SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

3D girls are overrated anyway.


Y’all neva discuss SFV, always posting ass n feet n shit

Sagat is such a badly balanced character. I don’t think he’s Gona get buffed. They will break match ups.

Fuck this game.

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What does sagat need?

Imo they should really look into toning down v triggers, some of them have such a huge power gap compared to others.

The classic sagat gameplan seems pretty loose compared to characters that can just activate v trigger and ride the momentum for free.

I think im gonna start uploading content and really dive into how they force a binary style of play sometimes, and how there is little to no counterplay

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It’s not about what Sagat needs, it’s about what other characters need to lack.

Nerf Fighter Season 4 coming soon.

Edit: Also online Sakura players need to stop doing EXDP after blocked tatsu. Why do I feel like every character has this type of situation? I think Peth raged about this shit months ago too.

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Had to dig up sensitive info. Real FBI/NCIS type shit.

They could nerf her frame data, but there’s something that will always remain top tier…


rashid taught everyone wrong

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LI Joe said he needs a one touch kill. I think that’s reasonable


Not only him, many of us complained about these yolo situations. The nerfs at Crush Counters and VTC’s makes these turn steals even stronger, I can’t believe this shit wasn’t intended. There’s too many -2 moves/normals around to fix that now, that’s Capcom way of evening the field for y’all.

I’ve saved the most interesting ones, so I’m ok. Some chicks are strange, acting slutty throwing baits 24/7 on Twitter then removing potential jerk off material for the thirstiest ones, smh.

I’m pretty sure Sagat wasn’t intended to be in SFV, but the demand was too big for Capcom to miss the $ opportunity. I’m curious how they’re going to balance him next season. Toning down dumb VTs or giving him a retarded one?

As Karin, Bonchan had time to play with his food. As Sagat he becomes the prey.

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Sagat will get buffs but will it be any significance in the playing field?

Sakura got buffed in S3.5 but she still a wasteman.

Wifi warriors are out in mass here in Brazil today.
11 matches in a row with massive lag and rollback.

Give Sagat faster medium buttons, faster TK and a bit more damage on his fireballs, and he’s good tbh. He’ll still be hard to win with because of how this game works, but now he can control the game at least.

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Give Sagat whatever makes @Highlandfireball happy dammit!!!

Give Sagat a double jump, air dash and a command grab.

You are welcome Capcom.


Sagats not necessarily bad, it’s just the same shit it’s always been, too many characters have too many safe ways around fireballs.

At the very least the way around fireballs should be like Cammy s ex drill… do no damage and unsafe on block.

Bisons absorb is rigged, juris anti fireball abilities, rogs, G when he gets vt1.

The game has little balance with respect to projectiles and ways around them. You either have guile chucking them with little thought and people can’t do shit, or you have chun tha struggles to get 5 out per round against like an aggro rog or Cammy.

It really shouldn’t be that way.


Juri has to commit to a read in order to punish high shots with her v skill (and a good zoner won’t let you charge that move for free) or ex ryodan, and the first is -10 ob while the second -2.

p.s. we all know they’re going to give him a command grab
p.p.s. to be good he would need the “guile treatment” aka insane walkspeed and incredibly good buttons, and maybe made VT1 3 shots

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Sagat follows the issue of every other character that is designed to be a long ranged fireball character that isn’t top tier. He doesn’t have the offense to go along with his zoning.

Most of the top tier zoners in fighting games have offense to help keep the life lead in their favor because you can’t just win with long winded, long range paper cuts vs every character in any game. Which is why Bison is a struggle for every zoner in SFV including Menat and Guile, but Menat and Guile have the offense to fight him back and get life leads. Whereas characters like Falke or Sagat drop the life lead vs Bison and it’s already half over.

Menat and Guile both have the ability to make their fireballs react on screen in ways that lock up the neutral and provide situations that are very safe or plus on block. Usually the sign of a top tier zoner as it allows them to turn any good position in the zoning into offense which furthers their life lead. Guile specifically has one of the better 7 frame c.MK’s in the game and one of the few 7 frame start up sweeps in the game that hits twice and can be covered with booms or v skill boom. Giving it a safety and ambiguity to punish that’s harder than with other characters. If it lands on CC he gets a free jump or UDK setup.