SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Tarot cards for everyone!

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I would love to play a character with no fireball, but I just canā€™t, I donā€™t know how in the world cammy or mika is better than Ryu lol.

So Iā€™ve gone full circle and went back to Ken, the first character I used

I didnā€™t punch myself in the face playing this time when I tried him so thatā€™s progress I guess

Granted I was ready to throw my controller once 'cause rollback made me screw up my one-hit confirms like 5 times in one game but whatever

Fighting characters like Karin with him is as a pain in the ass as I remember, but Iā€™m sure Menat could handle her and others like her (IE Chun) well enough if it comes down to that

Tune in next month when I go on a depressing rant again about how trash I am and canā€™t use anyone even though Iā€™ve only got 50 hours worth of matches at best since 2016 so itā€™s because Iā€™m a lazy dipshit


Yeah, Menat is definitely a better pick against Karin. I think itā€™s one of Karinā€™s worst matchups honestly. Karin canā€™t stand in her favourite range and bully with normalsā€¦Menat basically forces her to go balls to the wall rushdown, which is uncomfortable for most Karin players who prefer a more calculated approach. Drill kicks completely mess with her AA timings as well.

Karin donā€™t like Falke too much either. She can counter poke vs Falke a bit better, but if the Falke player knows their ranges and doesnā€™t whiff itā€™s similarly dominant neutral for Falke. With Menat if Karin does get in she can go to town, but vs Falke still has to deal with big invincible reversal and a v reversal that knocks her half across the screen if it hits. She basically canā€™t jump at Falke either unless she gets within cross up range and can always just prepare j.LP for that range.

I havenā€™t had too much trouble against Falke - at least not compared to Menat. But that could be the caliber of Falke players Iā€™m fightingā€¦ seems like most Menatā€™s are solo mains and Falkeā€™s a pretty popular side character. I could see how the match might be bad in theory.

I 2 0d pretty soundly the last GM Karin I fought in ranked and most other Karins I usually beat pretty easily or they have to completely outplay me to have a shot. Only like RobTVs Karin and a couple others give me any real struggle. Itā€™s basically an easier version of the Cammy match which means if Falke gets any buffs at all it will be clear in her favor by then

Yeah most Falkes are sloppy side Falkes that are always missing one of her important buttons, neutral tools or confirms

Anyone know the streamer link is for whatever weekly or biweekly event that norcal holds?

I always lose to Karin as Falke but thatā€™s mostly down to being free to shoulder pressure. Plus sheā€™s a bit like Ken in that any combo knocks you into the corner and Iā€™m historically awful in the corner.

The Karin MU is a pretty good one for Falke. Falke can control space pretty well and Karin canā€™t actually jump during match.
On a good SF day for me, I will beat Karin players far more often than I lose to them.
On a bad SF day, I will lose to Zangief with Falke.


The last time I had a good SF day was when I was playing Rose in SFIV.


Ok, I usually donā€™t care about mods (because I canā€™t use them on PS4) but this one is really cool:


Falkeā€™s normals are slower, she has no disjoints and I despise hold-and-release type special moves

I canā€™t use her

Good morning, Iā€™m learning M Bison again.


You will be able to play her if you start playing stick!

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I played Cody in SF4/SF x TK, played Juri a lot in SF x TK and Zero when I tried MvC3. Itā€™s not a problem of not being able to do hold and release

Itā€™s just like charge characters; I can do it fine, I just donā€™t like it

I hated playing on stick more than any of that either way

Sticks are overrated , pads are just fine. But hitbox is my favorite.
Just go with what you feel more comfortable with,not whats considered the best.

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Sticks made sense in previous games for characters like Viper (no idea how Wolfkrone pulled off that stuff on pad) but with Baby Execution V thereā€™s no big advantage anymore. Just personal preference.

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I have personally always found C Viper easier to use on pad tbh. Also most grapplers(270 shortcut for the win)in SF series to be better to play on pad.

Its flu season soon, its time for your immunization