game in a minute too

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First coaching session with Keoma went really well. He pointed a lot of stuff I wasn’t quite aware or thinking of.
Now I have to practise and actually put in work to fix that stuff.

This will be really interesting and I am looking forward to where it is leading.


That’s why I usually stick to ranked because people stop being shitheads when they’re worried about losing points. I’ve only been messing with casual a bit more just to see if I can catch any matchups or play styles that I haven’t already encountered in ranked. So far not really much and generally just weaker players than there are in ranked or people sandbagging with secondaries.

Updated CFN stats have been added for October.

What’s been happening , been outa reception for 4 days. How’d Bonchan go? Was that the real character reveal i saw on twitter somewhere?

confirmed fraud 4 life


Picked Nash ?

Total-sagat confirmed best Sagat.


“I will only pick Sagat for redbull”


Damn it’s 2018 and I’m still bad at all the fighting games. Well at least that’s a constant.

Oh yeah Rip Stan Lee whens Mahvel

dont worry itll change in 2019

im a famous youtuber so you can trust me


also highland I added yer YT channel to my recommended channels thing so now you will have more eyes on you better step up or be crushed under all this new pressure I am putting you under!!!


I legit feeling like disappearing right now. That’s how tight I am. I love this genre but I’m so fucking trash. Is it normal to like something that gives you so much misery? Lol

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how about you just got good all the fucken times i told you to get good

maybe listen to that!!!

Also this may come as a shocker but your biggest thing holding you back is attitude!!!

I recently lost to Dogura and I ain’t focused on the loss I am focused on if I get antoher crack at him how mUCH IM FGOING TO FUCKING KIL LHIM IM GOING TO DESTROY HIM FOR FREE FOR FUFKCKING FREE


Well that’s the nicest thing ever. I shall endeavour to put bigger writing and click baity titles.


Anyways twin stop fucken bein sad about fight games instead be happy about them!!!

Take losses less emotionally cause you are literally 1 step forward 2 step backs they wrote a documentary about that don’t do it!!!

Its ok to have cold streaks sometimes happens to the best of us!!!

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Also sfv seems more prone than any other modern fighter to inspire bad unjoy feelings upon loss. Of course sfv will be saved in season 4 once rose is in the game so you don’t have to wait much longer.


Yes SFV inspires great unjoy when losing but only because it inspires equallygreat joy when winning!

Weren’t you Diamond or something? Please shut up.

Seriously, between you and that Arkhos/William guy it’s just a downplaying ‘let’s feel bad for us’ competition that’s sort of insulting to the actually bad players. We can’t all be Roger Federer but that doesn’t mean you suck if you’re good enough to take a game from him from time to time.

Twin st.fierce button prolly broke. Thats Kolin cooked.