SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

And went 1-2 on my weekly today. :frowning:
I could have done better, butā€¦

I managed to split the base of my lever and it is no longer level with the stick and down back failed me on the worst moments possible. :unamused:
I should have picked a sanwa lever instead of this optical one. At least the base would be metal and could take it, unlike this 2 inches plastic base.

You get a fuckton of meter for hitting RE. Also as you play youā€™ll learn some characters donā€™t get shit off some of their A, B, K options. You can also block, step or if youā€™re Azwel hit K and teleport and not deal with any of that shit.

More soul charge and CE? Hell yeah im hitting RE when I know itā€™ll hit.

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Shoutouts to imported Spanish wine for allowing me to whiff punish Alex, stopping him from going manly snu snu with heavy normals and crmpā€¦also DPing Nashā€™s medium normals on reaction with Sagatā€¦also AA everything with 10 toes

dis some gud shit

also thank capcom for reducing lag by 15 frames edit: also how can i forgot, being able to punish all dash upsā€¦once this shit wears off Iā€™m back to teabagging my lost

I know this tastes bitter but its important to take it because it will make you tougher for it in the end

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I watched his Sagat tech video and that was enough for me. It was like - ā€œsuper secret Sagat incredible Okiā€

All ya gota do - is have the opponent standing, in the corner, with meter, and they donā€™t back rise then you can do this!!!


Itā€™s like that other Deadace fella, ā€œSagat footsies!!ā€ Just highlights of him playing people that canā€™t even do comboā€™s.

There is a lot of up side in doing things for beginners, but really you have to explain it super well and have just enough technical bits to keep it interesting.


No such thing is Sagat tech, you just have to zone really really good :^)



This one is for you fam. Sorry about the crappy hat. Limited options :expressionless:





Youā€™re wonderful. <3

I donā€™t understand why nrs games sell more than any other fighting games (except for the sf2 Nintendo game) yet competitively the scene fades out super fast.

Online is throwing the kitchen sink at me tonight. Holy shit. Help.

Competitive makes up a tiny portion of FG players. People just like fun games.

Thats why SF5 got so much shit. There was literally nothing to do.


people who like to play fun games mAKE ME SICK


People that have fun are total scrubs. FG players should be in a constant state of stress, contimplating your life.


You could have marked me down as an FG player even if didnā€™t play FGs then.

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This happened because fightsticks arenā€™t like '80s cabs, thereā€™s no reason to brutalize them with brute force. I told you months ago about start learning how use a Japanese lever the right way without the need of stiff spring in it, but you was stubborn about keep playing the way you used for. Thatā€™s the result, I have an optical lever myself, but I donā€™t use it because the lack of tactile feedback from the microswitches force you to apply more useless power from your arms. Fightsticks are delicate, they canā€™t stand brute force that much.


This happened because the lever makers used a flimsy, sissy, wimpy 2 inches tick hard plastic base that canā€™t take a punch.
I ainā€™t doing any of that sissy delicate movements thing. I will order a steel piece cut at the proper format and dimensions and replace the useless, flimsy piece with something sturdy that can take a punch.

Single player content.

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Didnā€™t realize you also build meter for the initial hit. Still I think I have lost about 70% of any RE Iā€™ve been part of so I hate the mechanic very strongly. I mean thereā€™s nothing I can learn to improve my odds. Even if a character doesnā€™t get something from hitting A it doesnā€™t mean that he wonā€™t do it. Winning the RE is arguably more important than betting it all on a move that allows a follow-up.

During SF4 days a friend of mine was able to break even the steel piece attached to the lever, he also posted the photo of it on SRK years ago. With a steel attachment youā€™re going to get more play time, but it will break anyway even after solder that piece. Hey, you do you.

Well, it is cheaper to buy the steel cut piece in bulk anyway!
100+ spares should last me a good while, I suppose! :stuck_out_tongue:

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