SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Fake throw loops are indeed fine, where you catch a normal.
But actual throw loops when the character isn’t a full grappler.
Nah bud, miss me with that shit.

I’ll still throw loop you BIIIIIITCH

Even without real throw loops

Fight me

Lol Brolynho, that set against that Bison from Peru was hardcore porn af

And of course Brolynho dropped everything at the last match.
CPT 2018 will have no Brazilian players there. :smile:

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Sakura v trigger is a perfect trigger balance imo. It’s very respectable damage , has options mid string and unsafe on block if she spams it out. That last part is the most important thing.

The V system is a straight up mess.

Also what I find strange about Sagats trigger is that guys just don’t respect it for some reason. I’m like - I have a one hit armour that will juggle you into a DP … Nope I’m just Gona attack you …? It’s strange. And awesome.

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Gonna laugh so hard when Menat’s VTI is still 2 bars in S4

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Sagat’s VT1 sucks really bad. Really really bad. It’s a shame that it’s in the same game as Rog’s VT1.


Her breast friends will be missed. I hope you saved some pics.

I think G’s a weak character

Come at me SRK forums


Hmmm…he’s not top 5 so sure. I would never personally play a character with no trademark SFV defensive options any way. Give me Falke or Sagat’s honesty over all chips in characters like G any day.

Can’t disagree or agree with that either way. I’m more partial to him being weaker because of his horrid defense, but his offense can be as explosive as Laura if not more so and without a weakness at range. G seems like another character that will have lopsided matchups and will win some and lose some, while probably losing more.

Same as Cody for me, living off the back of HP + HK.

It’s his god awful neutral game

19 frame dash

Below average anti airs

Crush counter is just bad, like really bad

Slow walk speed

Buttons aren’t good enough to compensate for the slow walkspeed

No defensive options, which I would be fine with if it weren’t for his bad neutral game. Everything about the character mostly hinges on the comback factor of his v trig, gross, not for me.

Shame, love the character too. I could be wrong about his potential, but i’ve never been so badly bullied in neutral in my life. And I played sf4 dudley

Could just be janky online experience messing with what you need to do with the character, and I’m hoping so


I feel if you pick good spots with his V Skill Cody’s defensive options are a step up from the worst. His V Skill is basically a no motion shoto HP DP that can hit on the other side (sometimes) which is pretty decent. G is one of the characters you could say basically has no defensive options, but Cody’s V Skill forces a large amount of respect with anyone who knows how to use it. It stops any gapped block string pretty easily. Almost all of Cammy’s block strings that don’t involve a light attack lose to V Skill. The range of the v skill allows him to bully and stop a lot of random forward moving shit in neutral that other characters have to just deal with.

His s.LK is a really dumb button that is kinda like Karin’s S1 s.LK but longer on a character with slower walk. Slow walk keeps it from being absolutely stupid, but it’s definitely one of the strongest light buttons in the game and when he has EX meter starts all kinds of parties if it barely grazes you once. Add VT2 pipe conversions when near the corner and you can basically die off a s.LK and one EX meter.

The character is definitely designed around his v trigger. The amount of new things he can do off of his normals and specials when he’s in pipe he pretty much becomes an entirely different character with pipe.

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Below average anti-airs?

Have you seen G’s crHP?


Yup, that shit hits even against crossup attempts.

G’s neutral game and aa is good.

cr.lp st.lk cr.mp cr.hp st.hp are all buttons that can easily be buffered into smash over.

cr.hp is 8f aa that can stop cross ups.

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You could tell straight away G was a SF5er. Unblockable dash straight into bla bla corner bla.

Thats why I find it hard to make match up charts in 5. Match up charts seem entirely dependant on - did you get hit by the v trigger.

For example I think Sagat vs ibuki is quite even, but it’s hard legislating for 600 damage stun resets off a cr mk.


What makes you say he has below average anti-airs?

Not in a “you’re wrong” sense, just curious about your reasoning. We all know how garbage I am at theory fighting after all

He has 3 AA attacks and they all have pretty good AA hitboxes, and I know you have the reactions to use them well

Da Hitboxes

Is it just 'cause of his height plus their somewhat slower speed (9f for crhp to get to its first AA hitbox, 13f for V-skill and I think 10f for the first AA hitbox of bhp)? And even then I dunno if below average is accurate, seems like his normals are pretty average but his V-skill is just a wall that kills even cross-ups which other slow characters don’t have

Like Falke has slower speed AAs but I don’t think DevilJin would say Falke’s AAs are below average. Below average to me feels like someone like Bison or Alex, with bad going to someone like Young Zeku


Young zeku has pretty decent jab AA.