SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

I mean have fun my guy there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the other parts. I know I’m in the minority but I couldn’t be more uninterested in SPC in fighting games.

Yung Zeku wakeup animation feels weird even for us Zeku players sometimes, but surprised even me how many times I can wakeup with shorts for almost free. If that can feel you better I have problem myself sometimes against Ibuki, probably it’s a ninja thing.

I’m still waiting for Azam.

We need to oil up.
We need Hakan!


Ibuki has lots of things like that, she’s probably the biggest abuser of the system in the game

  • Wake up animation retardness
  • A CC heavy that she can whiff and jab you before you even realise
  • A target combo to confirm her Slut hands
  • Z Tier EX move
  • Multiple ways into her V-trigger that are all really hard to deal with (cr.mk, V-skill, raw to catch jumps and backdash)
  • A move that pulls her hurt box away ( and also cancels into V-trigger)
  • An AA that resets you
  • Corner escapes.

What a complete bitch. Somebody post this on Capcom Unity under the name - SagatTigerspamislame 92.


Never noticed Ibuki wake up screwing up my meaties. Think I play against her a lot. Menat on the other hand is a fucking bitch when waking up.

Legit wtf Capcom.

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Yeah, I’ve seen even pros being unable to do meaties on Menat, it’s crazy.

Played an hour before bed, outside the sore losers who still RQing because they’re ass, I’m encountering the lag during dizzy state more often since update. It’s incredible how I can miss a combo because the opponent is mashing like a muhfucker. Ok, that’s the way to cut down the dizzy state time, but we all know how doing that can make the connection unstable. Hope Capgods spend time to fix this abomination.

Birdie is your answer to Ibuki and Menat problems.

As far as your overall SFV problems, play another game.

Ibuki’s v-skill is incredibly annoying.

It breaks the rules of the game. She didn’t walk backwards but her hurtbox did anyway.

I have same problems meatying some characters too. Hope they improve those animations so they send a clear picture to the player who’s ready and waiting to meaty. Standard situations that apply to all characters should follow the same rules - same timing and same clear picture of animations.


God tier wakeup animations, You gotta guess right if you’re manually timing your meaty or your gettin wakeup jabbed: Ibuki, Young Zeku.

Top Tier wakeup animations, you can still nail down consistent meaties but they take practice and getting used to: Mika, Laura, Old zeku, Menat, Cammy. Still worry about getting wakeup jabbed into salt town oblivion, but it’s not a lost cause, just takes more energy

Regular Tier: Everyone else, 3framers are tougher overall but i’m not scared of getting random wakeup jabbed by them unless it’s online

Holy shit i can actually.meaty ibuki now

Input delay fix, thank you

Just cant in the corner, shiet

You didn’t even list the one that i bring up all the time so that shows how broken she is

Once I started to actually practice meatying the animations on reaction, it wasn’t hard, even ibuki (though I do fuck up on her a lot) but then I came int another problem… sf5 still sucks and I can’t be bothered to practice this shit.

Having said that, silhouettes suck. We didn’t need silhouettes for SG to keep us hype. in fact they hyped us more because we still didn’t know how the characters would play.

In this game there’s so much you have no cause about till the reveal:

What’s their 2 v triggers and properties.
What’s their v skill.
Any re offense stuff…
Oki shit
3 or 4 framer
Safe on block specials
Type of confirms

Etc etc.

Yun and yang if they were in could get real divekicks and still be balanced by making the divekicks have either no range, or making their buttons so bad that ken feels like dhalsim against them.

I remember people saying Mika was a waste of a character slot and that she was just terrible and no way she would ever be good, then she made it to evo finals and everyone bitched about her. We really have no clue what capcom will do with any character, so speculation will be rampant.

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ed boon owns
NRS games fucking own
god i cant wait for MK11 I want it so bad


It’s just three threads that I know of. I figure we’re usually ten threads deep on most fighting games that have a buncha players.

So: we just historically haven’t.

Why do so many NRS players play SC?

I’ve never seen such a large amount of MKX players playing non NRS shit.

must be the block button

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Which one?!