SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

probably gonna need a JLW or IL joystick to handle your hulk arms




Forget using an optical lever, that’s for people with hands not shovels, especially the Hayabusa Silent. You’re going to break even the next one until:

  • you learn how to use a Japanese lever properly with a human resistance to your movements (aka spring under 2lb)

-try another kind of lever. IL or Korean joysticks are an option, but iirc you played KOF before, right? The Seimitsu LS-40-01 is the lever used on SNL fgs cabinets, it’s a fantastic joystick, a bit stiffer compared to a regular Sanwa JLF and definitely you ain’t gonna break it.

Going through all of the character trials, pretty much breezing through them until I get to Chun Li vol 2 trial 8. CC st.HK, st.MP, cr.MK, LK.SBK. Wow, this one took me awhile. Do pro Chun’s land this consistently? Like does MOV do this in tournaments? I have a newfound respect for Chun mains that can pull this off.

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Not my fault they made that thing with flimsy, brittle materials!
That base should have been made out of steel.
Aluminium would break too because it is a wimpy metal for sissies!

Okay, easy there Ninth Wonder, let the sticks live.

Yeah that’s a regular combo for any Chun main. Even like the high diamond/master ones online. Chun Li was the first real execution meta character of the game and her execution to play her at top level is still above most of the other cast. MOV has those stand s.LK, LK SBK combos that I’m sure not even every Chun Li can do with consistency.

The one thing I prided myself on in Evo 2016 was that I didn’t drop one IALL the whole tournament. Considering the ones that I dropped and lost me matches online and at local tournaments it was a nice moral victory.


I will have steel plates cut for the next stick I get.
But I guess from all you all are saying, Sanwa might be too wimpy too for my needs.
This sucks!

Whelp…I’m convinced. Was minding my business and I got bodied. Didn’t even have my PS4 on :anguished:


Or, or…you could not be a destructive force and use some gentle movements.

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She’s not a destructive force. Don’t know why’d you think so.


Run fam, I’ll distract her with Gief fan art. Get out while you can.


What is this gentle word? I never heard it before.

You will learn in time little one.

I’m beginning to think Bea’s real name is Jennifer Walters…

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these are pretty sturdy


I had the biggest crush on Xena as a kid


Do yourself a favor and watch Spartacus, it’s on Netflix, you won’t regret it. :wink:


Well this topic has taken a turn…

Waiting for Juri costume…Season 4 patchnotes should be in a couple of weeks