SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Make smaller goals. Most people make stupid ass goals like - “I want to get to super platinum”.

Thats a shit goal. A path littered with a billion variables.

I remember when I was shit I just wanted to beat this one Guile player, that was my goal and when I started beating him I used similar thought processes to beat other players then the pieces started falling into place.

I’m not Gona lie though.Horrendous game to judge yourself. Guts scaling keeping folk alive, v trigger, crush counters. You could probably play a round 80% optimal and lose. Shit times. Gota suck it up.


Everyone should understand this by now, but sfv is shit. It can be fun, but it’s fun wrapped in shit.

No matter how much people say pick top tier, I couldn’t pull myself away from Sakura + Balrog. I constantly bounced in gold basically playing random select. But some peeps can only play with characters they gel with. Once I accepted that I grinded, took my lumps and got em both to high plat/low diamond. Everyone doesn’t start at the same level or advance at the same pace, but if you have the drive you can make it happen.

You’re super hard on yourself. Chilllax and make sure you’re atleast having fun playing SFV.

FYI SFV is a shitty metric for getting gud at fighting games.


Lord William isn’t going to chillax, that’s not what he does. He’s one of those players that’s always going to beat himself up, so telling him to chillax isn’t doing anything for him.

Also, there are games nearly as volatile or more volatile than SFV out there so if you’re doing things like blaming the game for why you lost, you’re going to be losing more matches than you should. There’s always something you could have done or a different character you can pick.

I didn’t get through 3rd Strike, Marvel 3 and KI worrying about the rhetoric people spilled about the games being random or volatile. That shit just puts you in a mindset where it’s ok to lose because the game makes you lose and you’re only going to lose more matches than you should thinking that way instead of fixing up the small things.


There are some factors that can come with losing, but generally it’s on us. That’s why win or lose you should have fun playing the game. And play who you like, unless you’re competing and aim at being pro then tiers shouldn’t be that important. Just my way of thinking.

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This Lord William fellow sounds like a bitch


my rage is as real as it gets here…

I don’t wanna I fuckin hate em
like if I did, i’d absolutely get more clicks than I do right now, but I don’t do things I hate on the channel.


literally everyone in the fgc is

you just figured it out for yourself now


He’s a good friend of mine and if you bash him again I am going to bash your fucken skull!!!


Yeah saying chillax is a bit of a “yeah right” moment when it comes to LW, but in the pursuit of getting good at anything being so critical can be detrimental to your growth.

Sometimes you gotta take a step back and cool off.

LW is a loser

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The fucking truth right here

Never heard of this LordWilliam/LW or whatever

Reaction videos might just be the dumbest thing youtube has been flooded with. I remember youtube ‘recommending’ me a video some time ago when Overwatch came out in which some random youtube guy showed his mother an Overwatch short film and put that up as ‘my mum reacts to Overwatch’.

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I think the reason for me why sfv is a bad game to gauge your progression as a player on, is because you need some pretty high end reactions to be able to control anything in this game. Unless you play guile lol

I’ll say it again but SFV is the game where it feels like you’re actually in a fight.

Try to punch but get crush countered? That’s a street fight alright.

Never feeling safe against a skilled opponent where you can’t rely on jokes like crouch-teching? It’s a real fight alright.

By all means, SFV still needs quicker input responses, however though.



Make videos of you reacting to reaction videos.

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The characters in SFV do 80% work for you. Of course that may change depending on the level of play, but the baseline is about that.

Man I went to SCVI expecting some good chunks of damage and I found there’s guts scaling there too. How did this disease spread? Which was the first game to feature it?

Whoever came with this idea deserves to be punched in the face before getting kicked in the nuts to see if it really hurt less.

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There’s so much damage in SC6 I barely notice the guts scaling. I’d say only 3-5 characters don’t do good damage. Everyone else fucking hurts.

Can’t lie. Guts scaling in SFV gets me salty a lot of time.