SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Can’t wait for more disappointment as the rich continue to get richer with the best custom combos.


Being able to anti air even if they jump over a whiffed button is a huuuge factor. The whiffed button is usually attempting to either just zone and keep someone from yolo dashing in on you, or to actually whiff punish on twitch reaction. I had to play this way to adapt to a master ranked laura the other night with g, and it was wat more taxing than it should be to fight such a rudimentary gameplan

This is why i think g’s anti air is mediocre. Im trying to play grounded footsies but i have to hold a jump in if i’m commited mainly to the ground game. So to adapt im usually just buffering st.lk since it’s the only button that recovers fast enough, they jump over just about any other button then i have to block. So everything else is hard reads, the occasional special or cc, and mostly “wish punishes” because you open yourself up to getting jumped on otherwise

The strength of your anti air determines how much you can commit to the ground game. This is the power of the aa dp (some weird angles where you cant auto correct effectively in some matchups) but i can fully focus 100 percent on the ground without having to worry about jumping.




If I get Makoto, I don’t care.

(I would get BS anyway)

who the fuck is ed!!!


Naw fuck that after grinding SC6 you gotta know the numbers behind shit because some characters get away with waaaay more unga.

I hopped back into SFV on Sunday and got my shit kicked in. I’m having one of those moments where I wonder if I’ll ever be good an any fighting game. Although I did hop on SC6 before the night was over and went up a rank.

I hate that I’m addicted to pain and failure :confused:

Also I;m still tight Isaac didn’t make into Smash.


Mhike2stronk is all Hollywood now.

Yeah there are some characters you can play in SFV where you don’t need to know too much of the data since you’re the one forcing your data on them most of the time. Characters like Cammy, Bison and Birdie are ones where they do a good job of just forcing their frame data on the opponent before they have to worry about the opponent’s. If you’re not a big frame data person just pick Bison. Everything is safe or plus and you can just work on where to put things.

You still playing Ivy or is Ivy too hard?

In other news, one of our local barcades has gotten a Tekken 3 cabinet. Shit’s lit. There’s always a line for the damn thing, the casuals enjoy it, and the gameplay is top notch even today, if you can live with most of the characters being ridiculously broken.

Seong Mina rewards you better for good 2D zoning fundamentals than any SFV-character does tbfh. If you want to stop the unga by use of a long pointy stick, that’s where you should look.

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Or pick Nightmare and play it like it’s SFV, including V-Trigger.


Please watch and share this video of a poor almost disabled low-IQ Bison fend for his life against a mean Guile.


It’s an important factor, but I don’t think it correlates to “MP DP is best AA”. Mainly because one button AA’s also allow you to do the same thing and give better reward even on trade. Even MP DP’s have rare cases where they trade after whiffed buttons so it’s not like they’re infallible either. That’s what Highland was talking about. These MP DPs aren’t what they used to be even and you have to do more execution to activate them than a one button DP.

There isn’t really any extra power to having a MP DP over a top tier one button AA and the one button AA has more potential for damage and set up any way. Plus it’s SFV. You’re probably losing matches you shouldn’t be if you’re that worried about someone jumping over a whiffed button. You have to play a little loose sometimes and not overly micro manage a game that you literally can’t. Gamerbee said it best that he started doing better playing on feel than on reaction in this game.

Even Tokido just blocks some jumps sometimes and he’s using Akuma. Better to play for the long game and get the momentum later on even if there’s a chance you may get jumped on. You can always get momentum back in this game as long as you aren’t dead.
The bigger issue with G specifically is you’re playing a character that has to hold shit once he blocks a jump in. For actual high tier characters you still have your 3 frame, EX DP and can afford to burn V Reversal and still get trigger later. When I play Falke I have buttons like s.MK and s.HP that if I whiff early enough before they jump I won’t have time to anti air, but I can at least block while still sitting on an EX reversal to make them afraid to hit buttons. Same with Ibuki who also gets a broken good anti air once she has VT2 any way.

Basically if you have to block after whiffing a button with G you got no choice but to either hold their pressure and hope you get a lucky button into VT1 activate or burn V Reversal and hope you somehow get another chance to activate VT1. That automatically puts G out of the top tier meta who can afford to block jump ins after whiffed buttons or even just afford to sit and block one just to be safe. Which is why holding on to super with him is important as that’s the one shot you have of keeping people from pressing buttons and giving you a spot to activate. If you were playing a high tier character with EX reversal/3 frame jab and better neutral V Skill you’d have more options and room to take blocked jumps than G.

Sometimes Bison is going to have to block if one of his neutral buttons gets jumped on, but since he has a 3 frame and always gets his turn back if he touches you with anything, that keeps him more into the meta and makes it easier for him to block jumps after whiffing buttons. Plus his j.MP anti air which is dumb good and leads to full combos.


is playing Ivy and cannot cheese his way to E rank

Twin, my son. I love you. Please.

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Naw I;m still with Ivy. I’m rank F2 which is probably Super Silver/Ultra Silver SFV maybe? E rank is after that but fucking Frosty is already D rank that mother fucker.

I legit love SC6 though. Didn’t think anything could keep me from SFV. I actually missed Laura’s 2nd outfit piece because I was grinding SC6 ;(

Sung Mina’s low poke (YOU’RE OPEN) is one of the most salt inducing moves in the game. Like shit is mad brain dead but I also main Ivy so I’m literally the pot calling the kettle.

Nightmare is a SFV character in SC. Not only does he get fat damage of the most easy baby mode shit but he’s got auto GI trash mixed in with some of his biggest fuck you tools. I can do the old zone and bone but once that asshole gets in it’s just an angry gorilla mashing away. The only reason why I’m not bitching more is because unlike Laura/Abigail I actually think Nightmare is cool.

Also Mocha’s AA article hits me in the gut. That shit is so damn true.

I’m almost there, I was having some issues for a minute but I seemed to have pushed passed them for now. I feel like my movement is getting better. And I feel a bit more comfortable controlling space with Ivy. My biggest issue is how to handle pressure and deal with people who know how to get in. Ivy has some super punishable stuff on block that I gotta stop using up close. But I think she’s balanced well around that.

Also I can’t do Summon Suffering on command like all the other Ivy’s due to shit execution.

I’m still at the lowest rank so I’m also worse than Twin at Soul Calibur

Always consistent

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i play nightmare, its cool cause he’s actually mid tier at best because his shit is all super punishable but everyone is stupid as hell and nobody punishes nothing so I get away with murder all the time



It’s EXTREMELY linear though, any player worth their salt will do micro-sidesteps constantly vs Mina to ensure she can’t hit with it.
But that’s kind of the point. Ensuring people can’t run straight forward at her unless they want their ankles stabbed from fullscreen, so they need to resort to careful lateral movement. That sets up her damaging tracking moves, or hesitation which she can use to run up and do big mixups.

It’s very similar to how fireball zoners work in SF, if you imagine 1B is a fireball, lateral movement is jumping, and her lethal hit tracking move (6A) as a DP. The “fireball” is about stifling movement and make them “jump” so that you can “DP” them.


sees Twin’s comments Nightmare, thinks he sounds like an Evil Canadian character. Scrolls down and sees Evil Canadian’s post :rofl:


For what it’s wroth, once you get the general movement down you can rest on your fighting game fundies to get you up through E rank. At first it’s gonna feel like you’re getting hit by damn near everything but once you start to see characters basic mix up’s, you’ll at least learn when you can block low or mid.

Since I main Iv, I’m getting away with allot of shit because she’s the Guile of the game in some ways. I normally don’t fuck with zoners but I used Ivy as a kid so there’s a bit of nostalgia there. I have no doubt you can surpass me with ease. You are much better at understand the ‘why’ while I’m a trial by error guy. I have to lose more than I win because I just don’t process information like normal people do. Prob cuz I’m not very smart in real life.

Yeah I’m super fucking lazy about labbing shit. I get home from work tired as shit and Just wanna relax and play footsies fighter 8 so I just hit ranked and give into to my esports persona. Not a good way to improve but I save my lab shit for the weekends.

Also nerf Nightmare.

It’s funny how you say that cuz when I run into Mina’s it literally feels like SF is going on. Most of the Mina’s I fight will play the game full screen because we both are have characters that play keep out well. It’s frustrating and beautiful all at the same time.

Our Birdie player in Australia ROF ( guy that’s wears the sun glasses) was a combo drop from beating Tokido at that Asian tourney a few weeks back. He did mk bullhorn instead of hk ( for the win) off a jump in confirm.

So yeah Birdie must go pretty well against Akuma.

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