SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Nightmare players are more free than Astas though :///

What Juri’s vskill needs is the ability to cancel the charge animation by double tapping up and perform a neutral jump or double tapping down and remain on the spot.It would benefit her a lot.

It’s not a focus attack so I see no reason why it should be cancelable only by forward or backwords dash.

SC6 top 5 characters at the moment:

  1. Geralt
  2. Ivy
  3. Yoshimitsu
  4. Zasalamel
  5. Azwel

Groh is still really good tho

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Just to make SF4 Juri players at home with the backdash/forward dash cancel of a pseudo Focus Attack.

Nah but really.

I see no reason why she needs to lose so much positioning just to charge her v-skill.Adding the ability to neutral jump it at least would benefit her greatly.

Not to mention it’s a missed opportunity when it comes to usage.I would love if i could use her charged v-skill to go straight up or off a jump mid air. Would make for some really flashy stuff.

List doesn’t have Voldo in it, wrong

Remove Zas or Geralt add Voldo

I haven’t used him much, but Sagat just feels sluggish to me. He walks slow, recovers slow, and just doesn’t have the mobility he had in older games.

I think it would be cool if one of his VTs gave him better range when cancelling his command normals into TK/TU.

Bison can kiss my ass


Capcom genius choices for y’all.

I cant get behind vesper talking about balance. Dude cant even fight his way outta the platinum leagues

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In Vespers defense, he mains the entire game. He tries every character at release. He basically lets his stream decide the character he is going to rock via strawpoll.

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Nash vs Kolin feels like the worst match up ever for Nash. Bitch can just do her V-Skill and catch anything.

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Guile gets revenge for Nash. That matchup sucks for Kolin.

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Ivy is fair and balanced Geralt is a fucking gorilla.

Also why is Az top 5?

He’s like super diamond with the whole cast. That has to account for something man.


Go vote for G today

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Guile is an abusive friend.

Would be pretty cool! Like her parry with 3 follow-up options, right?

Give me Guile over Rog and Bipson any day.
I hate those match ups. :sob:

Skill isn’t why I have an issue with Vesper. He at minimum has pretty good execution, but SFV is only an execution game for certain characters any way. His videos are just a bit too basic for me personally since they’re geared towards explaining strategies to the average player for the most part with occasional tech for specific characters that they play. He’s not really doing anything wrong, just the content I only get real use out of his is some of the news that I don’t bother to read event hubs for.

At this point I’m just waiting for the arcade version to launch so I can watch some 24/7 Japan streams.

Kolin is allergic to fireballs, especially ones that can be safe or plus on block so you’ll live. She doesn’t even have a command grab. If she’s catching you with a ton of v skill stuff you’re probably pressing too many buttons any way. Shit is even more minus on block than it was in S2 so be patient.

When I play Falke vs her first thing I do is make sure to limit where I press buttons on screen. If I want to press a button sometimes I double think and just block and wait for v skill to punish. Kolin is a psychological Geese counter style character, so if you’re always doing what you wanna do when you wanna do it you’re gonna lose. Sometimes you gotta empty jump instead of pressing a button on the way down. You have to give some in order to get some vs her.

Nash vs Kolin should basically be an easier version of the Laura matchup minus her VT2, but Kolin’s VT2 is stupid for every character.

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