SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Can’t wait to see BigBird going ape shit on Twitter because of Ratshit nerfs.

He went apeshit enough over the pricklings he took in AE, so I can imagine if they even take his sandles off in S4 he’ll go off.

This is why playing irrelevent lower mid tier characters help because you’ll generally only get more decent stuff for the most part. It’s only like if you play Vega then you know it’s still going to get worse. You can also play one of the protected characters like Cammy or Akuma that never really get touched and even gets buffs still, but nobody respects that.

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The last Akuma vs Ken match was a dp festival, I’m scared to go online now.

Get to see this Cody protect the city.

Well he was fighting Gachikun so didn’t see much.

Season 4 better come with Rashid cr.HP nerf.

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Oh my God, the comeback.

It’s already gotten nerfed like 2 times. Don’t see them nerfing it anymore.

Gachikun is sick. He makes that VT2 Marvel AF. Was a good move for Takamura to raw activate to see the fireball but then he jumped up and got hit by it any way lol.

Watch. I see at least losing the CC property, that button is retarded. I can’t see Capcom reducing Ratshit general corner carry, so his cr.hp will be touched again. Hey, if they limit the corner carry I’m ok either.

Nah don’t really see either happening. They want the game to revolve around strong heavy buttons so don’t see it getting shaved much more. If you attack his c.HP then Urien’s s.HP is next up unnecessarily and so on. There’s too many heavy buttons that “need” nerfing that won’t get nerfed. Half the cast has ridiculous corner carry and they’ve never done much to nerf corner carry.

I’m more wondering what strong, crazy shit they’ll add next as that’s the more likely thing.

Fells great seeing Rashid main losing to the same bullshit :slight_smile:

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Preview of S4 right there.

What would you even change in S4? Anything goes, as long as you can explain why.

I imagine Problem X would go for mirror if he faces Hotdog. Like that Hotdog seems to find use for both VT1 and VT2 Bipson.

I would add V ism combos like this one go Gief can whiff punish Sim’s limbs more effectively and go up the tier list.


As a former anime player, I say it’s beautiful.
As a former SF player, hell no, wtf is wrong with you?

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Hell yeah indeed. It’s Gief’s time S4 back to the A3 days. Gief’s been kept out to long. Time to get in and win.


And give Gief fast lariat for that delicious lower body invincibility.
Menat’s st HP? She ain’t going to throw that button against him no more if we get it.

Also, I am so freaking mad that I saw the supposedly best and highest ranked Falke player in Brazil at Fighting Rio round 8 stream playing Falke worse than me.
WTF was that shit? Letting Cammy do dive kicks for free? For real?

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I thought something on the lines of giving his MP SPD 4f startup with LP’s reach for whiff punishing and 3f traps off +1 buttons.

Nah. NAH!
We want fast lariat and kara headbutt cancel into v-ism to flying invincible Gief at 100 miles per hour towards the poor soul we are crushing.

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So I thought I was going to have a chance at getting the Gloria Laura costume. I know it usually consists of weeks to obtain pieces, but since this was a returning costume, I thought all would be available consecutively. Well, I obtained the 4th piece, played the next, got a measly 2500 exp, then learned that I can’t obtain any other pieces. Meaning, the glorious Gloria Laura will not be mine for the time being. Fuck me.

You can get it by buying the GnG/Devil May Cry costume bundle on the PSN/Steam stores.

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