SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

More SC6 news. Set a new goal for myself; hit Azwel’s 2nd CE atleast once a match. Not only does it have stupid range, hitting that shit clean is 150 fucking damage. Using it in a combo barely scales it, you can still get 120+ damage. Best CE in the game, no contest.

Nah, unboxing vids exist.


So also do reactions to unboxing videos.

So, curious about something I realized while in training mode. I turned the key display on and with akuma I started doing the jump in hp>cr.hp>st.mk>lk.tatsu and noticed that I press lk twice instead of one time. I didn’t even realized that until I had the button displaying in training mode, now although I press the lk twice the combo comes out 9/10 times. I then did the same combo but pressing lk only once and I have to delay pressing the button slightly in order for the combo to come out, so my question is, should I just keep on doing the combo which seems easier to me even though I press light kick twice or should I practice doing it the way it was intended to even though it seems a bit harder? Probly doesn’t even matter but I’m just curious.

Unboxing videos can have a purpose at least. Say I want some shiny collector’s edition but I doubt the real thing will look as good as the product render on amazon so I can just watch the video to see if the statue looks as good as promised.

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Sakura really have inconsistent combos? Seems to be a complaint. I know Ken has that issue once in a while, so I circumvent it with tighter confirms. Don’t know, just askin


Akuma’s expression is priceless. He’s like Krazy K in Tales From The Hood, he just don’t give a fuck.


Heavy hitters

It’s mostly max range combos using back Hp or cr. Mk that are inconsistent. I’ve experienced some extremely random whiffs against Laura, but that’s something that won’t happen enough to be relevant.

Just watched Shakz play on the Red Bull stream.

Someone delete Laura from the game plz.


I may be wrong but GGX back in 2000 had guts scaling

This Cody on stream is :fire:


It’s 2018, people bitch about Cammy now. Get with the times.

French Cody is awesome.


A lot of people will press a button twice if they have to delay the timing on a hit, as you mentioned, it helps with the timing.

It may be better for your general execution if you learned the timing to delay it and press it once, but honestly, I don’t think it matters if you’re aware of the fact that you hit it twice and why you do.

My 2 cents

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Urien’s overhead is so disrespectful.

I can safely say I’ve never seen a F.A.N.G. Vs Cody match.

Holy shit, Discourse sucks.

I got bored, decided to see what y’all are doing. What’s up?


The anime gods generally introduced the first real prominent use of it in Guilty Gear, so thank anime. The Guts system was always specifically detailed in every GameFAQ for GG back in the day.

In that game it’s interesting because most characters have their own specific scaling. Like how Chipp has the lowest health normally, but his guts is the highest in the game so when he’s low on health he essentially gets an RPG defense boost. For like the last combo or 2 or last set of hits he essentially gets the effect of having the highest health until you kill him. Which is why it’s better to kill him by hitting him 2 real good times with the most damage/meter spent possible. If you’re slowly killing him off with stray hits that last combo/hit to finish him will be tough sometimes.

This tournament is great.