SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Time for me to learn sf5 ibuki.


Dunno what happened, but I am being able to keep a 60% win rate on ranked with Falke in both the PC and PS4 accounts and gaining 400 to 600 LP per session I do.
I may become a super gold scrub on my PC account tonight even.


condolences friend I will pray 4 u

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Iā€™ve been telling you. You always got some old man on the porch thing about why you canā€™t use her.

Basically think about the last time youā€™ve been able to back tech or tech at all after getting hit by Ibuki. If you actually get knocked down after getting hit by Ibuki, itā€™s a luxury. Any EX kunai or VT2 combo you will not get the comfort of laying your butt on the floor. Plus her on hit command dash shenanigans where you get blindsided into getting hit again because she command dashes during a string that already hit. Then you get put in EX kunai standing reset after.

Then think about any other character that you get hit by and have post knockdown tech options for and compare. The other top tiers may cover oki well, but at least you get the luxury of teching to begin with.

When I play Ibuki vs people I donā€™t want you to ever fall on your back and if you do I wanna make sure youā€™re incapable of back rising. She basically has the closest to old game oki that you can get in SFV. I pretty much use similar mentality that I use from 3S Ibuki. In 3S I use Raida because it causes untechable knockdown and use close s.LP and close s.HK strings because they lead to standing resets that there are no tech options for.

People out here complaining that they canā€™t see certain rises when there is a character right in your face that spits at the whole notion of looking for a rise. Similar to how in SFIV Ibuki got even stronger in Ultra basically BECAUSE they added delay rise


I hate that she can do that, but i donā€™t want it nerfed. Every character should be unique, however, only a few are.

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Yeah I forgot to add that to my bullshit list. I had assumed we all knew ibuki players have the smarts of an Australian Kangeroo caught in the headlights.


Been having a lot of good matches online lately. Even against those who live in the UK and Brazil. The consistency just makes the game so much more fun.

You have been having good online matches against Brazilian players?
Please, tell me the secret for that because I live here and I canā€™t get those!
It is a wifi jungle out there!


Iā€™m just as surprised as you are. Guess after having a stretch of laggy games, the SFV Gods decided to make things more smooth.

Donā€™t get used to that, itā€™s a trap. You know bro.

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Vesper at it again with suggested balance changes, bleh. I donā€™t agree with anything he says


I have accepted that I will be forever Ultra Silver on PC. Iā€™ll get with on one win of gold and always go 1-2 :expressionless:

That happened to me a lot too. Iā€™m sure if you keep playing youā€™ll make it.

Who do you play and what is giving you issues ?

You can do it, I am 100% sure!
If a total scrub like me could do it, you can too!

Kolin. Guile gives me the most problems. Any other matchup I just feel like I deserve the loss.

Oh, u want that parry for the Gouken feels ?

I feel you bro.

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Yup, how did you know



I guess I am not hitting super gold tonight.