SFV Lounge: Season 4 is almost upon us, hide your mains

Just faced a Laura with with a 148 “win streak” so shocking he RQ once I beat him.

Gamer tag SuperiorBlackMan


You probably counter picked him with Gief too. That’s not a real honest loss. He should keep his streak

Trust me his style of Laura ain’t getting that win streak by any legit means.

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Guess it makes sense for superior black man to love the thicc bonitas. She’s impressed at how he always wins and never loses.

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Meanwhile I couldn’t get a 5 win streak with Falke on my ranked run tonight. :frowning:

That shit is literally Kryptonite.

I think SuperiorBlackMan might be the evil alt of Cute_Black_Man.

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Sanford bitching about triggers again. I don’t think he’s looking for it enough or something. I mean the other day I played a master ranked ibuki in a FT5 and beat him 5-3 with Sagat.

You just have to be hyper aware of the situation. Like you have to change your mindset completely when those bars are up.

As a small change though I think if those bars flashed it would help just enough.


We really have to wait for

until the end of November because of Infiltration’s Bitch Ass is a Butt Muncher.


Anybody playing Red Dead 2 here? I just got the ps4 pro bundle with it. Gonna run some of that on the weekend.

The quality of SFV online has dramatically improved on the pro or maybe I’m jus getting lucky with connections today? Rip to my OG launch ps4.

I’ve heard good things about RDR2 and a lot of the negative feedback has been from the autistic bunch. Waiting for PC Version + the online game mode which I believe isn’t out yet ???

Just from what I’ve seen I think Rockstar redeemed themselves from some of the lacking elements in GTAV (+Online)

I heard they got some of the creators of Max Payne to help them with RDR2

Check this out

Remember to name your Horse something polite and nice of course, I’m guessing you’ll be using the same horse for online

I asked this question in the first few days of the lag patch, but didn’t find an answer. Just wanted to know if anybody had tested the Pro vs the regular PS4. I mean it shouldn’t be different, but this is SF5.

Rdr 2 is a good game, but is not 97/100 good.

yeah its more like a 96, anyone who gave it a 97 is out of their minds!!!


actually on second thought its totally a 98, anyone who gave it a 97 how fucking dare they how dare you short change it that one point that CRITICAL ONE POINT

I would give it 8.5/10 for now. 20% progress, so far.
I know that you are trolling, but I did choose the number on purpose. That is game’s metacritic score.

I’m curious on how the input code changes the costume.

This keeps getting worse and worse.

We need you to run the next LATAM Regional Premiere event. This is beyond ludicrous at this point.


I may have to get my hands dirty next year. :neutral_face:
Talk with some people here, do some stuff, contact Capcom and make sure this team won’t be hosting another CPT premier any time soon.

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