SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Azwel is fun, cheap and actually not hard to use at all once you figure out how he works.

I mean, CPT 2017 was won by a Birdie player that likely no one outside of his home country had winning the event vs the guy who’s synonymous with Akuma. He got a few nerfs going into S3 but most of what makes him good vs Akuma stayed intact. Fuudo even switched to Birdie to beat an Akuma player at a recent event (Abao who was one of the last S2 tournament Ryus). The same one he ended up winning after a long batch of 2nd places.

LMK if you’ve watched this yet.

Think a lot of it is just stuff that’s already been said, but I agree with tiger knees needing to be better.

I’m #2 ranked Maxi atm, I can beat some of the other rank 1s

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maxi player huh, I know what puts the fear of god into ya then

Mighty apestaroth will put maxi back in the dirt where he belongs.


You’re gonna actually have to back those words up fam.

ok but ill just play nightmare instead cause astaroth is the worst character in this game :frowning:

Don’t really watch vespers videos, bit long winded for what’s basically simple information.

I don’t think it’s a secret what Sagat needs. I doubt he will get any of those things though, I’d practically bank on him remaining almost the same outside of quality of life changes.


So that last part was just me wanting to throw a fireball which somehow got turned into a DP but luckily for me you dashed into it lol.


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Yeah, it’s funny. He was all over the place in SCV but I never see him in VI.

GGs bro. I sent you CFN request so we could play more. I’ll likely send you one on my PSN account also since I prefer to play PSN people on PS4.

I like that your Akuma is kinda different from the others. Good use of air EX fireball to not commit too much in the air. It’s really good vs Falke but almost no Akumas use it vs her. I was just kinda fucking around cuz it was casual matches and a bit laggy on my side, but there was definitely some interesting things that happened lol. The TK air fireball that didn’t combo but then I still got hit after was lulz.

True. Yeah I don’t really watch his vids a bunch for some of my own reasons, but it reminded me to ask you about it. There’s no way his VT1 can stay exactly the same at the minimum that has to change. You’re probably right in that his non v trigger toolset could likely end up mostly the same because that’s the price you pay for being good at zoning. It’s not good for eSports so you don’t get much else.

s.HP not being 13F start up would be great also. For something that doesn’t even CC and only cancels into super it makes zero sense. I remember AutoMattock got mad cuz I pressed buttons after blocking his f+HK even though it’s plus. I checked the replay though and he pressed s.HP afterwards which wouldn’t even be a real frame trap. Figured somebody like him would understand that a 13F button isn’t going to gap well on a plus 3 button.


I’m surprised to hear that other Akuma’s you encounter don’t use air EX fireball. Gotta show it to make you afraid to DP the same way you’ll use air shot and the drop down move to make me afraid to DP. Anyways, I feel like the one time I showed you my counter to air shot you completely removed the move from your mind lol.

As for the TK air fireball set up. Against most characters I can land and do cr. MP if it hits. But it won’t work against tall characters like Bison or Urien. Instead I have to use a faster button and I guess that means Falke is one of those tall characters it won’t work against. And I think I just caught you tech’ing or pressing a button afterward.

Yeah you just caught me hitting buttons because I figured the TK fireball would combo, but then it didn’t and then must have hit something else LOL.

Yeah air fireball isn’t insanely useful vs Akuma any way. The reward isn’t worth it. Good to know you’ve been fighting a few Falkes to know the basics of the matchup. Lot of Akuma players way higher ranked don’t even know most of what you know. Now that I know you hold on to your trigger I’ll know how to pressure you next time. You wouldn’t v reversal for nothing so I know how to deal with that.

About me holding onto VT, I never use V reversal. It’s just something that I’ve never added to my game. I think I’ve done it more accidentally than I have purposely lol. Funny thing is that you’re the first Falke that I’ve fought in months. But I played against her so much during the 1st week she came out so was able to come up with some ideas to counter her because of that.

Another thing is that I was wanting to throw air fireballs from a safer range. Not to pressure you, but just to push you back or make you jump at me. But I think you kept walking forward which allowed your DP to reach me. Was that it or was my spacing just bad?

Oh and that jump attack you were using against me. That felt like Menat’s j. HK. There were many occasions where I thought your wouldn’t reach me but you did and I didn’t DP because it’s a range where DP would whiff if you pressed nothing.

I’ll explain the v reversal thing when we play a set sometime.

Oh and yeah I knew that you knew how to space your air fireballs to make them work vs Falke so I did the counter play which is to move forward in. I’ve played the match up a ton so I already know what to do vs people who actually know how to space the air fireball like you do. Good that you know correct spacings to use it vs Falke, but I know how to work around it.

Yeah her j.mp is faster and longer than menats j.hk. Can overhead people from really long range. Very good vs Guile as it forces him to give up his down charge from a nutty range. Limiting his AA game severely. You don’t have to respect her j.mp that much though as it’s all hurtbox. It’s easy to just anti air it with a bunch of buttons if you know she’s abusing it and get juggle combos if you’re close enough

Characters like Sagat can only be made strong with better zoning damage or better pressure ( which goes against the point of a zoner).

If you are ibuki say, you can just keep gambling , taking damage knowing you can 1-2 touch me into the corner into v trigger etc.

Angry scar DP I thought was respectable at 160, but now I think it should probably be more like 190 for how tough it is to load it up. Either that or half the recovery. 55 frames is down right ridiculous.


All the charged v skills need to be way faster. Uriens, Alex’s, sagats, and maybe even juris.

Juri’s is fine because the charge time only really is an issue for the first charge. After that you always get a free charge whenever you hit the opponent with it. Also unlike the others she doesn’t really have to commit to it because she can cancel it midway. It’s really good as it is now, no need to mess with its frames.


Quick rise + moves that travel halfscreen will punish your charge attempt after a succesful v skill, headbutt and ex legs for example.
I agree on the charge time being fine as it is tho and honestly I find myself using her v skill less and less

I should use it more with Sagat, but I don’t see the 30 damage being worth 55 frames of control and there’s no juggle that you need that DP for you can’t already do with an EX bar.

Basically Sagat V-skill just another lazy as fuck not well thought out V addition.

His juggle system is super weird, you can juggle with a lot of stuff already without the v trigger.

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I like Sagat’s v-skill because he was only about tiger shot and uppercut in Super Turbo.

Would be cooler if Alex’s was that DDT…