SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Street Fighter is born on cabs, no pads or hitbox there. SFV is simple enough to use other peripherals, which one is on you.

Good SF days are when I am playing with 70% of my capacity and up, not when I am actually having a ton of fun with it.
SFV victories donā€™t bring one that much joy. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m going to stick with Sagat.

Out of all of the characters in this game, playing as him really seems to highlight my weaknesses. I seem to do every movement, every attack button, and everything else at the wrong time. Despite how much Iā€™ve played SFV, I just do not understand how to fight well on a fundamental level.

Iā€™m going to get my ass beat a lot in the coming weeks/months, but I just need to accept it. When I start getting better, itā€™ll be because Iā€™m a better player overall.

Also, I do really like him and have fun with him, when Iā€™m not getting mauled anyway.

Thanks again for your help everyone.

Also, @Highlandfireball I saw your master guide on YT. Thatā€™s good shit and very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to make it. Thatā€™s going to help me (and others) a lot.


Would you please stop promoting that scumbag

The shitstain would have disappeared from relevancy long ago if I and others had stopped giving him any attention. Heā€™s poisoned the community enough as it is


I wouldnā€™t call it promotion cause he hates these kinds of videos being out there.

He hates people seeing him for what he truly is.

These videos exist for you to laugh at a horrible human being.

More to the point, without videos like these, people will soften, people will forget. Very dumb people might forgive. His horrible attitude and actions need to constantly be highlighted as a warning to others.

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I remember giving the feint cancel combos a try once (cr.HP, TK feint, cr.HP) and after 15 minutes all I managed was to make my hands hurt like hell and not landing it even once. Itā€™s probably muscle memory more than anything else but combined with jump cancels and lots of DP motions I always felt like she was definitely a stick character.

Command grabs work better on pad, arguably. Never had any issue using a grappler in any SF game.

Agreed. Iā€™ve long grown tired of anything LTG related. That horse has been beat to death, brought back to life, and beaten to death again.

He hates the videos being out there because he thinks theyā€™re stealing his content

If he didnā€™t want people to see him for what he truly is, he wouldnā€™t be streaming to begin with

All the videos are doing is further promoting him and giving more attention to him than he deserves


I donā€™t hate him enough where heā€™s completely unwatchable for me. Hearing him whine out loud which characters are played too much online is pretty hilarious. ā€œAll you see is ABIGAIL, Karin, Menat, Guile, Ibuki, CAMMY, AKUMA,ā€. Then heā€™ll go and get his Alex bodied online and say ā€œAlex has no toolsā€. Thatā€™s why people play Abigail, Karin, Menat Guile and Ibuki I guess.

Sometimes he randomly screeches his voice which is kinda funny.

I remember hearing about pad players saying they werenā€™t going to like playing Falke since they traditionally donā€™t like holding buttons down and characters that have to regularly hit 2 and 3 buttons. As a Marvel player you have characters like Zero and Viper where you constantly have to give up a button to charge their projectile so itā€™s natural for me.

Iā€™m a pad player and SFIV Juri and SC Hilde are my favourite fighting game characters to play as. Those are holding buttons 24/7.

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Yeah for some reason other pad players are very adverse to button hold characters.

Damn. RIP to Stan Lee. Created my favorite superhero (Spider-Man) ever and some of the most memorable characters and stories. Wish I wouldā€™ve had a chance to meet him.


I just found a few minutes ago :pensive:

Figured it was only a matter of time. He will forever be Marvel and Marvel will rise again.

Made a Diamond Guile drop on my Falke in casuals. Feels good now gonna work for a bit


So isnā€™t there a compilation of the entire top 8 or 16 from Redbull Kumite? I donā€™t want to watch videos one by one and sit through a dozen ads for each of them.

Canā€™t you just skip around the archived stream?

Oh yeah itā€™s available on Twitch. Cool :slight_smile:

Is Casuals just shitheads territory after Diamond?

Iā€™m already having a bad time as it is, I donā€™t need a Ryu that starts the match by whiffing three DPs in a row and a Sakura that starts taunting over and over because she canā€™t deal with Falkeā€™s zoning.

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Today is the Queenā€™s birthday

AKA Menat