SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Oh yes the most anime character with the most anime player. Nemo with the purple Versace. I need to see dem walls if muscle spirit doesn’t run him over first.

Nemo actually blocking? I dunno he should have pulled out the yellow headbutt. Luffy is better Marn he’s going to keep grabbing.

I get such pleasure watching Mika throw people around or put them in dreadful 50/50 situations. It makes me warm inside…unless that shit is happening to me :sunglasses:


Luckily Nemo has the scum to out scum Mika. Ended with the golden letters. Those f+MP headbutt cancels are so crisp.


Yeah, I’m so excited about him that I can’t wait Makoto to show up next season.



Presidential Power


President G!! Let’s fucking go!!

He lost the election to a former gang member. A junkyard dealer.

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lol at the self cornering for the lose.

Naahh didn’t work out. Once Smug started jumping I knew he wasn’t feeling comfortable in the neutral. You gotta be a rock with G’s neutral cuz one slip up and it’s done.

He should have mashed super out near the end there just to chip out.

Smug tried to go for the flashy instant overhead combo and got screwed because of it. Should have just kept zoning.

Smug was doing ok with Rog, kinda crazy switch to G in that situation.

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Yeah Smug’s not really known for his zoning. He’s more of an aggressive player so he’s gonna extend himself more than someone more zoning centered would. There’s no real reason for G to jump vs Abigail. Let him jump on you.

Neutrally I think it completely makes sense because I believe he has all of the grounded tools to deal with Abigail, but because G has no defense you have to be rock solid or it’s bad times.

Smug is the type of player to sit on a 40 percent life lead with only chip left to go, and then still go for jump cross vs freaking Abigail. A true zoner wouldn’t even bother with that. He even almost had super to chip him out but extended for the loss.

Smug never allows losses to get him down. He always finds a way to get laughter out of them. That’s why he’s awesome.


He has the right mind to play a volatile game like SFV where losing is so easy. I wish to be that light hearted about losing.

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I dunno, G only gets crazy in VT or lvl 3, until that I don’t think his neutral is that good. Anyway, pulling a new character with no defense against Abi in the last game was ballsy af and I respect that.

That’s the thing. It’s pretty easy to get level 3 vs Abigail and he got level 3 plenty early vs Problem X’s Abigail. It’s just Smug is just not very good at the type of play necessary to stall out Abigail. Taking unnecessary risks that someone who actually plays zoning centric characters wouldn’t do. Once you got that level 3 fireball there’s not much Abigail can safely do especially if you have super. He just made a lot of bad, aggressive decisions that weren’t necessary.


Nemo hates blocking, lmao.


TBF you don’t really need to block with Urien. Throw invincible special, slow, but invincible EX special that’s strong in neutral and frame 1 wake up aegis.

If you are blocking it means you are losing so best not to block at all


I mean I’m sure Nemo doesn’t even block when he plays G, but especially not too necessary to block with Urien.

LOL Nemo went for the minus 2 classic and busted.

Problem X with the solution to -2 shenanigans.

Just block it.


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