SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

They need to hold it in a country that allows prize money. All this headache and the players don’t even get a cash prize.


I hope Ken gets a nostalgia costume. It’s just something incredibly cool about rocking a karate uniform in Porsche or Ferrari red. Coolest kid in school level cool… :open_mouth:

Speaking of Ken:


Bah, Ken.
Who cares about Ken?
Piranha Plant is where it is at! :japanese_goblin:


Queue the Smash Ken has a better face than SFV Ken jokes…


That’s a bad-ass introduction… Counter punch while being handed the final punch :joy: :ok_hand:


Takes away those glowing, floating Zone of the Enders style wings she has at her hips.

I’m too slow at getting SC6 frame data

Still trash tier at fighting games

Nia isn’t in Smash

Everything’s going as expected at least

I tried to put Nia in Soul Calibur for you. If I can stop playing Spiderman, I will see if I can do a better job

Yooooooooooo it’s a hulking, wrestler cat who is also on fire. I think Incineroar might be the coolest pokemon ever.

Oh and Ken jeah that’s cool too


Not into Pokemon but he’s cool as fuck. He’s like a cross between Mika and Gief.

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And he headbutts you, arms crossed, into the ground so hard it creates a nuclear explosion. Jeah, I love this dude

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I think we found @Bea_Iank 's Smash main.

You are wrong.

I have always been a Piranha Plant main.


I don’t play Smash, but it’s always nice to see how hype people get when it comes to their reveals.


Guess I’m the only one aggravated at the direct

Aside from the character reveals which I normally don’t care about (legit annoyed at the absolute worst choice of a Pokemon rep though), if I’m understanding the online part of it correctly, it’ll be up to RNG whether I play 1v1 3 stocks or not

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. I just want to get better at tourney play, not the other garbage. Don’t force that other shit on me just because matchmaking decided it.


Uh maybe I kinda didn’t pay full attention to the trailer, but it very much sounded like you pick your ruleset, and then you just get matched with people who want the same ruleset as you.

It tries to match you with people who want the same ruleset as you, but it also takes distance and whatnot into account and as such it’s not guaranteed that you’ll fight someone who wants the same ruleset

Like I said it’s RNG

I’ve given up hoping any of my wishlist makes it into smash.

Sakurai trolling the fuck out of Waluigi fans is the only good to come from these reveals. Incineroar and Piranha Plant before Waluigi? Yo hold dat shit, lmao.

PPlant > Ken