SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Unlike Fuerte though Bison takes barely any mechanical skill and he’s probably the third most popular character online so you run into him all the time. Fuerte was a once-in-a-week matchup.


That’s like an online warrior issue. In tournament play you deal with everything and people that know how to do it. Even if I only see a character once in a week if they are a problem they are a problem. In SFV I may go a week with only playing the same 1 or 2 Boxer players once, but it’s still the worst matchup for my Falke by a mile and I hate it everytime he comes up LOL.

Fuerte was a good online character so he was ran into pretty often online as well for me. Kinda like how Blanka wasn’t top tier or anything, but because of how he could abuse the game online was popular enough online. Gouken came up surprisingly often as well BECAUSE of his execution. Can be terrible at neutral but as long as you know some training mode crap and can land back throw into ultra you’re always a threat.

Now that I think about it though I run into Bison particularly less than I should. Since he’s basically Falke’s second worst matchup it’s lucky that I don’t see him more often in ranked. I think at Super Diamond and up the character variety is a lot more varied at least where I live. I run into Ryu players about as much as Bison players at this point. Akuma is probably the only character I see too often. Almost nobody plays Ibuki except for the one or 2 dedicated Ibukis that always come up. Cammy and Guile are frequent, but not as frequent as Akuma. Cammy more so than Guile.

Yeah, sure, it’s just why from my perspective Bison is more annoying than Fuerte.

But then again you never saw Fuerte in tournament play either.

Locally I used to play against Skisonic’s Fuerte a lot in tourney and there were a few regular US Fuertes like Kai and iPeru. There were a few “known” Japanese Fuertes, but yeah there was no big dominate Fuerte until Pepeday Ultra IV Fuerte where they finally gave him consistent tools to BS with instead of just random, long term reward BS.

Well that’s what I meant, Falke’s are slower but still effective. The speed and G’s height are the only reasons I can think of someone saying G’s AAs are below average, which even then I’m not sure that’s an accurate statement.

Like Menat’s are also slower and thus more annoying to use well, but she’s shorter and her AAs are more disjointed. The other one I’d think of is Urien who’s tall and has slower AAs but ever since AAs got buffed in general I don’t see people saying his AAs are below average even with those factors

I dunno. Consistency-wise AAs seem pretty good to me now. The only thing that’s really skewed is still the risk-reward between the two.

But again I’m garbage at theory fighting which is why I asked to begin with, there’s probably something to it I’m missing

Yeah there’s like a few exception characters that can ream you with damage for jumping at them. Like Abigail, Urien and G are all characters that with the right AA can load you with damage and put you into the corner. Those are all characters where the risk/reward isn’t too much of an issue so they overall enjoy about the most rewarding AA you can get in this game.

Like Cammy can’t pour huge damage into you on AA unless she burns her her entire V Trigger or supers you, but her AA is so consistent that if it did any more damage everyone would complain about it being too good any way. Ibuki is also at the point now with her VT2 that if her AA did anymore damage it would get complained about also.

Certain characters like Ryu, Ken and Sakura could probably enjoy a bit more damage on AA, but overall I think the AA game is in a good place at this point especially with the damage reduction. Plus for me personally, learning to just air to air more when people get within cross up range.

Anyone who says G’s AA is lackluster isn’t using j.MP. Just use it.

some jump in attacks are still weirdly strong tho, even strong AA normals like Rog’s cr.hp will often trade against attacks like Guile’s j.hk if not timed perfectly and at the right angle

I’m a little too acclimated to reacting to jumps with a dp, could be muscle memory screwing me up.

A good AA IMO is something that allows you to play neutral without having to keep your mental resources in check. Like rog, cammy, any dp. you can actually try to whiff punish and then anti air in time if you whiff a button.

G’s anti air is fine, but you can’t really be committing to anything if your opponent jumps.

The slow walkspeed and big body kinda hurts. Could just be that I’m not used to using a button instead of a motion dp. And it could also be the online lag hurting, but I’ll give air to airs a try

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Trying to play ranked during a 3 days long weekend in Brazil is an exercise of futility.
How the eff those people manage to have such effing laggy connections?
And to make it worse, they pick busy stages too.

Button anti airs are inherently easier to use, especially in this game. Online lag shouldn’t be hurting you bad enough for it to matter unless the connection is garbage. Especially with G’s AA toolset.

Definitely need to use j.MP a lot more. Even if it trades still get the knockdown. You need to V Skill a lot more too. It’s “slow” start up, but non motion so you can just whip it out immediately as they jump and takes care of most jump angles. Very good vs dives and Ken air EX tatsu crap. It’s active for a shit ton of frames and basically turns him into a DBFZ hit box so it either wins or whiffs and most of the time it’s going to hit and win. Long pushback animation gives you free president power cancel and space from the opponent as well.

Overall j.MP is the best AA he has if you’re looking for the quickest active anti air to use during footsies, but a lot of his other stuff is good for catching early jumps and all give him the space he needs and president cancel. b+HP combos into genocide cutter kick thingy for stupid corner carry and solid damage.

His s.MP is better than his c.HP. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a Rog use c.HP for anything other than like a juggle combo or something.

This is the same way i think about anti airs. How much mental resource do i need to commit to using it effectively. If its 9 or 10 frames i kinda don’t care how good the hitbox is because i can’t use it unless I’m only looking for jump ins.

That’s also the issue with button anti airs that are 3-5 frames and don’t care too much about angles. You don’t have to think about them at all. At least a dp requires a motion and also makes you think about the angle.

Sfv anti airs are mostly polarizing. Either so good you don’t think about them or so slow or angle specific that you can only use them if you’re focused on jumps.

st.mp is overall the go to AA but for far jump ins c.hp is mandatory according to a master rank I know , that button has an 8 frame startup and 5 active frames with the first being upper body invinicible, there aren’t many buttons like this in the game

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Those of you who do not properly put venom and sass on fuerte’s name have never fought enough feurtes.



Had a really long set with this Grand Master Bison. It was a ton of fun. We went back and forth. One thing I always try to do is force Bison to waste meter doing V-Reversal. I feel like things end up much easier if I can do that. V-Trigger 1 gives me nightmares.


Not knowing who Papa Fredo is

Yeah testing it in training mode now Guile’s hurtbox on his j.HK has this spot where it can avoid grounded AA buttons. You have to make sure you’re almost able to hit him in his butt or your AA can whiff and he hits you. Been playing a lot of Falke so don’t have those problems anymore

How naive I was to think that I would get less lag and less rollback against WIFI PS4 warriors by playing on cabled PS4 here in Brazil.
I expected too much, clearly.

A lot of jump-ins are like that actually. Oftentimes the hurtbox around the jumping limb doesn’t come out until the frame right before it goes active, or until the frame it goes active. So short range AAs from a distance may miss entirely depending on the timing, since you may miss while the limb isn’t out and then get kicked in the head when it goes active.

PR Balrog made a tweet about it quite some time ago when he was complaining about Ryu’s jhk vs Balrog’s stmp