SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Breh in this game having one button aa that turns into air reset/mixup is always better. Balrog for example.


Birdie cr.mp and Akuma b.hp are just good? Ok.


What do you guys think of those rumours of Bison getting his beta dash for S4?

Ive mained Bison for S1/S2 even i think having teledash in normal state that can go through fireballs and normals is kinda cheese. its 22f but it feels like 16f dash. Compaired to Sagatā€™s lumbering 21f dash its night and day.

It was a fun tech to do in the Bison vs. Guile match upā€¦ With good spacing and timing you can go right through slow booms into cr.mp. :smiling_imp:

Itā€™s not about ease exactly. Heā€™s referring to the fact that it doesnā€™t matter how late you whiffed a button or threw a fireball; as long as you arenā€™t stuck in recovery frames, you can DP AA someone due to speed and air invincibility. Which edges it out over bhp.

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Seriously. I would kill for that kind of AA. I need someone to tell me why I am still playing Chun in this game? I wish she had something to fall back on besides her normals. Season 4 canā€™t get here soon enough. I need a new main so hopefully Rose shows up.


Chunli has a good variety of anti-airs, no? Air throw, st.lk, b.hk and j.mp into combo etc.

Iā€™m really looking forward to lots of new characters too. I like pretty much all of the characters in the game but Ryu is still the most fun and easy to use.

I am more interested in the inevitable Falke buffs that will come with S4. :eyes:

I agree with this but then howā€™s cammy b.mp rated higher when itā€™s just one frame faster?

Alright, akumaā€™s b.hp could be better than what i think terms of raw anti air capabilities. Ya get my point though in how im evaluating anti airs right?

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No thanks. If anything, we should be getting back-teledashes to be less telegraphed and further inspire hate and fear.

Birdie AA prolly up there with best in game ā€¦


I know we are stepping into DBZ territory here but this is cool.

I want Gouken in S4. MAKE IT HAPPEN CAPCOM !

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I want Ryu in S4


Hmmm you have a point, but I donā€™t think itā€™s enough to make it a solid definition for the strength of anti airs. What Highland said about DPs I think plays pretty well into rating them also. Late SFIV and SFV DPs just arenā€™t old DPs. Even in SFIV you can see evidence of DPs that donā€™t hit flush and only do like 70 damage. Thatā€™s not a very good reward even if you consider the shortcut. Might as well have just had a one button AA that does a bit more damage and gives you set up at that point.

When considering shoto DPs like Kenā€™s MP DP, I donā€™t think the whole being able to whiff button and then DP thing is that big of a factor. Mainly because you will always inherently have a harder time AAing if youā€™re whiffing medium or heavy buttons before AAing and also because itā€™s arguable that Birdie gets a better reward for whiffing s.MP or s.MK and then doing a c.MP AA on a jump than Ken does on a DP.

If youā€™re talking Kenā€™s MP DP sometimes you can whiff Kenā€™s c.MP, Cammy does deep j.HK and then you go for MP DP and it trades with the trade damage being in Cammyā€™s favor and her being knocked way too far away from you to do any oki. Whereas Birdie can whiff s.MP or s.MK, still have time to do c.MP and both a clean hit and trade will give Birdie better reward than Kenā€™s MP DP considering getting a close button/command grab setup depending on range.

Birdie overall I would say definitely has an edge if you even want to talk about whiffing buttons before AAing as he he low commitment, strong neutral buttons like c.LP and s.MP that he can whiff that are good at whiff punishing other buttons and if you jump them, youā€™re taking a clean or trade c.MP into a possible setup. With less execution than a DP and still pretty good at catching dives kicks if he delays slightly. More potential reward for less execution and still get the benefit of being able to whiff buttons willy nilly and capitalize if they panic and jump. If you have time to set banana under you even stronger (which is why Zangief dies to Birdie)

Birdie also has bullhorn to get through air fireballs which only requires him to hold down a button he doesnā€™t use much like HK in order to do. Shotos have to do more to anti air air fireballs and jump stuff in tandem than Birdie does as well. Birdieā€™s ability to cover AA vs Akuma better than anyone else is a big part of why heā€™s about the only character that actually beats Akuma.

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Dunno if itā€™s a clear win for Birdie, but definitely he has enough stuff to challenge Akuma without worrying about his demon shit.

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I feel itā€™s slight win at least 5.5. Wins the ground game, best character at not letting him jump, hits him twice heā€™s basically dead and his pressure is strong enough to force him to V Reversal which limits when he can pop trigger. Akuma canā€™t afford a bad EX DP vs Birdie because that damage will nearly seal the round on its own. The health ratio between the 2 characters means Birdie can afford to generally make more mistakes than Akuma also.

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B+HP is great, but there is one big reason why I avoid using it. If youā€™re walking forward and then do a B+HP in reaction to a jump, their is a good chance you may get red fireball instead. So not only will you eat a jump in combo, but that jump in attack will also be a counter hit.

When Iā€™m walking forward or Iā€™m kind of far away then I always DP if Iā€™m ready to. I only use B+HP at close ranges when Iā€™m in a more defensive position. Another minor thing is that it will get you killed in the mirror match. So thatā€™s why I love running into Akuma players that solely rely on that for AA.

Talking about dpā€™s I hope Capcom fix Old Zeku ok do, thereā€™s no reason to being CC-able when the move donā€™t have any kind of invincibility. The fierce version is the one for AA, but itā€™s slow at with a blind spot over his head. Iā€™m used to 7f dpā€™s because Makoto Fukiage in SF4 had the same startup, but the reward was completely different.

Still donā€™t understand why Akuma gets that b.hp when he has a good dp. Richer gets richer I guess.