SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Block is always best. The throw won’t kill you.

Except when it does, that is.

Yeah that’s all a part of managing your health and stun bar. Which is why minus 2 is best when the opponent is about to get stunned. You force mind game that’s much more in your favor then doing it on high health, low stun opponent. Problem X still wasn’t going to die if he took the throw (and had a whole nother match to play if he did die after) so he knew it was best to stick it out for a classic and the classic came.

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I’ve just noticed there wasn’t a Cammy today, good news. We have the most fair and honest characters at the end of the tournament.

Daigo going the Stone Cold way on that Red Bull before facing Fujimura says enough.

Cammy is always weird in tournaments. Does a bunch of work at one, then doesn’t show up at top 8 for Evo.

Awww yeah Kunoichi throwing shurikens.

That VT needs 3 fkn bars, Jesus Christ.


Only 3 bars if she gets the best V ism combos in the game as compensation.

hell yes Fujimura saving the world from the boredom of zoning.

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3 0 ninja lady. I’m ready for the BUFFZ

What. A. Rape.

I have to admit I feel for Daigo. He looks like he was wronged. That’s a rough look.

What the hell happened to poor Daigo there?
He seemed slow and lost during the set. :frowning:

Falke gonna get dem buffz, you gonna fall standing anyway.



1 outta 2 ain’t bad. I’ll take it.

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I am ready for them Falke buffs too.


AA psycho crusher super. Yoooo. This might be it for Daigo.



yo y o yo what the


Problem X is so hype to watch. Makes me want to go and play the game.


I saw that combo during the first Winners Stays On after AE release, people forgot that.

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