SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

yes, you will indeed hold that shit

piranha pete owns waluigi for FREE

Maybe I finally understand smash now, I am glad they made a good and morally correct decision like this.


Shadow an assist trophy ;_;

I want to know when the hell Waluigi got fans






dot dot dot

Smash is trash


Wonder why A10 was logged in


Because he will be a Incinaroar main.

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Watching DJ do work with Falke from the CFN Portal:


I was able to get a 5 win streak couple times today. Almost had a 6 vs a Cody player I almost always win sets again, but of course I flubbed up on my neutral for one second and let him get a jump in and lost that match. Finally caught back up to 22.5k so looking to get to Ultra Diamond by next week barring I don’t run into 30 thousand Bisons, Fangs and Boxers.

Love running into Giefs. Usually free points because they’re bad at using their normals and grab ranges. I like playing a character where Gief can’t just flex his way into victory and actually has to perform footsies (even though there are other shitty parts of the match for him legitimately).

Nice. I know a few Falke players that watch my stuff too. You probably saw me vs this Grand Master Cammy, Seatown…something. Beat him first match and he dipped out. Got him scurred. Lag can’t be that bad vs Falke any way she has no real lag gimmicks other than dive shit. The Diamond Cammy that I just barely 2 0d after him I had to pull out of my ass. He arguably played better than the Grand Master Cammy any way. Once I saw that he was immediately jumping over my air fireballs I was like “ok he knows the matchup a bit already I gotta straighten up”. He even v skilled through the air fireball which like none of the top master level Cammy players do. She doesn’t really need air fireball to win the match, but it makes it easier if she can use it and he removed that part of the match real quick.


What?! Even after the Red Cyclone shout-out!?

Also, crouching Guile looks wrong to me, like he’s only crouching from the waist down.

Not that I follow Smash but I’ve always heard about this crowd of Waluigi fans that whine everytime he doesn’t get in the game. He’s one of those characters that would end up being irrelevant tier if he gets in any way.

Best thing that has been said here in a while.

But that’s only a thing since the ‘everyone is here’ trailer from E3 this year. Nobody cared about Waluigi before that. I’m pretty sure people still don’t care, they’re just being internet dicks. As if this game needed an unoriginal copy of Wario when there are still a couple of classic missing (seriously, put in a Golden Sun rep and I might buy Smash again).

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I’ve been hearing about Waluigi people wanting Waluigi for years. I mean they’re probably a smaller amount of people than the people that want Dan in V, but they’re very vocal and there’s always something about them shouting about him every Smash game.

The old men keep saying Smash is a party game but ya’ll won’t listen. If you don’t want to party, Nintendo will force you to party.

It is funny because I would get a 4 win streak, lose a match, get another 4 win streak right away, lose a match.
That happened so many times Wednesday. Casual last night was the same thing. Won 4 in a row, lost one match, won 4 in a row. :smile:
I think I will be able to get to super gold with at least one of my accounts this long weekend if not both.
If I too don’t run into 30 thousand Bisons, Rogs and Fangs. Those MUs make me feel like I am playing Gief again.

They already had it in the previous game where you could choose different modes that had different rules and you only matched up against people with those rules (for glory had 1v1) so stop with this nonsense

The only nonsense is trying to stop the party. The Smash party.

Mahreen killed all her instagram pics.


Also there’s no way this post wouldn’t come across as creepy so I’m not even making an effort to hide it.

Lol its funny cuz at first I thought she made her gram private or something. Guess she’s starting fresh

Respect for the honest but I’m still :rofl: right now.

How good/bad is the Sagat/Guile match up again?