SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains


You are a celebrity now :wink:


Even I do these combos all the time and Iā€™m Ultra Gold/Platinum.

st.MP -> cr.MK x L.SBK is actually not that hard because you can wait forever to cancel into SBK so you donā€™t have to be on point with the charge timing. M.SBK needs more precise inputs for the charge but is also the version of that combo you see in tournaments. I just use the light version 95% of the time because Iā€™m bad.

I am neither pretty enough nor green enough to be Jennifer Walters.
I am just a cranky old woman with a dislike for flimsy equipment.

At over 40k subscribers now on youtube too

Max will be overthrown

the prophecy will be fulfilled.

And I am doing it all without a single fucking reaction or fake rage video too.


I agree with this. Other ā€œwackā€ characters I have problems with are Alex/fang/ryu

Ryu only when itā€™s shitty players, Alex only when itā€™s hammy playersā€¦ which is most of them, fang only when itā€™s really good players but itā€™s rare as hell to play against a fang that is actually a bad player, same as itā€™s rare as hell to play against a sim thatā€™s actually a good player :slight_smile:

Yay, 2nd Impact will send me a brand new lever with a metal base to replace this one.
Hopefully it is not aluminium, but even if it is, it should last me more than 5 months.

Will last forever if you start playing like an human being instead of going Oozaru mode 24/7

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I foresee it lasting me 9 to 12 months, which is more than enough.
Funny though that the hori mini I had never showed any problems with itā€™s lever and would be still fully functional havenā€™t I hammered it down to tiny bits of plastic after I got this stick.

Iā€™m excited for Red Bull Kumite this weekend. Been playing a lot more lately, so itā€™ll be good to just chill and watch some matches.


Yeah, you save all your reactions and fake rage for this forum.



You should do reaction videos though.

Iā€™ve never been a fan of Simā€™s new v-skill because it shits on a lot of space control in a matchup where it was already difficult to control space or get in. I used to like fighting Sim in SF4 because despite his ability to avoid FBs and whatnot, I at least knew the limitations to the paths he could take and fight accordingly. This removes those limits and gives him even easier ways around whatever I do.

Iā€™ve labbed out a bunch of stuff to try and ā€œdealā€ with it, but thereā€™s almost always some guesswork involved (I replied to the tweet with like a cliff-notes/ultra simplified version of how I handle it).

Dealing with him starting it from the ground vs him doing it while jumping are two completely different things and his ability to float backward makes it almost as annoying as dealing with Sentinel flying up-back in Marvel 2. You just know they are trying to do the rope-a-dope tactic whenever they start it and want to bait you into chasing him just to get smacked in the face. Whoever has the life-lead plays a lot into the amount of leverage heā€™ll have using it though. Still I consider this v-skill as a major contributing factor to why this is one of my worst matchups.

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I didnā€™t even see the LK SBK that he wrote for the trial. Thatā€™s not even the real combo. If youā€™re not doing MK SBK after c.MK especially midscreen youā€™re missing out on a good bit of corner carry. Definitely one of the harder combos in the game because itā€™s about a just frame charge timing, but pretty doable to be consistent with.

Other things like counter hit s.MP, c.HP, HK SBK are important to learn as you get like 250 damage well over 300 stun meterless and puts the opponent dead in the corner from round start. If you can catch them standing c.LK, c.LP, LK SBK is good for a low that carries as well as it does.

MK IALL, c.LP, s.MP, c.MK, MK SBK is still about the hardest thing combo wise that is regular to pull in neutral for any character in the game.

I go for MK SBK if I know Iā€™m close enough to the opponent. Otherwise Iā€™ll use LK SBK for the extra confirmation time to make sure the cr. MK actually hit as Iā€™ve been screwed over by the pushback in this game making cr. MK whiff too many times.

Sounds like a safe deal, although I never did that personally. You probably need some weird hurt box/opponent hit box scenarios to happen for c.MK to whiff from like a closer ranged s.MP. I could see opting for LK SBK maybe after landing a counter hit c.LP, c.MK because that combo tends to hit from ranges where MK SBK start up would be risky.

I remember grinding those combos in Season 1. For me, the trick to making s.MP, c.MK, MK SBK consistent was to treat the down input after st.mp as a plink. Basically st.MP ~ Down.

My execution isnā€™t great, but I was pretty consistent with Chuns combos back then.

I also remember learning to cancel st.lp into LK SBK in Season 2.

I feel like your voice is too ā€œanalyticalā€ for reaction stuff any way. Your voice is much better suited for information than freaking out about a 45 second trailer that shows not really much any way.

LTG does a good job click baiting his videos by showing a thumbnail of him looking ultra surprised about a new character, then the video is just him criticizing and droning about the trailer with the worst ratio picture in picture that you can find. As heā€™s playing the trailer he makes the picture for the trailer so large that it cuts off like a 1/4th of his face lol. He basically does the opposite of what you should do which is play the trailer in large with your face in full in a smaller picture or cut between your face and the trailer like Max does. In LTGā€™s videos he is the trailer and the trailer is just a smaller figure on screen.


Been doing a lot of self reflection as of late and Iā€™ve come to a single conclusion

Iā€™m just a stubborn asshole and a sore loser

And whatever dumbass excuse I make one week and change the next is just a byproduct of that

Wonā€™t accept criticism properly because I want to prove I can get better on my own terms, convinced myself that bashing myself is the way Iā€™ve improved the most and refuse to accept that maybe that mentality is f**ked up

Canā€™t take a loss, so the above also becomes an excuse and a way to hide that fact, under the guise of ā€œimproving myselfā€

Canā€™t accept that getting good takes a long time so I keep attacking myself thinking itā€™ll speed up the process and refuse to listen to people that are telling me thatā€™s not the approach you should be taking and has probably just been detrimental

Keep insisting on using Ed even though everyone tells me heā€™s not the character for me, thinking that him having a fireball is enough to force him to play in a manner heā€™s not meant for

Always rallied against scrub mentalities, but Iā€™ve been the ultimate scrub all along

Whether I can even fix that at this point I donā€™t even know


Ed works for you at the minimum since he has pretty solid neutral and is one of the most difficult characters to land a clean jump in on. If heā€™s sitting in neutral you basically canā€™t jump at him and expect to land on the ground. Menat will give you more bang for you buck for a lame style, but Menat is obviously closer to that Sim/anime esque zoner thing which isnā€™t 100 percent what youā€™re looking for either.

Playing both of them gives you a good bit of what works for you character wise, but in this game you probably wonā€™t ever find a character that 100 percent fits you.

Even for myself Ibuki is my character and fits me better than IV Ibuki did, but thereā€™s still a few matchups where I just donā€™t wanna play a short buttoned character with a resource based fireball. Falke covers that long range I like to have vs those characters and doesnā€™t have a bunch of manual shit to learn to make things easier to side her. She also has a DP which is a mandatory thing for me. I donā€™t play no DP characters.