SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Gs anti-airs are great, who’s tripping

cr.hp and v-skill are good


LOL This FUCKING game man

the real shame of that video is vega’s trigger missing. The zeku fuckup super is just karma for that.


It’s actually worse than most

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still baffles me how they beat jump heavies so cleanly

Never tried to beat air attempts with that, heavies can beat jab AA, block is still the best option.

Depends on the jump heavy and how the boxes are set up.

Sometimes they’re like Karin’s or Cody’s here and the jab AA just hits the extended box underneath them

Other times it might be people hitting their jumping heavy too late, so the AA jab hits them before the jump-in becomes active, seemingly beating it clean.

The way jump-ins and AAs in this game are designed is pretty wack

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M bison is a straight up cunt. The worst design in SF history. Fuck that guy.


At least fuerte was low tier until ultra lol

This is one of those situations where the character makes you see things that aren’t there. Highland probably thinks this from using sagat, who more than likely has some of the worst jumpins in the entire game.

Either that or highland is trolling.

As far as G neutral game. It’s actually pretty good. Great anti airs and his fireball goes from being semi serviceable at level 1, to being straight up imbalanced at level 3 and very good at level 2.

G’s problem is singularly that if you ever make him block a jab, he may never play neutral again outside of having vt2 armor as a gtfo/threat.

Same basic problem Alex has but with worse gap closers and better AA and better v trigger. I think G is decent but problematic with the matchups.

Sagat’s jhk is pretty average, as far as hitboxes are concerned

But yeah would suffer the same thing up close as the previous examples. His floatier jump doesn’t help either

It’s probably slower than average for a move with its specific animation which is a generic street fighter animation. All I know is I’ve jabbed it and had my HK jabbed our more than with other characters and that probably goes for all of his jumpins.

Maybe it ain’t hurtboxes, maybe it’s move speed. Idk. Not interested in the game enough to break it down to that level.

The fact we are even talkin about jump in strength…

I feel like M Bison V-skill destroys the match. Ignore me, I just played a laggy Bison and he Bisoned me. All the way from downtown Bison.

At least Fuerte’s shit was punishable…

I mean I hate Bison too but I’d personally take fighting even SFV Bison over Fuerte any day of the week

I can take everything being safe, I can’t take Fuerte squeaking and screaming all over the place and everything he does being a pain in the ass coinflip that loops into itself


Bison is the embodiment of an online character.

Just press buttons,you are safe anyway.


30 minutes in, I’ve been trying to find what players think of SFV as of today

Yeah but you aint just safe, you got a half screen fireball that crush counters and is plus on block.

I feel like I lost at chess from a 10 year old when I get beat by a Bison player.


Oh I just realized Mocha was talking about G LOL. Well in that case certain things he says are true, but generally downplaying a bit. He has one of the best AA games and his V Skill can AA both on the ground and in the air as an A2A. His j.MP is also one of the best A2As in the game. Vs a good G if you jump near him he can just j.MP swat you out of the air and potentially put you in a situation where you can get hit or command grabbed. You don’t get to jump much vs a good G. Better to just stay grounded than to test a good G’s ability to protect the air. Plus his super which kills most frontal jump attempts.

From what I see his s.HP is plenty good as a CC, his sweep is one of the better ones in the game and good at fishing for CC and generally every one of his heavies are good in some way where his CC game strength is pretty negligible. His s.HK is nutty good and combos into V Skill near the corner any way.

Sagat has never been known for his jump ins so nothing new in V. He’s ones of the easiest characters to AA. About as easy to AA as Zangief with no j.LK, j.MK or air command grab shenanigans to try to force a whiff. I was playing against Auto Mattock’s Sagat yesterday and he was surprised at how he couldn’t even far empty jump vs my Falke without getting hit. PP is the truth. Definitely one of the quickest things to make that matchup favorable for Falke is she has all kinds of ways to bait him into taking a jump in or air fireball, but Sagat can’t leave the ground unless she shoots a bad low shot or gets blindsided without getting AA’d.

Falke’s AA speed is negligible because they both touch like the top of the air pretty quickly. Her c.HP only has one AA frame but it touches like the top of the sky at frame 10 so you can AA people before they even get to the top of their jump. Her PP has like 3 active AA frames and outside of early jump buttons to trade she’s going to hit you for the most part if you go up in the air. Also been learning to use j.LP and j.LK more for when people jump in her cross up range (the one place where it’s risky for her to grounded AA). Her EX PP is also a pretty cheap AA as she’s just invincible for long ass time and also has good active frames (as long as you start up it fast enough since it’s kinda slow).

Both of her main AA’s are crouching AA’s as well so she can low profile herself further before using them. If you’re frontal jumping at a crouching Falke you don’t get to come down unless you have a really good dive shenanigan and whiff in front of it.

If you could get like 4 V Reversals that weren’t tied to your V gauge Bison would be easier to fight. He doesn’t have an overhead or command grab, it’s just that his pressure forces you to have to V Reversal to get out of it without committing to an EX DP. He also has to V Reversal to get out of shit sometimes, but he has one of the better ranged V Reversals that knocks the opponent away on top of a 3 frame s.LK with great range.

I definitely prefer dealing with V Bipson over Fuerte also. It doesn’t matter if Fuerte’s shit is punishable because of all of the ways he can feign it with his run stop crap. Plus he has hopping command grabs that can be faked into cross ups. Basically your chances of actually successfully blocking him are generally worse than V Bipson so you just won’t block successfully very often. Fuerte’s main gameplan was to pester you with short combos and plus on block strings so that he did enough damage where he could try his “unsafe” stuff and the risk/reward would stay in his favor. Once he builds up enough damage he can do one of his 9 different things and if he lands them 4 or 5 times you’re done.